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Alex's POV

I had both Y/n and Arizona in my arms, both were shuttering, sobbing. I couldn't help but shed a tear for what just happened. Meredith was hanging onto Y/n and April was hanging onto Arizona. Everyone was sitting around us, silently observing the aftermath.

It felt like we were sitting for hours when they both finally got up off the ground and tightly embraced each other, neither one talking, just hugging each other. Then they gestured for everyone to come into the hug. Everyone that was there was wrapped up with us in an instant. 

"We are better together, as a family." Y/n speaks first. "I will never be able to repay you all for what you did for me these past couple of days." She finishes.

"You will never have to repay us, Y/n. We are family, this is what family does for each other." Jackson chimes in. "We will always protect you." Link says with a smile.

We all break out in a huddle again. Cristina comes and joins between Meredith and I. I give her a kiss on the forehead and told her how much I missed her and appreciated her having my sister's back. She said it was a no brainer and smiled.

"Missed you Evil Spawn." She said with a big smile and I was so happy in this moment. My twin was safe. Arizona was safe. And we had an army to back them up.

Meredith's POV

I think I was latched onto Y/n for what felt like hours. I didn't care about anything other than supporting her. She just went through hell and now all of her feelings and emotions are on the outside.

I looked up to Dr. Bailey and said, "I need you to find coverage for all of us for the next two days. Please do not ask questions." She then simply nodded. I think she understood that we all needed to be there for Arizona and Y/n. 

I go back to just holding Y/n and whispering in her ear that it's okay and you're safe now, we got you. 

We then got up in our huddle, I motioned for Cristina to come over. She was my family and I think her and Y/n would be fast friends. I whispered the saying we say and she nodded and simply smiled.

It seemed like Y/n had this new found confidence because she put on a proud face and looked over to Arizona with a huge smile.

She then proudly shouted, "Family on three, 1....2...3!"

"FAMILY!" We all yelled in unison, echoing throughout the hospital. Then we noticed the other doctors around us who started clapping and cheering. This may have been the worst day for us, but we got through it together. 

After that, Catherine came over to our huddle and squeezed herself inside the circle. "Okay, I know today hasn't been a good day for everyone. But we set up a dinner to celebrate Dr. Karev's successful surgery. Which might I add was spectacular. We have it all set up in the third floor meeting hall. Take your time and meet us up there when you are ready." She finished with a sweet smile to Y/n.

"How about we get cleaned up and in some regular clothes and go stuff our faces with comfort food?" Y/n says and we all laugh. We start to make our way to the lounge. I am latched onto Cristina, Alex is latched onto Jo, and Arizona is latched onto Y/n. I am happy this hasn't affected their relationship or at least I hope it hasn't.

We get to the lounge and Y/n seems distracted and while everyone's changing, she is staring off into space. Arizona starts to help her out of her scrubs and I go over to help her. "Here, let me help you." I say and she nods.

We get her changed and sit her on the couch. Arizona and I are sat on each side of her and Alex, Jackson, and Link are on the coffee table. 

"I'm sorry, it seems the events from tonight are finally catching up to me and the realization and gravity of what happened. Can you all give me a minute with Arizona, please?" She asks sadly. "Of course Y/n, we will be right outside." I say. I shuffle everyone out for a few minutes so they can talk.

Y/n's POV

I was wrapped around Arizona's arms, sitting there silently. I was the one that should have been comforting here, instead she was comforting me. 

"Babe, I'm sorry I am not comforting you. Nothing even happened to me today and I'm still a mess. I should be taking care of you." I look at her sadly. "You had to deal with your ex-girlfriend taking digs at you all day and in general, having to be around her for 8 plus hours. I'm not sure how you did it, but I am in awe you were able to do that. I was only with her for a mere 10 minutes, I got through it. I'm okay, I am with you now. I am safe. I am safe with you." Arizona finishes. 

"I'm sorry if I put you through too much, I underst----" I start and I am cut off. "Y/n, I know where you're trying to go with that and my answer is no. I am not leaving you, nor will I be breaking up with you. We went through it, but we got through it together. I intend to go through everything in life together with you. You and me against the world, except we now have an entire army to fight with us. I love you, Y/n Karev and that's not going to change." Arizona says with a smile and caressing my cheek with her hand. 

"I wish I could understand what goes through that beautiful mind of yours. You are so strong and resilient yourself. I'm broken and I'm not---" I start, again being cut off. "You see, I'm going to have to stop you there. You are not broken from what I can see. You are broken down, but not broken. And if you are broken, I have told you before, give me all the pieces and I will put you back together. We will put you back together, however long it takes, we will do it together." Arizona finishes.

"I love you, Arizona Robbins. So much." I say and go in for a long passionate kiss.

We were then interrupted by the door opening to the lounge. We pull apart, foreheads still together laughing with each other. "Alright you two, stop sucking face and let's get to your celebration party!!" Meredith shouts.

I then get up and run to Meredith, wrapping her in a giant hug. "Thank you, Mer. For everything." I whisper in her ear and she digs her head into the crook of my neck and whispers, "Always, Y/n. I am always here for you." 

I look back at Arizona as we let go from the hug and reached out my hand without saying a word. She took my hand happily with a kiss on the cheek and we go up to the party on the 3rd floor meeting hall.

We are a family, we got through it together.

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