Marry Me

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Arizona's POV

My parents were here for about a week with Y/n and I. They said they had to leave tonight, but would spend the day with me. Y/n was stuck at work on an emergency case and said she would see me tonight before my parents left. 

I took my parents out to lunch to my favorite restaurant, which is their favorite restaurant. We made small conversation and had such a nice time. "Honey, let's get our nails done. I haven't gone in a while and I made us reservations!" My mom said excitedly. "What about dad?" I asked them. "I am going to early drinks with Y/n's brother. He invited me the other day!" He also said excitedly.

Was something going on? I let it brush by.

We finished up lunch and Mom and I went to the nail salon. Coincidentally enough, Maggie and Amelia were there. "Hey, you two! Fancy seeing you here." I tell them with a smile. "I guess we had the same idea then. Ooo, what color were you thinking of?" Maggies asks. 

"I was thinking something neutral, maybe like a very light brown, but nothing too light where it's not noticeable." I tell her. "I think that would look perfect on you." Amelia chimes in.

"What about you two?" I ask. "Blue." Maggie says. "Black." Amelia says. "Of course you pick black, Amelia." I say with a laugh and Maggie joins in. "Have you met me?" Amelia asks with a laugh. "Yes, and we wouldn't have it any other way." Maggie chimes in.

"Oh, you two have met my mom before." I say pointing out my mom. "Hello, Mrs. Robbins." Maggie says. "Nice to see you again, Mrs. Robbins." Amelia states. "Please, call me Barbara, dears. Mrs. Robbins is much too formal." My mom says with a laugh. 

"I was also thinking of black too, Amelia." She says with a laugh. "Mom!!" I exclaim. "Oh hush dear, I was only kidding. You're so gullible." She says with a hearty laugh. "That she is, Y/n always gets her good." Amelia says.

"Oh my, she does. Remember the time Y/n hid in the attendings' lounge in your locker, Arizona? She fit right into your cubby and scared the shit out of you! And I thought I was going to die from laughter. Everyone got a good laugh out of that one." Maggie finishes her story. "Oh, so funny you two. My misfortune is so hysterical." I say, slightly annoyed.

"She's always been a bit sensitive when it comes to pranks on her." My mother laughs and the other two laugh along with her. I give my mother a glare. "Alright, enough about my finer moments in life, let's get our nails done, shall we?" I ask them. They all nod and take a seat in their chairs.

I haven't had my nails done in a long time, they felt so good. And they even threw in a leg massage for it too. We get up to the front and pay.

"It's all paid for. Everyone is all set." The cashier tells us and I look at her in shock. "How can that be true?" I ask them. "Someone came by earlier and pre-paid for everyone. Said to make sure to tell them to have a nice day. But who is Arizona?" She asked. I tell her that's me.

"Oh then this is for you. I was also told to give you this garment bag." The cashier hands me a note and the bag. 

As I was about to look at my mom and the other two, they are already out the door and running away. What the hell was going on?

I take the bag and note and sit down in the front. 


Hey, beautiful. I hope you had a good nail appointment. You deserve to be pampered and deserve to feel like a bad bitch from time to time. Don't let it go to your head though. ;)

Go get changed into your new clothes and the fun will begin.

You're going a little scavenger hunt, so put your thinking cap on and go to the first place where we met, our favorite bartender is waiting for you. I'll see you soon, Battleship. 

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