Marauders' Era: Remus lupin x reader

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Lily fussed over adjusting my hair and dress as we waited for her boyfriend and one of his friends to come meet us at the restaurant. There were two different tables booked: One for Lily and her boyfriend, who I was still yet to meet, and one for whoever I was set up with today. Lily had told me that she had described me to James, her boyfriend, and based on that description, he (James) would choose one of his three best friends to bring with him tonight.

"Prongs, why in Godric's name did you choose me for this?" I looked up from Lily's neatly painted nails that were adjusting the hem of my dress. I saw two guys wandering down the street. Both in Jeans and a button up, although one was wearing a sweater too. He looked rather cute with the addition of the slightly messy blonde hair, and the light scars raking his skin. 

"Because, dear Moony, you need to get out more, and from what Lily said, she sounds like you'd like her-"

"I barely like anyone outside our friend group, what on Earth makes you think I'd like-"

"James!" Lily cheered when she had finished playing with my clothes. "Oh! You brought Remus, interesting...Anyway, (Y/n), this is James and one of his best friends, Remus." The six foot boy, who hadn't kissed Lily, so who I would assume was Remus, offered me a forced, awkward smile, which I returned. "Remus, this is my neighbour, and best friend, (Y/n)." I quietly followed James and Lily into the restaurant. The pair were greeted, along with Remus and I. 

"Good evening, can I take your name?"

"James Potter, there should be two separate tables?" The hostess nodded, smiling. 

"Tracey! Could you take Mister Potter to his table, while I take his guests to their table?" Another, younger girl, nodded and smiled for Remus and I to follow her. So we did, in awkward silence. 

"Do you guys know what you like, or would you like some time to look over the menus?" I pointed to the dish on the menu I usually had when I came here with Lily for our monthly catch ups, and Remus simply asked for the same. I offered her a smile before wandering off. Not too far away, I could see Lily and James, the two had glanced to us before sharing a look and looking back to us. 

"I-I want to guess you had no idea about tonight either?" I shrugged, pursing my lips. "Not a fan of people either?" I shook my head as he ran a hand through his hair. "Me too..." I tilted my head, sitting up a little instead of slouching in my seat. "My friends are all outgoing, I like just staying in, especially at night." I titled my head curiously. 

"I like going out at night..." Remus seemed surprised at the sound of my voice. His head had shot up from looking down at the menu, which he was staring at as he spoke, his head resting on his balled up fist as he kept his head propped up. "No-one else is out, it's quiet...especially in the summer..." This soft smile crossed his lips as I quietly spoke, trying my best to not weird him out. "It's warm...clear sky...peaceful..."

"What do you do when it's like that outside?" I shrugged, forcing a smile.  

"Read...Walk my dog...Photography, although it's pretty shit-"

"I think that's all pretty cool...My friends are fairly adventurous, which is why I like to stay inside...But you make going out at night sound amazing." I smiled softly, finally looking at him properly. He was really cute up close...six foot something...somewhat lanky but also somewhat built...the cars that littered his skin gave him character, they sort of suited him. 

"I'm sorry if this is insensitive but..." I saw his smile soften, but sadden at the same time, he knew what I was going to ask, but he didn't stop me, he nodded for me to continue. "How did you get your scars?" Behind him, I could see James grow a little tense, but Lily seemed fairly relaxed, smiling fondly as she watched me. She knew I wasn't great in social situations, which his why she had set this up, and she seemed happy I had gathered the courage to ask such a personal question. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry or anything-"

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