Marauder's Era: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin x Hufflepuff! Reader

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Remus x Hufflepuff reader requested by @MossyTubbo !!

There will be a part two!

I felt my throat tighten. It was never a sight I could get used to. Sirius Black, with a girl. I clenched my jaw as a hand was set on my shoulder. A voice came from the same source. 

"He's still doing it?" I nodded at the sound of James' voice, which was followed by a sigh. "I'll go talk to him." Just as James gave my shoulder a squeeze and walked off down the corridor, an arm was slung over my shoulder. I turned my head and found Remus. 

"Again?" I nodded once more, resting my head on Remus' shoulder as he tensed up, hesitantly resting his head on mine.  He smelt like hot made a small smile cross my lips as I noticed James talking to Sirius, who had briefly glanced over in my direction at the same time as his best friend. I saw his expression darken as he bit the inside of his cheek. 

"Yeah, she looks real upset, Prongs." The eldest Black hissed, looking the two of us up and down. "Absolutely broken." I felt Remus' hand rub my arm as I turned into him a little more. 

"Can we go back to the dorms please?" I felt Remus look down to me as I rest. My head on his chest, my hand stuffed in my hoodie pockets. 

"You want to go back to your dorm?" I nodded.

"Yes, please." There was the brief sound of Remus chuckling as he turned me to head towards my dorms. As we walked, Remus comforted me. 

"I know he's an idiot, but sometimes you guys just need to communicate, okay? Come by later, talk to him." I nodded, reluctantly, his arm still draped around my shoulders. "If he does anything shitty, just come to me, okay?" I nodded again with a hum. "Let one of us know, and we'll talk to him." I nodded again when we finally reached the entrance to my dormitory. 

"Thanks again...He can be a bit of a dick half the time." I smiled softly, Remus nudging my arm. 

"Go, I'll see you at dinner."

After dinner rolled around and I had quietly wandered up to Gryffindor Tower, the Fat Lady silently allowing me in. I'd gone up after none o the Marauder's had turned up to dinner. As soon as I walked through the portrait hole, I could see Sirius glaring daggers at Remus, who was silently reading a book, glancing to his friend occasionally as James and Peter sat awkwardly in the raining chairs surrounding the fireplace. Even Lily was up here, worriedly stood with her one arm over her chest, nervously chewing on her other hand's nail. I caught sight of Remus tensing up as he closed his book in his lap. 

"You and Moony, huh?" My attention immediately fell onto Sirius, my stomach feeling very empty. I stared at him before actually speaking, but while the words struggled to fall from my lips, Sirius spoke again. "Nothing to say?" I saw Peter look between thee two of us as Remus put his book down. I hesitantly looked to Remus, who slowly moved his gaze to the coffee table in front of him, avoiding looking at me. "Don't look at him." I swallowed. "Look at me. He's not going to help you." Sirius stood up as I pulled my sweater sleeves over my hands. I had switched from my earlier hoodie to my quidditch jumper because we had practice before dinner. I remained silent. "You don't want to talk to me?" I took in a small but deep breath.. "(Y/n), what's going on with you and Moony?" Sirius taunted, taking steps closer to me. I took a small step back, although he seemed pleased with it. Ever so slightly, I tilted my head with curiosity.

"You think Remus and I...your best friend, and your girlfriend..." I saw Sirius' features falter ever so slightly as I put things into perspective. "Are going behind your back? After everything you've done for him? You think he would do that to you?" Remus was staring at me ini surprise. I had defended him first, I had put his friendship with Sirius before my relationship. He shared a look with James, concerned. 

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