Just a Little Blue

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Y/n's POV

Arizona and I make our way back to the room and wait for Addie to come back from analyzing our results. I guess I was bumping my knees and fidgeting with my hands a lot because Arizona put one of her hands on my thigh and the other occupied my hands.

"Hey, pretty girl. I know you're nervous. But whatever happens, we're in it together. You're my best friend, I know one way or another we are going to end up at our spot. But I will always be there for you, no matter the time, situation, or state of emotions we are in." Arizona says, stroking her thumb along my hand. 

"I love you." I tell her with a gentle kiss to the lips. "I love you." She says back with a big smile, biting her bottom lip. 

After a few minutes of just enjoying each other's company, Addie comes back in with our results. "Alright, as anticipated probably, I have good news and bad news." Addie says with a professional tone. "Bad news first." I say. Addie looks at me solemnly. I already know what she is going to say. Arizona grips my hand and thigh tighter.

"Y/n, your egg count is phenomenal, but as you may already know, I cannot in good conscience recommend you carry because of the cancer, the transplant, and the heart condition. You are essentially signing over your life to having a baby. I know it's the news you expected to hear, but it really doesn't get easier." Addie says with soft eyes. I nod, fully knowing that was the answer, but she was right, it doesn't get any easier.

"Good news." Addie starts again. "Arizona, you are in pristine health and your egg count is equally phenomenal. Everything looks good to be able to carry a baby." She says happily. Arizona gives a happy nod to Addie. "Addie. Y/n and I discussed in the event we got the confirmation that Y/n wouldn't be able to carry, we would use her eggs to inseminate me. We would really like for this to be able to happen." Arizona states.

"I really like that, you two. I will warn you, Y/n being a twin may mean you will be carrying twins in the near future." She says jokingly. "We don't need to use my eggs, I don't want to put you through that." I tell her with a sigh. 

"Hey, baby. Look at me." Arizona says, lifting my chin to see her. "I said I want my mini Y/n running around. I would carry triplets or quadruplets if it meant I got to have a mini you running around." She finishes with a soft smile. 

I just nod and look down at the floor. "How about we table any other talk until tomorrow or whenever you're ready. There is no rush to this." Addison adds as she gets up. She comes over to silently and puts a hand to my shoulder and squeezes. She leaves the room and I let out a deep sigh. Although I expected the answer, it just doesn't get any easier.

"Go, I'll be there soon." Arizona says as she stokes her thumb on my hand. I get up to go leave the room and turn back to my wife. I lean down to whisper in her ear. "Please come find me." I say to her. I give her a kiss on the cheek and leave the room. 

I make my way down to my locker and change into my running clothes. I take a different route out of the hospital today through the ER. Just as I am about to leave, I notice this badly injured man and instantly felt bad for him. As they were passing with him, I saw a tattoo that I could never forget. A tattoo that would haunt me for the rest of my life. 

I take off running and I saw April see me through the corner of my eye, but I keep running until I am out of breath and at the park. I fall to the ground, spread eagle near the bench trying to catch my breathe. 

Arizona's POV 

I knew Y/n needed her space, so I wanted to give that to her. I waited a little bit before hopping into my car and going to be with her.

I was walking to my car when a text came through. 

April: Hey, Z. I just saw Y/n before come through the ER to exit and she looked like she saw a ghost when we were wheeling away a patient then she took off running without another word. I feel bad, I couldn't even check on her, I wish I did.

I instantly get worried on what was happening because I didn't hear from Y/n on what was happening. 

Arizona: Thanks, Apes. I'll keep you updated. 

I jump in my car and travel as fast as I could within reason to find her at the park. When I pulled in she was on the ground, catching her breath. Her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate, knowing that wasn't just catching her breath and that was her having a panic attack.

I run over to her as fast as my prosthetic leg would let me. I instantly make my presence known. "Hey, baby. Look at me, right at me. No one else, but you and me, pretty girl." I tell her. I then make the decision that she needs pressure. I move so that I am laying on top of her body and I take my arms and wrap them around the back of her neck. I encourage Y/n to wrap her arms around me and she does that in a second.

We are laid there and Y/n's breathing slowly comes back to normal. We lay there silently for a few minutes. I nuzzle my face into her neck, places continuous kisses on her neck. She is stroking my back with her hands softly and I swear I could fall asleep.

"I'm sorry I scared you. I was petrified and I ran. I didn't stop to think to text you, I ran." She said, breaking the silence. "What had you so scared, beautiful?" I ask her, with soft eyes. "There was this man that came through the ER, badly injured. And I didn't think anything of it until I saw the tattoo on his neck. One of a kind, not something that is common." She says and starts to breathe faster again.

"Nope, look at me. Everything is okay. I've got you. You're safe, I won't let anything happen to you, sweet girl." I reassure her. "The man on that stretcher was the man who raped me back in Boston. I have no doubt in my mind." She says, voice breaking at the end. "How is that possible? I thought he was in jail." I say to her. "I don't know, but I know it's him." She says to me.

I don't say anything more and just stay in her arms until she is ready to talk or to go back. Maybe bringing Timmy and Sammy here would help her. I could have our nanny bring them here and we can have a picnic with the four of us.

Our little family is so perfect. I can't wait to see them and she if they can cheer our girl up.

Author's Notes: Alright everyone, I think I am going to go on a short hiatus until my classes are over. Between work, school, and this, it's a lot. Writing this has become like an actual task when I spewed my ideas out freely before. I will get back to the love for writing when I am finally graduated, but right now, something has to give and unfortunately it's this. My classes end in 9 weeks, so I will be back after that or sooner if I find a good balance. Thanks for hopefully understanding, but rest assured, I will be back!

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