Back to Work

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Y/n's POV

I was finally back to work. I ended up taking another couple of days off because I knew I wasn't ready to go back yet.

I got back to work and was immediately swarmed with hugs in the attendings' lounge.

"Y/n, you're back. We missed you around here! Alex wouldn't shut up about how much he missed having you here!" Meredith exclaimed. "What, seeing me every night after work wasn't enough for you?!" I said as I laughed and looked at Alex.

"Okay, okay. I missed you, you're my twin." He said, "we work so well together, I couldn't wait for you to get back into the OR with me." He finishes.

"Well lucky for you, we have a surgery together this morning." I tell him with a smile and a wink. "Oh yeah, so lucky for me." Alex says sarcastically.

Alex goes off to talk to Arizona, just a little out of earshot and I go to talk to Amelia. I am having a polite conversation with Amelia when I catch the ending of their conversation talking about switching out of surgery if she needs a break. I knew they were talking about me and I was kind of mad because it was a fairly short surgery. 

I excused myself from Amelia politely to go over and talk to them. More like confront them, quietly, not to disturb the others.

"If either of you think that I need someone to switch out of a two hour surgery, then I do not need either of you near my OR." I snarl then walk away and over to Meredith. "Hi Meredith, Alex is no longer available for our surgery this morning, are you available?" I said asking her with a polite smile.

She looks over to Alex who is waving no furiously. "Sure, Dr. Karev. This patient deserves both heads of their departments." She says with a mad look at Alex. I think maybe she could have caught a little bit of Alex and Arizona's conversation. 

We discuss the surgery as we walk toward the scrub room without another word to Alex or Arizona. "So, I think this is fairly simple and it can be done alone, but I want someone there with me so it can be done faster for the patient's sake. He doesn't do well if he is an anesthesia too long." I explain to Meredith.

"I get that, my oldest doesn't do well on it either. She had Spina Bifida when she was born." Meredith tells me as we continue walking. "Zola?! I would have never known. She is doing so well then!" I say. "She is doing amazing, she is just so independent." She says with a smile and I nod. "You know, the two of them are idiots, but they are just looking out for you." She says innocently.

"I know that, but I was a little mad in the moment, but I am over it. I kind of just wanted to put the fear of God into them, so they know that I don't mess around." I said with a small laugh. She links her arm through mine and says, "I knew there was a reason I took this surgery with you. I would have done the same thing with the two of them." She says with a laugh. "They are kind of gullible in some ways. We can let them be flustered for longer. Want to close off the gallery to visitors to make them think we don't want them there for it?" She finishes with an evil laugh. 

"Mmm, post an intern there in the first 15 minutes because I know they will be there within that time and then after they turn them away, tell them they can scrub in for doing that for us. How does that sound?" I say with another laugh. "I love the way you think, Dr. Karev. I will tell them." She says. "Great minds think alike, Dr. Grey!" I say with another chuckle.

Dr. Grey informs Schmitt of the plan and he goes off to the outside of the gallery to stop Alex and Arizona. Dr. Grey and I are scrubbed in and started our surgery. 20 minutes later, Schmitt comes back and I ask him how it went. "Well, at first they looked at me very angry and then had sad looks. Did they do something wrong?" He asks curiously. "Mmm, kind of. But it was more of a teaching moment for them. They're more gullible than anything else, so I knew they would back off. Do you want to come help suction, Dr. Schmitt?" I asked him politely. 

"I would love to, thank you Dr. Karev." He says excitedly. "Thank you for being a good sport about that." I tell him and he nods. 

Arizona's POV

"You made your sister really mad and dragged me into it?!" I slap Alex on the arm as I said that. "OW! Okay, maybe I deserved that, but I just wanted to make sure she would be okay." He said with sad eyes. 

"You better hope she isn't still pissed at us after this is over. Let's go to the gallery and see how they're doing." I say, dragging him by the arm toward the gallery. Just then I noticed Schmitt outside their OR gallery. "Hi Dr. Karev and Dr. Robbins, how are you today?" He asked nervously. "Fine, we are fine. We are trying to get into the gallery to watch." I say impatiently, trying to move around him. 

"Oh, sorry. No can do, Dr. Grey requested no one in the gallery to watch today. Hope you respect that." He says confidently again. "That's ridiculous, nice going Karev." I say as I grab him to walk away. "You pissed your sister off and I am now on her shit list too!" I say to him and walk away.

Just then I saw my new mentor, Nicole Herman. I'm so distracted that I almost didn't hear her come talk to me. "Dr. Robbins! It's nice to see you again!" She says to me. "Dr. Herman, it's great to see you. Please call me Arizona. How was your flight in?" I ask her. "Oh, the service was great, flight was too bumpy." She says, annoyed. "Call me Nicole." She says as she finishes. 

We continue walking and talking and I notice that Schmitt isn't by the door to the gallery, so I take a chance and move in there. "Nicole, do you mind if we stop in here? I just wanted to see this surgery quick." I say looking over to her. "Sure, we can even talk in here too. I like talking and observing surgeries." She says with a smile. We go to sit down in the gallery, I am kind of nervous since they said no one should be in the gallery. Although, there was one other person that was leaving when we walked in. 

I saw Y/n look at Meredith and she said something I couldn't hear over the intercom. 

In the OR, Y/n POV

"Looks like Dr. Robbins didn't take the hint and oh Dr. Herman is here too. I didn't know she was going to be here. I worked with her at Tufts. I'll have to say hi to her after!" I tell Meredith. "She is Arizona's new mentor. Want to mess with Arizona a bit? I got this." Mer says and I nod with a smile in my eyes.

Back in the Gallery, Arizona's POV

"Dr. Robbins, I thought I requested no one in the gallery for this surgery." Meredith said in an angry tone loud enough to hear through the intercom. I got up quickly and hoped Nicole would follow me.

"What was that about?" Nicole asked. "Oh, the woman in the rainbow scrub cap is the head of pediatrics, Dr. Y/n Karev and also my girlfriend. She just came back from being shot in the chest from the code silver we had here a while back. So her twin brother, Alex Karev wanted to make sure she would be okay and have someone on standby if needed. So Y/n heard it and kicked Alex off the surgery and put Meredith in with her. And I was dragged into it because Alex was talking to me when he said it and she overhead it. So now she's mad at me too." I finished rambling.

Nicole was laughing and said, "Oh Y/n Karev, still as funny as ever. She used to be my favorite person to scrub in with and my most stubborn patient." She said and put her hand over her mouth. "You didn't hear me say patient, she will kill me if she heard me say that. Not to mention I just broke HIPAA." She finishes. I nod to assure her I wouldn't say anything.

Just then I heard someone clear their throat behind us. Oh wow, we are in trouble.

"Nicole Herman, looking lovely as ever and sharing confidential information too. You really haven't changed." Y/n says and brings her in for a hug. "Sorry Y/n, it slipped. You look good for someone who was shot in the chest." Nicole says with a laugh and they laugh together. 

"Dr. Robbins." Y/n says with a simple nod and then walks away to the peds wing. "Oh wow, you really are in trouble." Nicole says with a hearty laugh. 

I roll my eyes and we walk off to the office we will be utilizing for our studies.

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