Half-Blood Prince: Draco Malfoy ✔️

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I quietly sat in the Slytherin common room, curled up on the sofa with a book in my lap, humming a soft tune to myself. Luckily it was a Saturday so most people were either sleeping in or were out with their friends or possibly even siblings as some Weasley's could be. When other Slytherin slipped into the room, I closed my book and slipped off the sofa so they could occupy it with their friends, soon heading out into the castle. The small group of first years sent me a thankful smile as they sat down.
The castle itself was beautiful inside and out, such incredible architecture and height all constructed from stone.
In the end I ended up wandering the castle but finding myself in the courtyard, unfortunately I had bumped into someone. Well, I had almost bumped into someone. Before I could a hand grabbed my waist and spun me very smoothly, so I wouldn't collide with them as I read my book. Turning my head, I found the bleach blonde hair of one of the sixth year boys I had seen around the common room.

"...And you're here why?"

He smirked when I spoke, closing the book and holding it into my chest with the smallest hint of a smile.

"I saw a certain gorgeous seventh year."

For a Slytherin, my smile was soft and sweet, making this boy straighten his back and stared down at me, cocky if I had ever seen the look before. From the corner of my eye I could see a group of other sixth years, mainly Gryffindor, concentrated in one area of the courtyard under the trees. I glanced to them, making them all look away simultaneously. My attention shifted back to Draco. As a seventh year I should have probably been focusing on my N.E.W.T's and not anyone else in the school, but he wasn't much younger than me, only...nineish months, to what I believe.

"It's a pleasure, as always, Malfoy." My eyes met his and my smile remained, my grip on the book loosened and I held it to my side in one hand. Draco took my other hand in his and lifted it to his lips to press them to my knuckles.

"The pleasure's all mine, Miss Weasley."

So he did know who I was, how curious. I smirked and let my hand rest on his shoulder before trailing down to his chest and fiddling with his tie as I took a step closer to him, looking down to the tie and then back up to his eyes. Standing tall, I leant up and whispered to him, his one hand on my waist as I felt his chest rising and falling quicker than normal. He was flustered~!

"Maybe you can show me that pleasure later." I pecked his cheek before pulling away with a small giggle, my fingers following around the fabric of his green and silver tie. "What do you say?" The words came out soft, low and silky, enticing the boy further.

"Or, 'later' can be 'now'?" Draco suggested and I smirked, letting my lips simply hover over his, another giggle escaping passed my lips.

"How bout 'no'?" I pulled away from the very slightly younger boy as he sighed, both of us turning to the voice that had appeared. If anything, my smirk returned and one crossed Draco's lips.

"What business is it to you, Weasley?" The ginger glared at the blonde beside/in front of me, his hand still around my waist. Draco and Ron never got along, ever since their first day of their first year...and before then, Ron having come from a family that completely disliked all Malfoys. Apparently mixing with a smartass muggle-born and a the-boy-who-lived, opposed to Draco Malfoy who would have definitely gotten him up the ranks within pure-blood families and would basically guarantee his safety.

"That's my sister and you're an absolute prat."

"You really need to watch your language, Ronald." My younger brother shrugged but glared at Draco, despite the fact that I was the one to have spoken. My voice hadn't been too serious, whenever I spoke to Ron I always ended up taking up a joking tone. I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips to Draco's. "I'll see you later." He chuckled and kissed me again with a rare smile.

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