Aftermath (Again)

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Arizona's POV

I was outside of the hospital with Callie and Eliza. I was FUMING. I wanted to punch Eliza, I wanted to beat the crap out of her. Jackson stayed out of the way, just there for back up.

I got a text from Mer saying them were in the CT room, just checking on Y/n's head. I was so worried about her.

"Say what you need to say, Eliza. I really don't want to waste anymore energy on you." I tell her with an impatient look. "What? You don't miss me, because we both know you do." She tells me with a smirk. 

"In what world do you think I'd miss you after you ghosted me?" I ask her sternly, raising my voice. "I mean, look at me. Who wouldn't? Ask Callie? She knows." She says to me. That earns a look to Callie and she gave me a look like leave it and talk about it later. I saw Jackson make his way inside.

"Look, I want you to get this through your deranged head. I do not want you. Not now or ever again." I tell her. "I mean, you'll come brawling back when Y/n isn't good enough for you. I mean, look at her. She's weak. She can't even fight her own battles. We both know she can't even take a hit with blood without passing out. Weak, if you ask me. She's just a waste of space in this world. She's too smart for her own good. She doesn't have time for you. She's married to her work, she's bore you before long. And I'll be waiting." She says with a devilish smile.

"You clearly don't see Y/n the way I do then. Because she is the strongest person I know, she has been through hell and mind you, you're a big reason for that. She fights for everything she believes in and fights for all her kids in the peds wing. I admire her and I choose her. I choose her every day and I will for the rest of my life." I tell her, getting louder.

"Oh, Arizona. You're just as weak as she is. She'll never love you back. She's incapable of loving anyone. She's broken and so what if it's my fault? She's weak and vulnerable. She never complained when she was with me, I think she begged for it." She says with a laugh. 

That's when I heard enough and started to approach her. Callie then pulled me back and approached Eliza.

Before I knew it, Callie punched Eliza in the nose. I am pretty sure she broke it. Holy shit, I just witnessed that.

"You bitch! Are you crazy? I can press charges!" Eliza speaks. "You will not be doing anything. I will have you arrested for assaulting Y/n and we can even go back to her med school days if you want to. You would never see the light of day again!" I tell her, mad as hell.

Callie is shaking off her hand when she comes up next to me. "Oh look, here's a cab. Take your ass to Seattle Pres. You are not welcome in this hospital." Callie defends. 

Eliza stalks off in a huff and I turn back to Callie. "Thank you, Callie." I tell her. "I would have done it over again if I had to. I see how much Y/n means to you and she is lucky to have you, Arizona." She tells me as we sit down on a bench. 

"Hey, I need to talk to you about something." Callie says and I turn to her as I nod. "Dr. Bailey offered me a job back here and I am considering taking it. I didn't want to accept anything without asking you." She says innocently. "Callie, you don't have to ask me. You do what makes you happy." I tell her.

"I miss it here. I miss home. We were all a family, until you know. But I did have to ask you because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I know we are friends, but I don't want to make my being here uncomfortable for you." She tells me with a sad smile. "Callie, we won't make it uncomfortable. As long as we don't let it. I missed having you here. We need a spicy Latina back here." I tell her with a playful hit to the arm.

"Plus, I am happy, Cal. Y/n makes me very happy and it seems like you two get along well. I know you two were trying to prank me with that gallery thing. I know the two of you well." I tell her with a smirk. "Y/n had the idea, I told her to not be too cruel." She says with a laugh.

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