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Alex's POV

Wow, Arizona has a niece and a nephew. And they're twins, that's crazy. It's beyond crazy that they have the same blonde hair and blue eyes that she does. Sammy even looks a little like her.

"Okay, doctors in training. What do you say with take a trip down to the cafeteria and get out of this room?" I ask the two of them. "Yes!! Can we Nana and Papa?" Timmy asks them. "Of course you can, honey." Barbara says to them. 

"Alright, let me grab a wheelchair, you two can share it. As long as you are gentle with your brother, Sammy." I tell her with a soft smile. "I can do that, Dr. Alex." She says to me with a soft smile.

I took the chance to text Arizona about it and asked what she wanted me to tell people if they asked.

Alex: Hey. I am taking them to the cafeteria to get them out of the room. What do you want me telling people if they ask?

I get a response almost immediately.

Arizona: You can tell them, they would find out soon anyway. I don't mind people knowing. More people to protect them. :)

Alex: You are right, they are going to be well protected. :)

With that, I put my phone away and came back into the room with the wheelchair. "Alright, hop on, rugrats!" I say with a big smile.

"Can I get a banana, Dr. Alex?" Sammy asks. "Sure you can, but since we are going to the cafeteria and we are friends now, you guys get to call me Uncle Alex! I know I am not related to you like Auntie Arizona, but we have a thing around here. Want to hear what it is?" I ask them.

They both nod enthusiastically. "So you remember Sofia, right?" I ask them and they nod as I am wheeling them down to the elevators. "She calls everyone here her Auntie or Uncle, even if they aren't related to her. We are all one big family here. Just like you, Nana and Papa, and Auntie Arizona. Maybe we will meet some of them in the cafeteria." I say to them.

We get into the elevator and we see Sofia and Callie. "Uncle Alex! Hi Sammy and Timmy!" Sofia says excitedly. "Hi, princess! Hey Cal." I tell them. "Hi everyone!" Callie says. 

"Hi Sofia and Dr. Callie!" Timmy and Sammy say in unison. "We were actually coming by to visit you two. Where are you off to?" Callie asks. "To the cafeteria. Uncle Alex is taking us there. Can Sofia come?" Timmy asks. "I don't see why not." Callie says. 

"Dr. Callie, I have a question." Sammy asks. "What is it, baby?" She asks, bending down to the wheelchair level. "Uncle Alex says Sofia calls everyone Auntie or Uncle here. Can we do that for you?" Sammy asks innocently. Callie looks up to me with a big smile.

"Of course you can, honey. And you can too, Timmy." She says to both of them with a smile. Callie then gets paged. "Oh no, I am sorry I have to run. I gotta bring Sofia back to the daycare now." She says. "Cal, I will keep her with us. The Colonel and Barbara are here now, so if I get paged too, they will be with her. Trust me, they still adore you." I tell her with a smile.

"You're the best, Alex! Okay, sweet girl. I will see you soon." She says to Sofia, giving her a hug and kiss. "I will see you two later as well." She comes over to the wheelchair, tickling their tummies. "Bye, Auntie Callie!" They say in unison again.

She rushes off the elevator towards the ER and we go towards the cafeteria. "You know, you two say things at the same time a lot. It reminds me of Auntie Y/n and I." I tell them, with Sofia holding the wheelchair with my hand on top of hers. 

"It must be a twin thing." Timmy says with a giggle. 

"Did we do something to upset Auntie Y/n, Uncle Alex?" Sammy asks me. "No, no. Why would you think that, kiddo?" I ask her. "She left after Nana and Papa came. And I saw that she was a little sad." She says with a frown. I stop the wheelchair and walk around to the, leaning down to their level. "Auntie Y/n and I only have each other for blood related family. It was just her and I after our parents died so she could have just been overwhelmed by how you all were reunited again after so long because we aren't able to have that. So maybe she was just overwhelmed is all." I told them, guessing at the reason. "I hope she isn't upset with us." Timmy says sadly. "Oh, she isn't. Believe me, Auntie Y/n doesn't get upset unless there is a reason to be. And there isn't. She just needs some time and Auntie Arizona is going to find her. They're good like that for each other." I tell them.

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