After Deathly Hallows: Charlie Weasley x reader

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I stared at the new and current students tentatively flooding into Hogwarts and made sure to keep a careful eye on students in the years second to seventh for they had experienced it and the first years hadn't

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I stared at the new and current students tentatively flooding into Hogwarts and made sure to keep a careful eye on students in the years second to seventh for they had experienced it and the first years hadn't. I was a former Hogwarts student, only a couple of years behind my boyfriend, Charlie, (I was in his brother Percy's year), and as a former student I had participated in the Battle with the Order and other students. Like my boyfriend, who had a fascination with Dragons, I had a fascination with other subjects such as Transfiguration, a little more relaxed. So after completing my seventh year, I spoke with Dumbledore and managed to get a trial run as the Transfiguration teacher, soon securing the position. Anyway....I watched as students dripped into the main hall, taking their seats with their designated houses while I was to guide in the newest first years. It was odd, to be doing an annual thing that I once had to sit through.

"Follow me." The many 11 year olds followed me into the hall like lost puppies as I held a scroll neatly tied with a ribbon in my hands, the older years looking at us in almost silence, there having been chatter dotted around. McGonagall called for quiet as she stood from her seat, announcing a few notices before nodding to me. After almost ten years out of Hogwarts, this would be my first full academic year of teaching since I was only part-time for the past few years, joining Charlie in Romania whenever I wasn't at Hogwarts. "When I call your name, you will come forth and I shall place the sorting hat onto your head and you will be sorted into your houses." I untied the ribbon and skimmed over the name, calling out the first one and gently setting the hat onto their tiny heads, letting it do its thing and decide where each student should be placed. It was satisfying to see student's expressions light up at the sound of the houses they were put into, being greeted by the other students, I could see why Minerva enjoyed doing this while Dumbledore was headmaster.


Classes had begun and for the first time in the academic year, I had a free day after McGonagall offered to take over my classes for the day since she missed teaching Transfiguration, so I agreed. The strange thing about today was that Minerva had offered to take my classes, however class came to a quick end and a lunch break between lessons had followed, though I hadn't joined everyone in the hall and simply wandered around the castle. I wandered around just admiring how well restored the castle was, admiring its beautiful architecture once more, nodding to students as I passed them with a smile, though soon finding myself in the courtyard, the rather small one that had a large tree. Underneath that tree I spotted something amazing, students beginning to surround the courtyard to view the tree. It was littered with fairy lights, a muggle object and underneath those lights was-

"Charlie!" A bright smile broke out across my face and I visibly lit up, my arms wrapping around him immediately before playfully shoving him. "What the hell!? I thought you were still in Romania!" The red head chuckled and moved my hat a little so he could press a quick kiss to my forehead. "When did you get back?"

"Couple hours ago, mum made me stay for a bit, badgering me about coming home more often..." My smile grew the tiniest bit. "Oh, she was bothering me about another thing too."

"And what would that be?" Charlie took my hands gently in his and leaned into me, whispering to me softly.

"Proposing to you." 

My breathing hitched and my eyes widened ever so slightly but as I was about to ask if he was kidding, his lips tenderly touched my cheek and he was soon down on bended knee as I just stared at him in surprise.


"(Y/n), you are...everything to me, you always have been, McGonagall can tell you that much," I smiled, remembering how invested she always was it's our relationship, helping us figure out how we were going to make it work in the future if he was in Romania and I, England. "I adore you, my family adores you and we both know the dragons adore you."

"That's the most important one," I laughed a little, on the verge of crying "the dragons." Charlie chuckled and nodded.

"I've known you since my third year, your first year, all thanks to Perce...there are so many things I love about you, so many reasons I love you and so many lifetimes I want to spend with you, so," My hands covered my mouth as Charlie pulled a small red velvet box from his pocket and lightly opened it for me to see its contents, "(Y/n) Coraline Parquette, will you do the honours of becoming the next future Mrs Weasley by marrying me?" A soft smile crossed my lips as I let my hands fall from my face and I softly nodded.

"Charles Weasley, your obsession with dragons couldn't stop me from marrying you." He chuckled, although waiting for a certain sentence with a hooded up glint in his eyes. "Yes Charles, I'd be happy to be the next future Mrs Weasley." As Charlie stood up and slipped the ring, ever so elegantly onto my finger, I could see Ginny and McGonagall out of the corner of my eyes on the verge of joyful tears, quickly clapping their hands together in celebration and congratulations. "I love you, Charlie."

"I love you more than you can comprehend, my dear." His lips touched my head as I rest against his chest, his arms now wrapped around my torso before I felt his head rest atop my own. "Should we tell mum now or later?" I laughed and pulled away from the Weasley boy, playfully swatting his chest.

 "You will tell your mother immediately, Charles!" My laugh softened into a giggle and I pecked his lips. "I have to get back to work, can you handle your family until then?" He nodded and gently pulled me into a kiss before setting me free.

"You know I can."

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