All Night Long

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Arizona's POV

Y/n teased me for the better part of the last half of the night with all that dancing all up on me. I took it upon myself to be able get her back for that teasing and gave her no choice, but to come with me. 

She dragged me to the elevator of our apartment. We get in and Y/n presses the button for up. Then she presses me against the wall of the elevator. I have nowhere to go. She is pressed up against me with her face in the crook of my neck. She was kissing and sucking all over my neck. 

Then I realize what she is doing and yelp. "Y/n, you're leaving a mark!" I say. "Well good, then people know you're taken." She says seductively in my ear and I let out a small moan. 

The elevator dings and opens. I run out of the elevator and Y/n is up against me, running together with our arms wrapped around each other in a second. 

"Yours or mine?" She asks, kissing my neck hard again. "Mine." I breathed out. "I was hoping you were going to say that. I am going to take you in every room of that apartment." She breathed in my ear. I struggle to put the key in the slot and Y/n grabs my hand to steady it. "I will take you right in this hallway if I have to." She says seductively into my ear and I let out a louder moan. 

We hear a door opening down the hall and luckily I get the key in the slot and open it before they see us jumping each other's bones. 

I slam the door shut behind me and lock it momentarily. In that moment, Y/n already has her jacket and shirt off. Her perfectly toned body and those abs make my breath hitch. She comes closer to me and I back myself up and once I can't go anywhere else as I am pressed up against the door, I put my arms around her neck and pull her close. Her arms lace around my waist and she pulls herself flush against my body.

She goes to press a kiss on my lips, but right before she does, she pulls back. I let out a soft whimper as she does this, then she goes to whisper in my ear. "Hands up, pretty girl." She says. I obey and put my hands up as she grabs onto my shirt to bring it over my head. She is so sly, she somehow brought my sports bra with it.

She takes a stop back to admire the view. "Ow ow! Dr. Robbins, damn you are SEXY." She says with a big smirk. I am over to her in a second, bringing her into a long passionate kiss and I wrap my arm around her back and slickly unclip her bra and let it fall.

It's my turn to step back and admire the view. "Dr. Karev, you are STUNNING." I think that set her over the edge because she came and wrapped me up in a passionate kiss, lifting me and carrying me into the bedroom. She was strong, and that turned me on so much. 

She threw me down onto the bed, before she went any further, she took my pants off and pointed to my prosthetic. "Baby, I want you to be comfortable. Can I take this off?" She says with her puppy eyes. "Of course, baby. I trust you." I say with a smile. 

She takes it off and is back on top of me in a second. Our bodies are pressed against each other's, savoring the touch of one another. Y/n reaches for the waistband of my panties and then looks back up to me. I shake my head yes enthusiastically.

"Safe word?" She asks. "Award Winner." I say with a smile. "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves." She says with a laugh.

She places kisses down the center of my body, being delicate and slow. Every kiss sent a shiver down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. She brought her teeth onto my panties, grazing her nose on my stomach and began to pull down. She hit the most delicate spots and I let out a loud moan. "Y/n..." I moaned out. 

"You like that baby?" She says as she throws my panties across the room. She kisses her way back up until she is at my center. She begins to kiss my inner thighs and makes her way to my center. She brings her tongue into my folds and finds her way to my clit. She is soft and slow and delicate. She stops and looks at me innocently. "Tell me if you want me to stop, sweet girl." She says with hearts in her eyes. "Not a chance." I say and push her head back down to my clit. 

She resumes licking my clit slowly and sweetly, and I need her. I need all of her. "Baby, I--I need you to fuck me." I stutter out. "Say less." She smirks at me. She brings herself back up to me giving me a long passionate kiss.

She then brings her fingers and traces her way down my chest, pinches my already erect nipples for one second and makes her way down my stomach. She stops at my waistline and looks back up to me, as if she is waiting for approval. I nod my head confidently and she proceeds.

She brings her fingers into my folds and puts two fingers inside of me and I gasp. "OH FUCK!" I say, louder than intended. "You okay, beautiful?" She asks with her fingers still inside of me. "Perfect baby, don't stop.." I say breathily. 

"I don't intend to, unless you use our safe word baby. So with that being said, I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight." She whispers into my ear as I gasp and then gives it a slight nibble causing me to moan in pleasure. "I love it when you moan for me, baby." She says in my ear seductively, causing me to moan even louder and longer.

She was pumping in and out of me and rubbing my clit with her thumb. She brought her lips to mine and our tongues fought for dominance inside our mouths. She then brings her head into the crook of my neck and my arms wraps around her neck on top of me. 

"Don't stop baby." I say huskily, getting out of breath. My walls start to close and I know I am close. "Baby, I'm so close. Don't stop, please don't stop.." I say, starting to run short of breath. 

"Since you asked so nicely." She says with a smirk and speeds up here pace and I can feel myself start to let go. 

"OH GOD, FUCK!!" I say very loudly and everyone in the apartment building probably heard me. 

I ride my high as Y/n continues to pump in and out until she gradually starts to slow her movements. She drops down on the side of me with her arms wrapped around me.

"You've literally ruined sex with anyone else for me." I say with a laugh, starting to catch my breath. "I mean, I would hope so. Because I don't intend on ever letting you have sex with anyone else again." She says with another laugh. "You are it for me, baby. No one else will ever compare to you." I say with a huge smile on my face as she continues to keep her arms around me. 

I abruptly sit up and get on top of her, straddling her waist. "Mmm, so I remember you saying you wanted to fuck me until I couldn't walk straight so I believe it is now your turn." I say seductively. 

"Is that so? Because I intend for this to go many rounds, so we will see who lasts longer." She says with a smirk.

"Probably the one with the toned abs and perfect ass." I say grabbing around to her ass. "Mmm, keep flattering me, it'll get you anywhere and everywhere. Preferably on that kitchen counter." She says with a wink and I am speechless.

"I want you to fuck me on the kitchen counter, Arizona." She says with a serious face. I bring her in for a seriously passionate kiss. I put my leg back on and bring her up off the bed. 

To my surprise, she picks me up and carries me out to the counter. She puts me on top of the counter then climbs up. "Maybe I lied. I kind of wanted to fuck you on the kitchen counter." She said with a seductive smile.

"Oh, yeah? Well unfortunately for you, I will be taking you on this kitchen counter, fast and hard." I say and flip us over so she is on the bottom. 

And that is what I did, I took her on that kitchen counter, twice. She carried me over to the couch, she took me there many times. We went into the bathroom shower, she fucked me in there until I literally couldn't walk straight. 

We then laid in bed, exhausted and content with the night we just had. Luckily, we had the next few days off because I intended to jump her bones many times in the coming days. 

In the car, in my apartment, back in her apartment, anywhere I could find, I would be jumping her bones. 

Phew, that was steamy. She really did ruin any future sex for me. She was it for me, there was no doubt about it. 

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