Marauders era: Sirius Black x reader

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I remember laughing as I sprinted through Hogwarts' grounds with Sirius Black, running away from one Snivellous Snape and Lily Evans in our first year because they weren't very fond of a prank we had pulled.

I remember hiding behind walls and in secret passages with James Potter because we'd split off from the others in order to run from McGonagall to avoid getting detention.

I remember staying up all night with Remus Lupin, study in his room, or the library. We'd always fall asleep at some point, resting on one another in some way. We were always found in the morning by a worried trio of our friends.

I remember sneaking into the kitchens with Peter Pettigrew to get some snacks for some late nights with the boys, telling horror stories on Halloween night, or on one of our birthdays.

I remember Lily Evans crying with me or comforting me after something went badly with a boy, or I was on my period. The girls nights in our dorm room. Her helping me get ready for dates, and the only dance we had ever experienced at Hogwarts, a Christmas ball in which she had given James a chance. I attended alone. Remus had gone with Mary MacDonald, having been asked by her and being unable to find a way to say no. Sirius had gone with Marlene McKinnon. And Peter had gone with Dorcas Meadowes.

From that point, I had slipped into the mindset that the group no longer needed me. Once James and Lily had gotten together, another girl had been introduced to the group, and the feminine touch I had provided to our little ensemble, was passed on to Lily, meaning I was no longer needed.

My dorm room was quiet, but across the tower I could hear the boys laughing, cackling, followed by a more feminine laugh. I'd been friends with them all for so long, and then James Potter gets a girlfriend, and they act as though I no longer exist, or am no longer a concern to their antics. I sighed, adjusting my knitted, sweater sleeves. I quickly switched my sleep shorts for a pair of jeans, sliding on a pair of converse over my socks.

It's after hours...what if I get caught...?

I bit my lip, hesitating to open the door when I heard a few footsteps coming towards the door. It slowly opened as I stepped back, immediately recognising James' laugh and Lily's red hair. I felt my heart pound against my chest.

"(N/n), hey." James sent me a bright smile as Lily wandered over to her bed and grabbed her robe. "You're coming on duties tonight, right?" I shook my head with a sigh, quickly pushing passed him to get down the corridor. "(Y/n)!" Ahead of me, waiting at the bottom of the stairs, I could see Remus leaning with his shoulder against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he spoke with Sirius, who had his hands stuffed into his jacket pockets, and Peter flicking through a notebook that had been left on the table. I felt my heart stop in my chest, quickly tugging my sleeves down. I hurried down the stairs and passed them, earning a weird stare from all three of them.

After leaving the common room through the portrait, I began running through the corridors until I reached the kitchens. I smiled to the few house elves still around before quickly rummaging through the drawers.

"Miss Weasley!" A quiet voice called from the height of my knees. I looked down at the source. A house elf. "What are you looking for?"

"A lighter. For fire."

"But you're a witch, you can create fire." I shook my head, stuffing my hand into my pocket and pulling out two things and setting them on the counter. "You're wand's broken." Another voice piped up from across the room, a younger than usual house elf.

"I can fix it!" I smiled but shook my head, crouching down to their heights and taking the two pieces of wood.

"I need a lighter, not my wand, please." The two shared a worried look, but nodded none the less.

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