Grateful for You

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Arizona's POV

It's been a few hours of everyone in the room together chatting and I notice Y/n starts to yawn and lay her head on my shoulder in the bed. 

"Alright everyone, our girl is tired. Let's let her get some sleep." I tell them and she looks at me gratefully.

Y/n would never make people leave if they didn't have to, but I on the other hand wasn't shy. She came first, and if she was tired, I wanted her to get rest.

Everyone begins to come over and give us hugs before they shuffle out of the room. I go to get up and leave because she deserves the peaceful rest, but she pulls me back down onto the bed.

"Stay. I sleep better with you next to me." She says with a sweet smile. "I thought you'd never ask." I tell her with my super magic smile. "Do you know one of my favorite things about you are your dimples? I don't know what it is, but every time they come out, regardless of how my mood is, they bring a smile to my face." She tells me.

"You know one of my favorite things about you is the way you care for others and how you love so deeply for everyone. Some say, a friend to everyone is a friend to no one, but you will put all your time and energy into that one person if you needed to. You're selfless and I love that about you." I tell her with a quick kiss to the lips. She looks back at me with those heart emoji eyes again.

"Oh, also. Richard recorded your conversation with him before you played cards. And if I remember correctly, I heard you secretly adored when I got protective of you." I tell her with a smirk. "I knew he was up to something. Secret's out, I can't lie about it now." She says with a laugh.

"I will always protect you, even without realizing it sometimes. And sometimes when you may not want me to. I know you're strong, but I want to fight alongside you with anything you go through." I tell her. "It's no longer me, it's we. We go through everything together, good or bad. And I will be open to you about how I am feeling, even if it makes me feel weak." She tells me.

"You will never be weak in my eyes. But if you feel weak, I will be stronger enough for the both of us. Relationships are not 50/50, some days it may be 60/40 or even 80/20, we just have to be there for each other in order to lift each other up." I tell her with a soft smile.

"We're a team, Arizona. We are better together, so we are really stuck with each other. You sure you don't want to run now?" She says with a laugh. "Not a chance, you're stuck with me." I say with a big laugh.

"Baby, I have a surprise for you. But I have to page Addie first." She tells me and I am beyond confused. "Addie, what could you need her for?" I ask her curiously.

"You'll see." She says with a smile. Addie comes in a few minutes later. "I thought you were going to sleep, Y/n." She asks. "I was tired, now I am wide awake for the news." She says nodding over in my direction.

"Oh, right yes! Go ahead, Y/n." Addie says to her. "What is going on?" I ask them and they both give me a smile.

"So Addie told me some news and she wanted to me to give it to you." She takes a breath and smiles before continuing. "When you have completed your training with Nicole, you will be the new chief of fetal surgery at Grey-Sloan. You will be co-chiefs with Addie, but the primary chief because she will need to be in LA part of the time. I am so proud of you, Arizona. You have worked so hard for this and I am elated for you!" She says with a megawatt smile. It's so contagious. I give her a giant hug and kiss.

"Are you serious?!" I say loudly to the both of them. "As if there was any doubt on it." Addie said sweetly. I got up and hugged her tightly. "Women co-chiefs, I like the sound of that." She adds on. "It does have a nice ring to it. Congratulations to you too, Addie." I say sweetly.

"Thank you. Congratulations, Arizona." She says. 

Y/n's POV

Addie gives me a hug and is about to leave the room. She goes to Arizona and whispers in her ear. I didn't hear what they were saying so I gave them a look.

Addie looks at me before she left with big eyes and bolted. "What was that about?" I ask Arizona. "Oh nothing, just chief stuff." She says. 

She then goes over to her bag in the side of the room. She comes back over to the bed and sits at the edge of it. I wrap my arms around her waist and just look at her. 

"So this was going to be an I'm sorry present, so now it can be an I'm staying present. But just so you know, I would have gone anywhere with you. I would have left everything behind, just to be with you. You are most important in my life. You will always come first." She tells me sweetly.

She hands me a flat box. "What is it?" I ask her innocently. "Open it, silly girl." She says with a laugh. 

I open it to reveal a necklace and attached to it is a small ship. A battleship.

"You really didn't have to, baby." I look at her with sweet eyes. "You deserve the world, and I intend to give that to you. It's all about the little things. I will not make the same mistake as my last relationship. I will always do the little things and get comfortable with you, but not too comfortable that I stop trying. I will always try and be better for you, Y/n. You deserve for someone to continue to be a better person and better for you. I will always fight for us. Even when I can't stand you and even when I can't get enough of you. I will always try." She tells me and I have tears in my eyes.

As my tears roll down my cheeks, Arizona takes her thumb and wipes them away. "I am speechless, Arizona. I really don't know what to say, just that you are incredible." I tell her.

"Then come here and kiss me." She says with a smile. "You don't have to tell me twice." I tell her with a smile.

I pull her down for a long passionate kiss. We only pull away for air.

"Now I do remember kicking people out so you could sleep. And I know you're tired, sweet girl. Let's go take a quick shower and go to bed." She tells me.

"Okay, I'll call in a nurse to help me." I tell her. "Oh, absolutely not. You think I am letting them see your ass?" She says slightly defensively. "Arizona, you don't need to do all this work." I tell her with a look.

"Ah ah ah, right now I am Dr. Robbins." She tells me with a stern look. "Alright, Dr. Robbins. If you insist on being the protective girlfriend right now, then I am not going to argue." I tell her with a smile.

She gets me into the shower and helps me shower, while I am on the bench. As she is done, I pull myself up by the neck, surprisingly with little effort. She was just as surprised as I was. I give her a smile and we have a good old fashioned junior high make out.

We got out of the shower and I got settled in the bed. Arizona looked like she was packing up to leave and I got sad. "Where are you going?" I ask her with a pouty face.

"I want you to get a good sleep without bothering you." She tells me. "What did I say earlier about you being here?" I ask her with a knowing look. "You'll have to refresh my memory." She says smugly.

"I'm not saying it again. You are going to come here and sleep with me." I tell her with a smirk. "I was just messing with you. I sleep better with you next to me too, baby." She tells me.

With that, we snuggle up close to each other, Arizona slowly stroking my hair before she stops and falls asleep. We drifted off into a comfortable sleep. 

It wasn't until the middle of the night that I was woken from my sleep from a horrible nightmare, but also pain in my chest.

What could it be?

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