All Alone

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TW: mention of assault/rape

Y/n's POV

I had an appointment with Dr. Carr today and it probably came at a perfect time. I hadn't seen him in a little while because of being off and at home. I know I overreacted with Alex and Arizona, but I haven't felt the greatest, physically and mentally for the past few days.

Mer came up to me before I was about to go in and just looked at me. Without saying anything, she enveloped me in a hug and I broke down. 

"I didn't mean to snap at them. I just haven't felt the best for a few days and I took it out on them. I'm sorry I sucked you into this too, it's my mess. I have to clean it up." I sniffle out, talking to her.

"No you don't have to do this alone. You're allowed to get mad at your overly protective brother for being overly protective. You just can't stay that way. You want me to go into Walter with you?" She asks me. "I can even bring the spare blanket I keep in my locker." She says with a smile and I nod.

"Give me five minutes to grab it and I'll be in there." She tells me and I nod again.

Meredith's POV

I go downstairs to my locker in the attendings' lounge to grab the blanket when Arizona and Alex come walking in. Both clearly flustered. They spot me and look at me confused as to why I have a blanket. 

"Okay, you two. Sit." I say sternly and they sit at the table. "The two of you are overwhelming Y/n. Being way too overprotective. She's not mad, she's just stressed and not feeling the greatest. Just cool it. I have to get back upstairs, we are seeing Dr. Carr together. She is sorry for snapping, if that's what you're looking for." I tell them.

"Can we come with you?" Alex asks. "Alex, no. You just heard what she said. We are overwhelming her. We need to give her the space she's asking for." Arizona counters.

"Arizona is right. She's going to come to you guys after the appointment. I'll make sure of it. Now I know you two have surgeries to get to so go. And I will take care of Y/n, she's our girl." I say with a big smile. 

I hug them both before returning upstairs to Y/n. She was already in with Walter so I let myself in without saying anything and wrap us in the blanket. She leans her head on my shoulder and I pull her in close. 

"Alright, so tell me what happened today again?" Walter asks. "I know Arizona and Alex didn't deserve it, but they were being very overprotective and I just snapped. Mer and I were only doing it to get a rise out of them and Alex went all brother bear on me." She says and I cut her off with a, "sing it!" and we both give a small laugh.

"Maybe I'm just not used to people being protective. I was on my own for 17 years and all the sudden I have an entire army of people to protect me." She says and looks up to me. I hold her closer and she continues. "You go from all alone to so many people at once, it's overwhelming. Maybe it's starting to catch up to me." She explains.

"It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when all of the sudden you have all these people who care for you deeply. You almost have this fear of letting them down and doing something wrong. Snapping at them certainly isn't what we want to do, but they aren't doing it to spite you. They care for you and love you." He says. "You have to open yourself up to the possibility of being loved so deeply that you let your worries go. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think you have to worry about them every leaving you." He says, pointing that statement at me. 

"Oh yeah, nope. You're stuck with us, Y/n. We are your family and we will be by your side through anything. I am not saying that to overwhelm you, I love you and care for you like my own sister. And I had a kid sister. Her name was Lexie and I miss her every day. You remind me of her with the drive and knowledge you have. I just want you to be okay and happy. We all just want you to be happy more than anything. I know how happy you make Arizona, for crying out loud you turn that girl's whole world. And she turns yours, we both know that." I tell her with a smile and she wraps her arms tighter around mine. 

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