Celebration at Joe's

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Y/n's POV

"I think we can let them finish up here. Don't you think, Dr. Robbins?" I ask her. "You're right, Dr. Karev. I think they can handle it. Don't mess up Dr. Karev's beautiful work you two." She says, staring at the two residents. 

They nod and get to work. Arizona walks out to the OR into the scrub room. The scrub nurse tells me I have a message on my phone. I ask her to hold it up for me and it's from Arizona. 

Ugh, did she actually think I was mad. I'll have to let her know I'm not when I scrub out.

I take off all of my gowns, mask, and gloves and go out to the scrub room. Arizona is still scrubbing out when I walk up behind her and whisper in her ear.

"Dr. Robbins." I say in a sad tone. "W--what wrong, Dr. Karev?" She stutters out. "I'm not mad at you. I'm a little mad at myself for letting you think I was mad." I say in a sad tone again. 

"It's okay. I know how you can make it up to me." She says turning around still close to me and I nod. "Let me take you to Joe's for drinks since I know you paid my tab. Joe said someone did before we left, but wouldn't say who. You can't fool me." She looks at me with a super magic smile and I start to scrub out. I let the statement go for a few minutes and make her wonder.

"Only if you agree to a dance with me." I say with an equal smile to hers as she waited for my answer. "Deal." She says. "Great save today, Dr. Robbins. You really are one of a kind." I say with an endearing smile. "Back at you Dr. Karev. I could say the same about you." She says as she touches my arm and walks out of the scrub room. 

This woman was putting my senses into overdrive. 

I go to the attendings' lounge and make my way quickly to my apartment to change for the celebration tonight. I had Alex invite the others so we could have an all out celebration. 

I elected for all black. Black skinny jeans, black shirt, with a black bomber jacket. I broke out my new white Chucks and straightened my hair. I have to say, I looked good. I haven't really gotten to do anything yet, other than the outing to the bar the previous night so I was excited to see what the attendings were like outside of work. 

I made my way to the bar soon after and was prepared for a great night.

Arizona's POV

Y/n made me so nervous. I don't know what it is about her. I for one didn't even know if she was into women. For all I knew she was straight and didn't even like me that way.

"Robbins, what has got you so lost in thought?" Alex asks, whispering in my ear. "Oh, it's nothing important." I say nervously. "Robbins." He says in a stern tone. 

"Okay, okay. I may have a crush on your sister. But she's probably straight and loves men. And I am just crushing on some beautiful straight girl per usual." I babble out. Alex laughs at me and now I am even more confused. "What's so funny, Karev?!" I ask, playfully hitting him.

"My sister is very much gay, Arizona. And I am okay with you going after her. I know you would take care of her. So whatever you choose to do, I will support you." He says with soft eyes.

"Thank you, Alex. I know she drives me wild already. I won't get into detail on that one, but I will take care of her, if anything comes of it." I say and give him a big hug.

As I release the hug, my jaw drops on the floor as I see Y/n walk in. She was stunning and dare I say, she looked HOT! Everything was hugging her in all the right places. Her ass and her legs looked phenomenal and her arms really popped in that jacket. 

I didn't realize she was making her way over until Alex physically closed my mouth for me with his two fingers. "Pull it together, Robbins." He says, chuckling slightly.

Y/n makes it over to the table and hugs her brother. She then makes her way over to me and gives me a hug. Wow, butterflies in my stomach all over again. 

"Hey, you two. What're we having? I'm buying." She says. "Yeah, no you're not. Not when you paid my entire tab last night!!" I say with a playful shove as she sits down next to me. 

More people start to come in and we are all having a good time. I notice a blonde woman walk over to Y/n and she starts to talk to her. "Hey, gorgeous. You wouldn't happen to want to come dance with me, would you?" The blonde asks her. I couldn't help feel a tinge of jealousy in her question to her and I was listening intently for her answer.

"Thanks for the offer, but I do remember promising this beautiful lady right here a dance tonight." She says looking over to me with a smile. "I respect that, go get your girl!" The other blonde gives her a fist bump and walks away.

"Okay everyone, get up. We're dancing!" Y/n says, some people hesitate, but everyone ends up getting up. I see a hand reach out to me to help me get up and it's Y/n's. I take it with a smile and make our way over to where everyone is dancing. At first, we were all dancing to the upbeat music. Then Y/n went over to the bartender and asked him something that I couldn't hear. 

A few songs later, a slower song comes on. Everyone starts to pair up and then I feel a hand on my back and Y/n is whispering to me in my ear. "Can I have this dance, Dr. Robbins?" She asks.

"Only if you'll call me Arizona." I say with puppy eyes. "Arizona, would you do me the pleasure of dancing with me?" She says with a smile. "I would love to, Dr. Karev." I say with a smile. 

"Call me Y/n, please. Dr. Karev is too formal and gets me mistaken for my twin over there." She says with a chuckle as she points to Alex. She wraps her arms around my waist and I wrap mine around her neck. We are close enough that our heads are almost touching and I feel the urge to kiss her, but I don't want to rush into anything.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes then I found myself looking down at her lips. I think she did the same, but when I looked back she was biting her lip. It looked as if she was coming in for a kiss, so I leaned in too. But she then brought her face towards my ear. 

She then whispered into my ear. "I refuse to be a rebound from a girl that ghosted you. I think we could be something great, but I can't be the rebound girl." She says and pulls back to look at me with sad eyes. She pulls me in and kiss me on the cheek.

With that, she released me and Y/n went to get her jacket and she was out the door.

I was shocked, I pictured this night going so much differently. I stayed for a little while longer before leaving too.

2 months later

I think Y/n was right. I needed to mend my heart before jumping into something so soon. We were friendly at work, sneaking flirtatious glances at each other, and it meant a lot to me that she wasn't giving up on me. 

She talked to me more about her childhood cancer and how she was able to get through it. Also, how Alex was a big softy and wouldn't leave her side when she was going through it. He may be rough on the outside, but he's a real softy when it comes to his sister.

She took the time to get to know me and know about my past. Like what it was like moving around with my family in the military, my brother who died in the war, and the plane crash that took Lexie, Mark and my left leg. 

We spent this time really getting to know each other as friends, and I am happy that we did this. We were able to grow closer in a friendship. Maybe we'd get into a relationship eventually, and it's okay if we don't.

Y/n is right, we could be something great, so I am hoping it turns out that way.

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