No Justice, No Peace

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Back story for chapter: This chapter will be depicting the injustice of black individuals. The group is at a black lives matter, peaceful rally when the police get involved and individuals that do not support BLM get involved. This is for sure going to be a tough chapter to write, but I feel as though it is something necessary to depict. This will be a longer chapter so it may go back and forth from Arizona's POV and Y/n's POV. Reader's discretion is advised.

3 months later

Arizona's POV

Y/n has been doing so well with her recovery. We have started taking walks around the hospital during the day. I like to think of it as spending time with her, she thinks it's exercise. I mean, it's a win win for the both of us. 

Her and I usually have synced up schedules, but ever since I have completed my training and became chief of fetal surgery, our schedules have been out of sync. Dr. Bailey said we could go back to our original schedule soon, but we just had to be patient. 

"What are you up to today, cutie?" I ask Y/n, us sitting eating breakfast. "Jackson, Link, Richard, Amelia, Jo, and I are going to a Black Lives Matter rally downtown. Don't worry, I have medical arm bands for us to wear if anything doesn't get peaceful." She tells me with a laugh. "I wish I could go with you. I hate not having the same schedules." I tell her with a pout.

"I'll have my phone on me. I'll send you updates and pictures. How does that sound?" She asks me. "I would very much appreciate that, I just want to make sure you're safe." I tell her. "I intend to be safe. We all agreed to stick together and have each other's backs." She tries to reassure me.

"I won't lie, I'm nervous. I've heard how these rallies can go, and it usually is the police making it worse. These rallies are meant to be peaceful, and they are until they show up." I tell her, annoyed. "I know, I hear you. We will be safe and responsible. We have each other." She tells me with a smile.

"Okay, I have to get going, baby. Big surgery today with Addie." I tell her with a smile. "Please keep me updated and be safe. Promise?" I ask her. "I promise baby, you have nothing to worry about." She tells me, trying to calm me. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you." She tells me. I wrap her in a tight hug and a lingering kiss before walking out the door to work.

Y/n's POV

I meet up with Jackson, Link, Richard, Amelia, and Jo at my apartment. We are making signs to bring to the rally. 

"Oh, Jo. I really like what you've done with your sign!" I tell her. "Thanks, Y/n! Your rainbow sign is so cool!" Jo says back. I give her a big smile.

"Alright everyone. I have these, so put them in your pockets. I really hope we don't have to use them, but if this rally turns unpeaceful, usually if we put these on, people will know understand that we are providing medical assistance. They aren't guaranteed to work, but at least we have them. We stick together, do not split up." I tell them. 

They all nod in agreement and take the armbands to put in their pockets. 

We make our way downstairs and the rally has already started outside our apartment. I have my backpack that is full of medical supplies. I always carry the essentials when it comes to doing any rallies or big events. You never know what can happen.

We are peacefully walking down the street with many other folks of Seattle chanting, "NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!" 

I take a picture of the scene and send it to Arizona.

Y/n: Wish you were here, baby. It's remarkable. 

I quickly hit send and go back to chanting with everyone else. 

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