Marauder's Era: Remus lupin x reader

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As per usual on a Friday night, my friends were trying to persuade me to go out in London. It was summer, prime 'going out' time especially now that school was over and most final year students had already turned 18 and were looking for ways to celebrate leaving high school.

"Find something cute, and put it on, (Y/n)!" My roommate called out to me as I slid out of my bed. I went to my wardrobe and just stared into it for a moment before finding nothing.

"I'm borrowing your clothes!" I called out as I wandered over to my roommates room, pushing the door open as she rummaged through her wardrobe, shucking a dress and a pair of shoes at me.

"There you go." I sighed and left the shoes beside her door before heading back to my room to change. She'd given me her black fitted dress. I stared at it for a moment before undressing and slipping it on, noticing how perfectly it fit and that the sleeves were thankfully just off my shoulders. My door opened again and I saw, out of the corner of my eye, my friend set the shoes by my door again before taking my converse from beside my door. "Heels tonight, (N/n)." sighed and looked at them. Black, again. Well, at least she knew me. I sighed and slipped them on along with an almost unnoticeable pair of socks since the shoes didn't show my toes. I quickly brushed through my hair as my roommate called out to me. "Time to go!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise we were on a schedule tonight..." I muttered, grabbing the cropped leather jacket she had held out for me as I passed her to leave the flat.

"We're meeting up with Lily and Marlene." I stared at her as she locked the front door, my bag over my shoulder, well between my teeth as I slipped on the jacket, then it was on my shoulder, keeping a hold of my keys and money.

"Who the hell is Lily and Marlene?"

"Lily is this girl I knew back in primary school, and we've just reconnected, I thought it'd be nice to see her again. And Marlene is her friend, so be nice, okay?" I nodded with a sigh, following after Elice. (Ellis). "Lily said she might be bringing her boyfriend along, too, so be nice to him as well."

"I'm guessing there's a theme of you asking me to be nice?" She nodded as I stuffed my hands into my pockets, following her into the taxi she had waved down.

"Oh! Sam! How perfect!"

"Usual place, I assume, Elice?" She nodded and the driver started on his way.

"How do you know him?"

"I have a habit of calling on his car every Friday." I slowly nodded, my teeth latching to my lip. "Stop chewing your lip, you'll ruin your makeup." I stopped and she tugged my face to face her as she pulled out a lipstick form her back, applying fit to my lips again. I simply pouted and sighed.

It took about 20 minutes until Sam pulled up to the side of the road. Elice was the first to get out, followed by me, and once I was out, my hands were back in my pockets.

"Lily!" She shouted over the crowd to a red head in the line for the club. The red head beamed and waved us over. I followed after my friend, silently. Behind Lily, I noticed three boys laughing amongst themselves. One with longer black hair and a few tattoos, one with messy, sandy, blond hair, and another with short, messy, dark hair and glasses. "It's been years, how are you?!" Elice grinned, slipping into the line beside Lily.

"Not to bad. Oh, Eliice, this is James, my boyfriend." The dark haired boy with glasses offered us a smile, shaking Elice's hand. He was about 5'8, so my sort of height, while Lily appeared to be 5'4, only an inch shorter than Elice. I glanced over to the other two guys. The dark haired of the two was around 5'9, or 5'10...the sandy blond was 6'2, the tallest of the group. I looked him up. and down as Lily and Elice talked with James. Worn down and ripped jeans, a loose fitting beige sweater with the sleeves pushed to his elbows...and his hands stuffed into his jeans pockets. The guy next to him was ini black jeans, a black band t-shirt, and a black leather jacket, how matching I was. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Elice when one of the two looked at me.

"Oh right, Lily, James, this is (Y/n), she's not really one for going out, so she's not very friendly when she's forced out like tonight-" I glared at her out of the corner of my eye before forcing an incredibly friendly smile.

"(Y/n) Lynn, it's a pleasure to meet the pair of you." My smile was a sickly kind of sweet one, the one you'd use in customer service or something. "And you two are?" I Looked to the boys behind them, who were clearly here with them.

"Sirius Black." The one in all black stepped forwards, and as I offered my hand, he took hit, turning it and placing a kiss to the knuckles. "The pleasure's mine, darlin'." I bit the inside of my cheek to refrain from saying something, simple forcing a smile.

"And you?" I switched my attention to the tall, sandy blond.

"He's not one for new people, love, bit awkward." Sirius explained with a smirk, looking me up and down. My eyes met the blond's.

"I'll change that by the end of the night." Everyone seemed a little taken aback by my comment, although as I watched the blond, I saw him slyly look me up and down, a small smirk crossing his lips, with a tint of red crossing his cheeks.

"Well that's a bold statement."

"I prefer the word challenge, Mister Potter." I threw him a smile before walking into the club, the bouncer too busy with a couple at the front who were causing trouble. I stole the little hand stamp from the table beside him and pressed the ink to the inside of my wrist.

We'd all had a few drinks in us, and we'd been here for about two hours. As I was getting ready to leave, already bored, chewing the inside of my cheek, a hand caught mine, gently pulling me towards an area where almost everyone in the club was dancing. My eyes immediately latched onto that of the blond, his eyes were a light brown or grey. There was this barely intoxicated smile on his lips.

"Come on, Love, thought you were going to change my mind?" I tilted my head, amused but a little confused as to why he was doing this now, as Gimme Gimme Gimme came on by ABBA. "Everyone's drunk, so I don't have to baby them tonight. it's when they're sober that they need watching." I laughed and shook my head as he twirled me to my back was pressed against his front.

"Are you going to tell me your name yet?" I asked over the music.

"Remus Lupin." He whispered beside my ear, causing me to straighten up a little as we danced.

"Cute name."

"Just like you~" He chuckled, teasing me as his hand glided over my waist and onto my hip in the crowded room.

"Well aren't you a charmer..." I felt him smile as I tipped my head to the side a little, his lips gently pressing against the skin.

"I've met you before, haven't I?" He asked, chuckling as I smiled, turning to face him as I danced, my one arm slipping over his shoulder.

"I don't know what you mean~" I laughed as both his hands moved to my hips, pulling me close to him.

"You're Sarah's daughter."

"And you're Lyall's son, what's your point?" A smirk crossed his lips as I shook my head with a smile, turning away from him, moving to walk away only for him to tug me back.

"Not so fast, Love, you've still got to change my mind, and prove Sirius wrong."

"And why am I proving Sirius wrong?"

"He said I'm not the type you'd go for." I looked across the room, my eyes fixating on Sirius Black, who was ignoring Elice as she waffled on, his eyes following us intently, no discernible expression on his face.

"Hm...You're just my type, actually~" I smirked, leaning back into him as another song came on. Killer Queen. Sirius sucked on his teeth as he saw me smiling as I danced with Remus.

"Well, I'm not going to be in London very want to go out before I leave?" I nodded, spinning around with a bright smile. We stopped dancing for a moment. "Really?" I nodded again.

"Come on, Remus, our parents have been friends for years, we've just never spoken." He tilted his head and I laughed. "I've seen you long enough to know that I would like to go on a date with you." He smiled and leaned down to my height with a smirk, catching me off guard a little. I straightened up and stared at him in surprise.

"I'll pick you up at six tomorrow." He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before slinking passed me and over to his offended friend. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag from the table, where James and Lily were getting pretty handsy. I offered the group a smile before bidding them all farewell.

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