7 years

798 25 0

Timmy's POV

Auntie Arizona and Dr. Y/n came back the next day to see us since it was getting late when they came and saw us again.

Was this really true? Our Auntie Arizona was with us after all of these years? I had to understand why it took so long for her to get to us, but I am 7. I am still trying to understand what makes the world go round, let alone my auntie suddenly being with us.

"What's got you lost in thought, buddy?" Dr. Y/n says to me. My sister and Arizona are off in the corner of the room playing. "I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of this. I had to be the brave one, you know? I am only 7 years old, but I had to grow up. One of us had to." I tell her.

"You know, my brother and I are twins too." She paused and my eyes lit up. "Let me page him and then I'll continue my story." She pauses and pages him. "When we were around your age, we had to start to take care of my mother. She was very sick back then, so him and I had to grow up fast. We didn't have a choice. Our father was not a nice man and wasn't going to take care of her. So we had to do it ourselves. So I know what you had to do. My mama was very sick and one day she wasn't with us anymore and it was just Alexander and I. We were all grown up by the age of 12 and we didn't know what to do anymore. We were by ourselves until we went our separate ways at 16. We both went to college and medical school and became surgeons. We lost touch for 17 years and made our way back to each other in this very hospital. So I know you had to grow up for your sister and yourself, but you have Arizona now. And myself, and this entire hospital will have your backs when they find out who you are. Your grandparents are on their way too, do you remember them?" Dr. Y/n asks.

"Nana and Papa are coming?" I ask excitedly, Sammy overhearing me. "Nana and Papa, they are coming?" Sammy comes running over, grasping onto Dr. Y/n's leg. "They are, is that okay with you two?" Dr. Y/n asks. "Yes!" Sammy and I say in unison. 

I see Auntie Arizona's smile falter. "Is that okay, Auntie Arizona?" I ask her timidly. "Of course it is, buddy. Why wouldn't it be?" Auntie asks. "I may be only 7, but I am pretty smart for my age. You may have only known we existed for a few hours, but we knew you existed all this time. I know Nana and Papa never told you. I can put the pieces together. I know you want to be angry with them, but they were protecting us and they were mostly protecting you. We know you are a doctor for kids like us and we know you were just out of your resdicne---" I pause, "okay, I may not know that word." I finish. "Residency." Dr. Y/n says. "Yes, that's it. When our parents died, I grew up, I had to be strong for my sister and I. So I know more than your average 7 year old. I know the pain you must feel for just knowing about us, but I don't want that to ruin what you have with Nana and Papa. They are your parents, and our grandparents. We all need each other right now, and I for one am just happy to now know who my Auntie Arizona is. For what it's worth, she's pretty great." I finish. "You're right about that one, Timmy." Dr. Y/n says with a laugh.

"Who told you that you could be so grown up all of the sudden?" Auntie Arizona laughed. "My daddy always said that I was in charge if anything happened to him, so I knew I couldn't let him down." I told her. "You certainly haven't, that's for sure, buddy." She says, grasping my hand lightly.

Just then, figures appeared in the doorframe. It was Nana and Papa. "Nana...Papa..you're really here!" I say and Sammy whips her head around to see them. "Nana, Papa!" She says, running over to hug them.

They gladly hug her back and Nana makes her way over to me. "Timmy, honey. I missed you so much!" She says. "I missed you too, Nana." I tell her with a smile. She hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Colonel." I say, saluting him as he comes over to me. "At ease, soldier." He tells me with a smile. He then comes over and gives me a big hug and kiss on the forehead.

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