Stuck at Home

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TW: talks of homophobia and bullying

Y/n's POV

I have been home for a month now and Arizona has been at work for a week. The kids were back in school, we felt they would be better if they went back to school.

I had compromised with Arizona that I could work from home on research, on the one condition that if I felt tired, even a little bit, I would stop. 

Just then I felt my phone buzz, it was Arizona.

Arizona: Hi honey, I got pulled into a surgery. It may turn into being a long one. Can you pick up the kids from school? I can get someone to bring them home if you're tired. <3

I smile at that, she's too cute.

Y/n: I am more than happy to pick them up, babe. Go rock that surgery you badass. <3

I press send and get a near immediate reply. 

Arizona: You always hype me up. I love you <3

Y/n: Count on me to be your own personal hype girl. I love you <3

With that, I go about my research for a few more hours until it looks like I am getting a call from the school.

"Hello?" I say on the line. "Hi, this is principal Danielson. Can I speak with either of the Dr. Robbins-Karevs?"  He tells me. "This is Y/n, how can I help you?" I ask him, nervous as to why the principal is calling me.

"Sammy and Timmy are absolutely fine. I am going to need you to come into the school, there was an incident involving them and another student, and I can assure you they are not in trouble, I just need to put pieces together." He says, making me less nervous. "As long as I know they're safe, I will make my way in." I tell him. "They're in my office, I can assure you they're safe with me." He tells me. I say goodbye and that I would see him soon.

I then text Arizona to let her know what was going on. I knew she wouldn't answer because of the surgery, but I wanted to make sure she's kept in the loop.

Y/n: Hi honey. I am on my way to the school. There was an incident with Sammy and Timmy, but the principal assured me they were not in trouble. I will take care of it, just wanted to keep you in the loop. 

 I get dressed, making sure to look business casual for this meeting. I have no idea what is going on, and that concerns me, but as long as they were okay, that's what mattered. 

I drive to the school and get signed in and get escorted to the principal's office. That's something I never thought I would say, going to the principal's office.

I walk in and find Timmy and Sammy sitting politely on the sofa in the room. Then I notice that Sammy is next to the school nurse with an ice pack on her head. 

I quickly make my way over to her without another word. "What happened, baby? Let me see." I tell her softly and slowly remove her ice pack and see a slight bruise forming on her head. I put it back on her bruise and kiss the other side of her head. "Dr. Robbins-Karev, I am very sorry to bring you in under not the best circumstances. Again, I can assure you that Timmy and Sammy are not in any trouble. There was an incident with another student named Carson. Sammy and Timmy, do you want to explain to your mom what happened?" He asks them gently. 

"I'm sorry Mama, I didn't mean for you to need to come in." Timmy says, with tears in his eyes. "Hey, it's okay baby. Tell me what happened." I tell him as I pull him into my lap and kiss the top of his head. "Okay Mama. Sammy, Sofia, and I were at lunch when Carson came up to us. We asked if he wanted to sit down and eat with us and then he made fun of us for having two moms and how you and mommy were going to hell for it because it was a bad thing to do. We all were angry, but we didn't say anything back to him. He started making fun of Sofia for only having a mom and no dad. That's when Sammy got up and told him to stop talking about us like that and then he hit her on the head. Luckily, Principal D. was walking into the cafeteria when all of this happened so Carson couldn't say it didn't happen." He rambles on and takes a breath.

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