At Home, Nothing to Do

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2 months later

Y/n's POV

I can't believe I still had one more month before I could return to work. I asked Dr. Bailey if I could at the very least resume studying, just to keep up with the ever changing medical information.

Alex and I made a trip out to Iowa to visit our mother's grave and, while it was sad, it was great to go back with Alex and just have sibling bonding time. 

Callie was coming over today, and as if on cue, she sends me a text.

Callie: I have someone I want you to meet today, is it okay if I bring them over?

I reply instantly.

Y/n: Yes of course, I need more human interaction. Being alone sucks.

I put my phone down and go back to trying to make breakfast for Arizona and I. She comes in the room and bumps me away from the stove. "Arizona, I swear. I am fine, please let me make us breakfast." I whine to her. "You know how I like protecting you, I am not letting you do a thing until you are getting a clean bill of health and back to work." Arizona says sternly.

"I mean it, Karev." She stares me down. "Don't last name me, Robbins." I say to her with a glare. 

"Baby, don't get mad at me." I tell her nervously. "Oh, what did you do?" She asks. "Nothing, I didn't do anything. It's just something Callie mentioned a while ago that's been looming." I tell her and she puts her head to one direction in confusion. "She said that you wanted different things and fell out of love with each other. The different things being wanting kids or not. And she said you may not have wanted them. She wasn't sure if it was just with her or in general." I finished with a scared face.

She sighed heavily before composing herself to answer. "Okay. I guess we're talking about this. I never saw myself as a mother, I just didn't think I would be good at it. And I think somewhere along the line I think we both realized that we'd resent each other if we didn't get what we wanted. That and we simply didn't love each other like we used to. I didn't see myself having kids with her. Then I met you and I could see myself have 10 billion kids with you. I felt more confident with you as my partner in crime." She says with a huge smile.

"Okay." I say, kind of flat and maybe unconvincing. "That's it? That's all you have to say to that?" Arizona says angrily. "I didn't mean to not say more, I'm just speechless." I tell her.

"Well alright, since you're so speechless, I'm just going to go to work." Arizona says grabbing her things. "Arizona, please don't. Can you please stay until you have to go?" I plead with her to stay. "Nope because I have to go now." She says in a stern tone.

"I'm not going to fight with you. Callie will be over today so we can study a new technique on rotationplasty." I tell her with sad eyes. "Have fun with that, I'll be at work late. Don't bother waiting up." She says moving towards the door and opens it. "I love y.." I can even finish my sentence before she is out the door and slams it. 

This was going to be a long day. She chanced a text, knowing she was probably not going to answer.

Y/n: I love you. Have a good day. I'm sorry.

Y/n: Promise Ring.

I hoped that last text wasn't going to make her even madder than she already was, it wasn't meant to. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the doorbell rang. I ran to get it and noticed it was Callie.

"Callie, come in!" I tell her excitedly. I noticed a small body hiding behind her. I immediately got onto the ground and sat criss cross. "Hi, sweet girl. What's your name?" I ask her sweetly with soft eyes and a smile.

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