Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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"Sirius, will you sit still please?"

"You know I don't like this." I shook my head with a quiet laugh, smiling softly. The common room was dark aside from the fireplace. Everyone else was in bed, including the rest of the Marauders. While Sirius was sat on the carpet at my feet, his back against the sofa as I sat on the sofa with my legs either side of him as I played with his hair.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but this was the only way I could talk to you without the others."

Sirius chuckled as I continued to apply the red hair dye. 

"And what is it you want to talk about?"

"Peter." Sirius turned his head a little in confusion. 

"Peter?" I nodded slowly as Sirius shook his head with a  sigh. "So, of all four of us. The tall, slim, blond, with attractive scarring....The dark, messy haired, prankster...and the rebellious, tattooed, well me. You chose the shortest of us with dirty blonde hair and nothing discernible about him?" I swatted his head and laughed.

"No, dumbass, I have a dilemma to do with all four of you." Sirius tilted his head as I giggled to myself, noting him crease his eye brows in amusement. 

"Well, Valentines day is coming up." Sirius hummed. "The day after tomorrow actually...." He hummed again. "And I've received four letters asking me to be their Valentine." He hummed again. "The latest one being from Peter."

"How do you know who they're from?"

"One, I know all of your writings, and none of you made them very anonymous."

"What do you mean?"

"I know what you all call yourselves, so putting 'Prongs', or 'Padfoot', or 'Wormtail', or 'Moony', doesn't quite count as being anonymous." Sirius chuckled and shook his head. 

"Right, that...All four of us, really?" I nodded, parting his hair again and dying more strands. "All of us?" I nodded again. "Even James?" Another nod. "Would have thought he'd go for Lily..."

"Why's that?"

"Cause he said he would. Peter said he was going for Dorcas. Personally I was planning on going for Marlene, and we were hoping to leave you for poor Moony." He sighed. "But we figured he'd back out and just mope around, so Jamie, Pete and I thought we'd give him a  nudge-"

"That's funny though, the first note I got was three weeks ago from Remus. It wasn't until a few days ago that I got yours, James' and Peter's."

"Three weeks?!" I nodded, tugging his hair to reposition him. 

"I know, weird."

"Three weeks....Three weeks ago...Shit."

"What?" I asked, now a little nervous as I trailed away from doing his hair. 

"He was a bit weird three weeks ago-"

"What do you mean?" He just shrugged.

"I don't know, he just went quiet for a week, focussed on his work, all that stuff, got his life together, you know?"

"Why's that weird though?" Sirius just shrugged again.

"Moony isn't the kind of person to deal with things on his own anymore, not since he met us, we all help each other out." He sighed. "Full moon was that week, we never really saw him, he just kind of...disappeared...?" I finished up with his hair and just left it, setting the brush down as he turned around to face me. 

"What do you mean?"

"He's changing himself, so you'll like him, sweetheart." Sirius stated it like it was obvious, my innocent smile falling. 


"He doesn't think we notice, but we do, he's acting different-"

"How so?"

"Well, he's behaving, doesn't join in our little adventures, he went through the full moon alone-" I stood up with a sigh and headed over to the stairs. "Where are you going?"

"Come on." I turned around and pulled up Sirius.

"Why are we going up the boys dorm stairs?" I shook my head and pushed open the door to Sirius' room, two of three sleeping boys rolling over with groans just as the sun was beginning to peak through the windows. I grabbed a pillow from Sirius' bed and threw it at Remus, making him sit up slowly in tired surprise.

"What the fuck," Remus finally noticed me stood by Sirius's bed. I tilted my head with expectance as James sat up in his bed. 

"Pads, why's (Y/n) here?" Sirius just shrugged beside me. 

"She was doing my hair then dragged me up here." Remus was looking over the three of us, James slipping from his bed and standing beside Sirius, his technically brother.

"What the fuck's going on?" I bit the inside of my cheek. 

"What is wrong with you?!" I snapped at the tall blond, catching him off-guard. "Changing yourself and how you behave, for a girl?!" Remus' eyes immediately flew to his two best friends, who smirked nervously. 

"What did you say to her?" He hissed, the two boys beside me taking a couple of steps back. "Sirius, what did you say?" The boy in question just shook his head and bolted out of the room while James hurried over to Peter, shaking him awake and pulling him out of the room before shutting the door behind him just as Remus sprung from his bed and reached the door. "Twats, absolute wankers." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "What'd Sirius say to you?" I was about to speak when Remus' eyes met mine. "Exactly, what?" I bit my cheek again and nodded slowly. 

"That you were focussing on school more, you went quiet, missed the full moon with them, you started behaving more-"

"He mentioned the full moon?" I nodded as he cut off my quick speaking, sucking in a deep breath. I released that breath in a sigh when Remus puled open the door. I ran to it and slammed it closed, pressing my back against it so I was between him and the door. 

"We're talking about this, Remus." I stated, earning a sigh and brief nod from him. "I'm not stupid, you disappear once a month, an your nickname is 'Moony', and I know you Patronus is a wolf and you hate it." I forced him to meet my gaze. "And I know you love messing around with your friends, so why are you stopping it all for a girl?"

"You don't get it, I really like her, and I doubt she likes me because of how I act around my friends-"

"What if that's why she liked you?" I scoffed. "And now you're changing yourself to be who you think she wants you to be, when she just wants you as yourself." Remus stared at me and groaned, taking a step forwards and bumping his head against the door just above my own head. 

"Sirius told you...." I nodded pursing my lips. 

"Sirius told me..."

"Why?" I quietly laughed to myself and shook my head, looking down to my feet. 

"The three of them found out you liked me, and to nudge you to get on with it, they all sent me Valentines day cards-" Remus stood up straight, staring right down at me, shocked. 

"What? They did what?"

"Yeah, so I asked Sirius about it while I was dying his hair, and he just told me."

"They all sent you cards?" I nodded. "They all have girlfriends!" Remus laughed and I nodded again, smiling. "All in...Gryffindor..." My smile fell. 

"They're my roommates."

"Where are the cards?" I was silent, pursing my lips before swinging the door open and running down the stairs, Remus following after me. "(Y/n)!"

"On my bed!" I heard my name shouted once again and whimpered when I heard footsteps running down the girls stairs. I quickly stopped in front of the three remaining Marauders, who had sat themselves on the sofa. 

"What's got you two so red? Horny? Flustered?" I shook my head at James' words. 

"I left the cards on my bed and your girlfriends may have just found them." All three boys shared a look. 


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