Kids Make Everything Better

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Arizona's POV

I sit with Y/n comforting her for as long as I need to until the kiddos get here. "Hey mamas, the nanny is bringing our kids here. I figured they would be able to cheer you up a little bit. I know it doesn't change the fact that this despicable man is still here, but at least we will be all together as a family." I tell her with a soft smile and kiss to the cheek.

"I'm just scared, Arizona. Is it a coincidence that this man is here or did he come find me for putting him in jail?" Y/n says and it honestly broke my heart. She shouldn't need to be scared. She is already so strong and her being scared is just not fair. "What if he knows who I am and who you are and the kids?! I can't put them in danger for my mistakes." She says and she starts to breathe heavily again.

"What happened to you was not your fault. You didn't ask for that. We are better together as a family, so I am not going to let you fight this alone. We will let everyone know what the situation is. Before you even try to tell me that you're better off doing this alone, don't because I will literally kick the crap out of you!" I say with a tear running down my face.

I continue to hold her as we sit in silence. I take out my phone and text April to let her know the situation. 

Arizona: Hey Apes, the man you brought inside is Y/n's attacker back in Boston who she says should be in jail. Notify the authorities and don't let him out of your sights, I don't care how badly injured he is.

I hit send and then go back to comforting Y/n. "I don't want to put Timmy and Sammy in any danger with not knowing what is going on and why he is here. It's my mess, I need to clean it up without putting anyone else at risk." She says and now I am getting a little annoyed.

"Y/n, I literally just said that we are better together, why would you think you would be better off alone?" I say with a snippy tone, pulling out of her grasp and sitting straight up. "I don't get it, Y/n. We're married, we go through these things together. You don't get to fight alone any longer. You don't get a choice in this in choosing to shut me out. You shutting me out breaks my heart. You not being okay breaks my heart. You're my wife, we're supposed to have each other's back, so let me help you. Let me fight for you, I don't care, just don't shut me out." I finish with tears running freely down my face. 

Y/n takes her hand and caresses my cheek and wipes my cheek off with her thumb. She looks down and then plays with her engagement and wedding ring after releasing her hand from my cheek. She doesn't talk for a few minutes before she breaks her silence. 

"I'm being stupid." She mumbles. "I'm just being ridiculous." She says with a sigh. She puts her head in her hands and just lays there.

"Hey, hey. Y/n, look at me, pretty girl." I say to her softly. She doesn't move. I take my two fingers and lift her chin up to look at me. "There she is. Wow, my gorgeous wife. You know, I'll never get tired of calling you that. My wife. Y/n Isabella Robbins-Karev, my beautiful stunning gorgeous wife. You're not being stupid or ridiculous. You're scared and you have every right to be. You don't have the right to do this alone anymore and frankly, I won't let you. We're in this for better or for worse, remember?" I tell her with a soft smile and she gives me a small smile in return.

"I very much would like to kiss you right now. So would you please come here and give me a hug and kiss?" I ask her. She nods and adjusts herself to give me a tight hug. I pull back and look her in those gorgeous eyes and lean forward to place a kiss on her lips.

Our lips connect and it seems nothing else matters. It's just us against the world and the time has stopped. It's just something about Y/n that never ceases to excite me. 

Y/n's POV

"Mommy! Mama! We're here!" Timmy shouts. Arizona and I break apart and rest our heads on each other momentarily. "I love you." I whisper to her and give her a peck on the cheek before pulling away. "I love you." She whispers back before turning to our kids.

"Hi my babies, you're just in time to give Mama the biggest cuddle ever with me!" Arizona says facing them with the biggest smile. They come running over and wrap Arizona and I in the biggest hug.

We stay like this for close to 5 minutes before anyone even thinks of moving. The nanny comes over to us and I move to talk with her. "Hi! Thank you for bringing them. We will keep them for the day and I will make sure to add extra onto today's pay for being so accommodating with us." I tell her and she thanks me and leaves.

"You are absolutely incredible, you know that?" Arizona says as she leans over and whispers in my ear. "This time I can't take any of the credit. This is all you, you wouldn't let me get all dark and twisty, so you're truly incredible, my love." I tell her with a smile.

She looks back over to me and I lean in to give her a quick peck on the lips. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you." She tells me. We give each other one last kiss and turn our attention back to our kids.

"Okay, there is a playground just down the way if you two want, we can go play." I suggested to them. "Would it be okay to stay with you, Mama? Miss Danson said that you were a little sad and we just want to cheer you up. What do you want to do?" Sammy asked with a thoughtful look. "When did you grow up all the sudden?" I say with a small chuckle. "We just want to make you feel better and I'd rather be with you and Mommy anyway. You both make us feel better when we are sad, so we want to do the same." Timmy says and hugs me tightly. 

"You two are the best. How about we go for a walk and grab ice cream at the stand close by? Then Mommy will drive you since she has her car." I tell them. "Mama is coming with us too in the car." Arizona tilts her head, not taking no for an answer. I give her a nod and we all get up.

Arizona laces her hand with my hand and Timmy comes to my side with Sammy going on Arizona's side. We walk up to the ice cream stand and I pick Timmy up, Arizona does the same with Sammy. "May I please have a chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich?" Timmy asks. "May I please have that too?!" Sammy says excitedly. "You sure can!" The worker says. He grabs those and hands them to Sammy and Timmy to hold. "May I please have the same as well?" Arizona asked. "You might as well make it four if that works, please. Thank you so much." I say to him with a smile. "You got it. That'll be 10 dollars even please." He says after handing us the ice creams. I hand him a twenty and tell him to keep the change. He was very grateful and insisted he give me the change, but I said it was my pleasure. 

"Your kids are very polite, I appreciate it when I come across kind kids. You're raising them well." He says with a kind smile. We bid him farewell and find a bench to sit on. I take Sammy in my lap and Arizona takes Timmy.

We enjoyed each others' company and talked about anything and everything we could think of. It's moments like these that make me forget what is going on and makes me appreciate my family even more.

Author's Notes: Okay, we had a break so one more week or so and I should be back to close out this story soon. So I get many ideas and my latest idea is to write a Danielle and Stefania story, and I am STRESSING that this will be a fanfiction, stressing the fiction part. They get enough crap about them not actually being together. But my thought is for Stefania to be the main character and mentor a young actor that is new to Station 19 with a twist on her past. I have seen a few of these stories, but my intention is to make Stefania the main character with the girl and Danielle will be in there as a love interest of course. What are your thoughts???

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