Stuck in Bed

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Y/n's POV

So apparently I am going to be stuck in bed for for a couple of days. Dr. Bailey's orders because I tried to get out of bed on my own and almost fell. Too bad my twin was there to catch me then proceeded to tattle on me to the chief. 

"I can walk around on my own, you know." I say with a huff. "And I just caught you a few hours ago before you fell over, so you're staying in the bed." Alex says sternly. 

"Why do you have to be like that? I'll get up right now and you can stand in front of me so if I fall, you can catch me. But I won't so let's go." I tell him confidently and he nods. 

I get up out of bed no problem. I take a few steps, looking down. About five steps later, I start to get weak in my legs. Bad idea, this was a bad idea. 

Yet again, my brother was right. I fall into his arms. I was so frustrated I just wanted to be better. I stay in his arms and then pull back and hit his chest weakly. I break down. 

I needed to be left alone. I just needed to be alone. 

"DAMMIT!" I say, hitting my fists against his chest again. "Y/n, it's okay. shh, it's okay." Alex says. "No, it is not okay, Alex. I can't be sick anymore! I have patients, I have surgeries that I can't be in. I CAN'T BE SICK ANYMORE, ALEXANDER!" I shout, not caring who hears. 

"Y/n, stop. You're going to make yourself sick if you keep yelling. Arizona has all your patients and surgeries. She's got them. Herman is helping her and continuing to teach and study with her so she's not losing any time. Arizona has got it taken care of. Mer is taking some of the patients when Herman and Robbins have surgery on their patients. We've got you. I know you're pissed, because you full named me, but let us help you." He finishes as I am still crying.

He continued to hold me as I sobbed. 

"This isn't up for discussion, an intern is going to come sit with you and make sure you stay in bed. I'm not kidding, Y/n. I am big brothering you now. Don't fight me on this." He tells me. 

I just nod and he helps me back in bed. 

"I have to go, but Schmitt here is going to be with you." He says and I nod. Schmitt comes walking in and sits down with charts. 

"Schmitt, I need to write notes on all of my charts. I don't want to get behind. Can you go grab them for me?" I ask him. "Dr. Robbins has been on them like a hawk. She scares me, Dr. Karev." He says nervously. "Okay, well grab Helm and one of you distract her and one of you grab them. I should scare you more. I am the Head of Pediatrics." I give him a look and he gets up. 

"Can you at the very least stay in bed? I'm going to get in trouble for leaving you with the other, Dr. Karev." He asks. "I'll handle him, but I won't be getting out of bed." I tell him, feeling a little defeated. 

About thirty minutes after that, Alex comes in with a stern look on his face. "Why was the intern I sent to sit with you on the Peds floor, Y/n?" He says. "Alex, save it. I'm the head of the department, I need to be doing charts at the very least. I can't just sit here. I will literally crawl to the Peds floor if I have to." I tell him.

"Well good luck explaining that to Robbins, because they did a real shitty job of distracting her. She saw them run away with them and grabbed me by the ear when I was staring at Schmitt sternly for too long. I'm more scared of her." He finishes.

"Alright well, here's what we're going to do. I need you to go to the store and grab four dozen roses. Give them to every patient that she has rounds on tonight to give to her. Give one to the parents too. You have about 15 minutes before she notices you're gone and she'll probably be here by then." I tell him.

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