Marauder's Era: James Potter ✔️

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Prompt idea came from my girl Alisha! AlishaTheAnimeBish
I may have twisted the idea a little, but the main prompt did come from this amazing human being!!

Prompt: Studying for the OWL's and James just randomly asks you about the muggle world. The topic of cheesy movies comes up and things escalate a little.

Short short chapter! Only 600ish words
The Library, the warm, quiet library. Today was one of those days that since it was raining pretty heavily, Quidditch had been cancelled, so Sirius was getting off with a girl back in their dorm room. Therefore this left Peter, Remus and James out of the room. James had appeared to drop onto the sofa beside me as I read a book, his arm draped over the back of the sofa as I fully invested myself into the revision I was doing. Surprisingly not with Peter or Remus for once. Unintentionally, I leaned into James, surprisingly getting comfortable around the seventh year prankster, shocking him. My back was leaning against his side, a pot of ink sat on the coffee table with a quill next to it along with a set of notes I had already written up. In my lap was my Muggle Studies text book that I flicked through. James turned slightly, his chin resting on top of my head as I slouched against him, James occasionally quizzing me on DADA, Charms or Potions and I did the same for him, everything we did based off memory.

"(Y/n)?"' I hummed, flicking over to the next page. "The muggle world, what's your favourite thing about it?" I shrugged. I didn't know if he was asking because I was muggle-born or if it was because I was reading a Muggle Studies text book to see what they had gotten wrong and what our curriculum as actually on.

"Shopping, probably."

"Why? All you do is wander round looking at stuff." I shrugged again, relaxing a little more when I saw his fingers fiddling with the ends of my hair.

"There's loads you can buy in the muggle world. Vinyls, record players, cars, much more variety with clothes, VHS."

"What's VHS?" I sat up slightly and turned to face him, thinking over how to describe it.

"Films." James looked at me having absolutely no idea. I rethought my approach. "You can rewatch things, people can act in it or it can be of memories." The brunette nodded, asking me a question.

"What's the cheesiest film you've ever seen?"

"I mean, the only romance one I've ever seen is 'Claire's Knee' and 'Ryan's daughter'."

"Which did you prefer?" I shrugged again.

"Ryan's daughter, probably. It's this drama about Love and Scandal in a small village in Ireland during the First World War. This woman who's in a loveless marriage starts an affair with a British soldier, but the village idiot proves the undoing of the couple." Potter stared at me as I spoke so fondly of it, realising it was my favourite film.

"So that's your favourite film, what other favourites do you have?"

"My favourite flavour is strawberry or cherry." I thought for a moment, soon peering outside. "My favourite scents are rain, old and new books and..." By now I was kneeling on the cushion beside him, facing him but leaning with my hands planted on the fabric in front of me.


My voice went softer, closer to a purr than anything else.

"I'd have to go with your cologne." James turned to face me properly and settled where he sat.

"You like they way I smell?" I nodded, inching closer to him.

"It's nice, it's alluring, it's....encouraging..."

"Encouraging to do what?" I thought for a moment, my lips an inch or two away from his own, his eyes flickering from mine to my lips.

'To kiss you..."

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