Marauder's Era: James Potter ✔️

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"Because I am proud to call myself a Marauder!!" My shouted echoed through the great hall, silencing any surrounding Gryffindor's.

"That's bull and you know it! You always hated being a Marauder!" I had been silent most of dinner as the boys tormented me about joining to be a Marauder a few years ago, that I was the only girl.

"When Remus wasn't there, who do you think made sure you didn't get in trouble? Who do you think took the blame for your ridiculous pranks? Who in the hell do you think has been cleaning up after you for the passed six years?!" I screamed the final part, having enough of all the boy's attitudes towards me. I could tell they had had enough of having a girl in the group, enough of it no longer being the four of them, I mean Peter was the exception, he enjoyed having me around, being my brother and all, luckily I was the older of our twin pair. The four stared at me, Sirius from beside me and the others from opposite me, even Lily was staring at me in shock at my outburst. The quiet Gryffindor finally snapped and was screaming across the great hall.

"That's absolute pants! You're not even a prefect, couldn't get us out of trouble even if you tried!"

"Shows what you know, Potter! I've managed to get you out of trouble for harassing poor Severus at every chance you get!! Kept him quiet!!"

"Oh please! Anyone could get us out of trouble for that! Even Peter!"

"(Y/n), please sit back down..." I heard Lily mutter to herself, burying her face into her hands as I slammed my hands on the table, standing up. My eyes met James' in a deadly glare, he actually seemed to flinch back a little, sitting up that tiny bit straighter.

"Listen to me, Potter, and listen to me bloody well. I don't give a god damn what you say to or about me but as soon as you bring my brother into this, I will tear you limb from limb if I have to. I will make the whole Quidditch team lose as many matches as is needed if it means I can play dirty against you and hurt you in the process." As a Gryffindor, that really isn't something to be proud of saying, at all, it's seen more as a Slytherin trait, but oh well. The entire hall had gone silent, even the professors were avoiding getting in the middle of this. I pushed off the table and held my head high as I headed over to the hall's doors.

"That's bold of you to say, Pettigrew! We both know how much winning means to your pathetic ass!" I whipped around, my wand in hand as a spell was sent straight to James Potter.

"Flipendo!" James was sent off his seat, a smirk crossing his lips as he knew what was going to happen next. He was quick to stand up in the aisle and aim his own wand at me as I stalked towards him. As James cast a rather bright spell, I muttered my next one. "Fumos." The room was filled with a thick mist, barely visible through. I felt James' hand link with mine and pull me to the main door to the room. "Do the honours, please."

"With pleasure, love." James pointed his wand to the hall ceiling and cast a quick spell, the room soon erupting in screams and cries as the mist began to fade, only to reveal the entire school, apart from teachers, covered in green, red, blue and yellow paint with a few insects and some feathers/glitter in with it. Even the Marauder's and Lily were coated. First to seventh years completely drenched in all the paint James and I could find within the school. McGonagall and Dumbledore stared at us in awe and with great pride. The two had allowed and even helped to set up this beautiful prank. It was our final year and the final night before school ended for good for us, and we wanted to go out with the best prank this school has and will ever see. And we had done it, the best, most extreme prank to have ever been pulled at Hogwarts.
James' arms slipped around my waist from behind me with a smirk as our friends stared at us in almost disgust.
"I'm glad my girlfriend's a Marauder, it's so much more fun." His lips pressed to the side of my neck and I smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen!" The entire school stared at the two of us as James spoke. "Beat this prank!" His challenge was taken on by kids in other years, most definitely, because students shared looks and curt nods. "To my wonderful mates! Don't talk shit about her if you don't want to get pranked like this!"

It took two years to pull off that prank. James and I had started dating at the end of our fifth year but kept it to ourselves. All James had to do was start behaving himself so no one would suspect he was planning such an immense prank, and thus the Marauders all started behaving. Like little ducklings following their mother's lead. Step one.
I was a Marauder anyway when the map was finished, so my name was on that and I was ecstatic to be able to use it, James and I could keep an eye on Filch and all our housemates so we wouldn't get caught with each other or caught planning this epic prank. Step two.
James and I had to 'drift apart' but still had our secret little rendezvous' when we wanted them. Step three.
I had to clean up their messes before Remus could and prevent trouble finding their trail. Step four. That took a year in itself, so as soon as Seventh year rolled around, we spent the entire year gathering all of the necessary materials. Step five.
For the last month of school, we spent it setting up in the main hall after curfew so no one would catch us. Dumbledore allowed us to hide our kit in a secret little room within the huge hall. Step six.
And then we had our chance to pull off our prank. All we had to do was keep up the whole argument. Step seven.
Create a smoke screen within flying spells so the trigger spell wouldn't sound so out of everything. Step eight.
Trigger the spell and stand back and watch it happen. Step nine.
See that we had done the best prank in Hogwarts' School history and go down in history as it's best pranksters. Step ten.

"Bloody hell, Prongs, how long did it take for you to set that one up?" Sirius dropped onto the sofa the other side of James and I was cuddled up to my boyfriend's side, his arm over my shoulders.

"Two years, exactly. And, it wasn't even my plan." Everyone in the room shared looks and started muttering things about how the most troublesome marauder hadn't come up with that prank. "It was (Y/n)."

"The quietest ones are the most conniving." Remus ruffled my hair and dropped into the seat next to me.
This was definitely a great experience...

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