Time to Party!

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Y/n's POV

We all got to the third floor meeting hall and it was all decked out in streamers and a sign that says "Congratulations Dr. Y/n Karev!" I was in awe that this was set up for me. It made me momentarily forget of the events that happened today and just wanted to enjoy the party.

There was a DJ that was playing music and I got the urge to dance. But I had to request the song Arizona and I first danced to all that time ago. I said to play a few songs before putting it on and the DJ gave me a smile before returning.

Meredith and I were stood over by the drinks. Our favorite bonding place. "Okay, spill. What's up with you and Arizona?" She asked. "We are good, great even. I got nervous after everything and basically tried to tell her that I understood if she wanted out, but she was having none of that." I said with a laugh. "You literally turn that girl's world. I can't even imagine her being with someone other than you. You are perfect for each other, it's almost disgusting how cute the two of you are together." She says with a laugh.

"I wish I would have gotten to meet Dr. Shepherd. He seemed like an amazing guy. Potentially full of himself like Amelia I am guessing?" I say and she laughs hard and nods. "But he gave you three amazing kids and he left you with a village. I hope you know that you are not alone and you never feel like that. I will always be on your side, Meredith." I say, "this could be the alcohol talking, but I am feeling sentimental." I finish with a laugh.

We hug each other tightly and the song I requested comes on. "Excuse me, Dr. Grey. I believe I have to ask one Dr. Robbins for this dance." I say with a smile. "Go get your girl, Dr. Karev!" She says with a big smile.

I see Arizona over talking to April and I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. April smiles and says, "you two are adorable." 

"Can I steal her from you for a few minutes, April?" I asked. "Of course, go be sickeningly cute." She says with a smile.

I twirl her around and hold both of her hands. "Dr. Robbins, will you have this dance with me?" I asked with a smile. "Of course I will, Dr. Karev." She says with a kiss to my cheek.

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close as she wraps her arms around my neck. Our cheeks were pressed together and I stole a few kisses to her cheek and neck while we were dancing. 

"Is this song familiar to you?" I asked her. "It sounds really familiar, but I can't put my finger on it." She says. "This is the song from Joe's. The song I said I refused to be your rebound girl. Well I said that after the song was over, but just a little context." I said with a laugh. 

"Well at least now I have my forever girl." She says slyly with a big smile as I pulled back to give her a big smile as well.

She then closed the distance in between our faces and placed a tender and soft kiss on our lips. We went back to dancing together and enjoying each other's company. 

The song ended and then we went to sit down after grabbing dinner. Everyone was gathered around the table together, morale was definitely better than it was a few hours ago. I was so lucky to be with such an amazing group of talented and caring surgeons.

I went over and sat with Meredith and Dr. Cristina Yang. I wanted to thank her for backing me up before.

"Dr. Yang, I cannot thank you enough for how you defended me earlier." I said. "Please, call me, Cristina. I would do it again and again. Meredith talks so highly of you and I can tell she loves you immensely. I know that you can have more than one person in life. You two are definitely each other's person in this hospital. I know Evil Spawn is it for you too." She says with a chuckle and I laugh too. "You take care of each other here, and I am grateful she has someone like you to look out for her." She finished with a smile. "Meredith has nothing to worry about, I'll always be here for her. And if you ever need anything, Cristina. I'm your girl. We need to hide a body? Say less, just say where." I say with a hearty laugh and she does the same.

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