Lay with Me

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Arizona's POV

Y/n was talking with Meredith about something while they were in her bed, but they were being too quiet for me to hear. They seemed pretty concentrated and animated, I wanted to know what they were talking about, but I let them be.

I was talking with Alex and Jo about the Peds unit and how much it has changed since Y/n has been here. "Arizona, I hate to say it, but Y/n was probably the best choice we made for our Peds unit. Not that we weren't fantastic, but she has made so many positive changes. I can't imagine it going any different." Alex finishes.

"You're right, Alex. And it wouldn't have brought her back to you after all these years and I wouldn't be currently engaged to the love of my life. So good job to us!" I say with a big laugh.

"Plus, you all make a kick ass team in the OR together. There is no denying that!" Jo chimes in. "We do, don't we?" I say to both of them with another laugh and they join me. 

Addie comes over to us and joins our conversation. "What're we laughing about over here?" Addison asks. "Just how we have a pretty kick ass Peds unit." Alex exclaims. "Well, I can't argue with that one." She says with a smile. "Speaking of, I have some news." Addie says.

We all nod waiting for her to continue. "I will now be staying here full-time." Addison says very nonchalantly. "WHAT?!" I say, rather loudly with a huge smile. "How are you so calm about this because I am so excited!" I say to her. "Well, I have known for a little while and the real excitement has kind of worn off. Mer was the only one who knew so I figured it was time to let everyone know what is going on." Addie finishes.

"This is amazing news. Have you told Y/n?" Jo asks. "Not ye--" Addie starts but is cut off by Y/n, who evidently heard her name. "Have you told Y/n what, Addie?" She asks her with a look. "Oh nothing, Y/n. Nothing at all." Addie says with a smirk. "Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery, don't even start with me." Y/n counters with a glare. 

"Alright, fine. I was telling them how I am now staying here full-time." Addison says to her. Y/n gives Mer a wide-eyed look and Meredith nods her head excitedly. "If I could get out of this bed and wrap you in a bear hug I would, but since I cannot, get your ass over here and give me a hug!" Y/n exclaims. Addie is over to the other side of the bed and wraps Y/n in a hug in a second. 

"I am so happy you're staying, Addie. Although, don't ask me to pick a favorite fetal surgeon, someone would get their feelings hurt. Also, my incredibly hot fiancée and I have this unspoken language in the OR so you're stuck with the second best Karev." Y/n says with a smirk to Alex.

"You're lucky I have conceded to that, Y/n." Alex says with a smirk and a laugh. "It's about time you came to your senses." Y/n says to Alex.

Y/n then returns to her conversation with Meredith, again too soft to hear from where I am standing. We return to the conversation we were having as well.

"You make her unbelievably happy, Arizona. I am so happy for the two of you." Jo says. "It's literally unreal how in love the two of you are." Addie chimes in. "Who knew, my sister and my mentor would be getting married?" Alex says with a laugh and we all join him.

"Oh Alex, I know this is terribly old fashioned, but my dad raised me to make sure I ask before taking. Y/n and I have discussed last names. We decided on hyphenating our names. Robbins-Karev. I know Y/n would say we wouldn't need to ask you, but I want to ask. Are you okay with me taking your last name?" I ask Alex and everyone is there with aww faces.

"Of course, Arizona. I would love nothing more than for you to take our last name with yours. I am gaining a sister-in-law, but you have felt more like my big sister as the years went on. I would love nothing more than for you to take it." Alex says with a smile and he comes over to wrap me in a big hug.

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