Order of The Phoenix: Sirius Black ✔️

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I was the only professor permitted to assist Harry Potter on his journey, mainly due to the fact I had nothing better to do and I was James Potter's slightly younger sister, making me young Harry's aunt. I had found him on a little journey of my own and now accompanied him as he headed to his destination: 12 Grimmauld Place. The two of us talked and caught up as we walked, Harry being the first to enter the house, immediately greeted by a group of adults. Ones I recognised. Molly, Arthur, even Remus and-

"Sirius!" I screamed, the man grinning when I ran up to him, my hands immediately land on his cheeks as I pulled him into a passionate kiss, Remus chuckling from behind the dark haired wizard when his arms snaked around my waist. Both Marauders clearly remembered the thing I had going with Sirius before everything went to shit with James and Lily. Unfortunately when the two had died their son was left in the care of Lily's muggle sister instead of James' own immediate family, being me. The other magical child who could raise a magical child.
The kiss was desperate, like we had been separated for years, which we had been seeing as a certain Wormtail decided to frame Sirius for the death of our closest friends and 12 muggles.

"I thought you were with Remus, considering how close you guys are...?" Harry spoke and I giggled, pulling away from Padfoot. I shook my head.

"Harry, let me introduce you to two of the five Marauders. Moony and Padfoot." My arms remained around Sirius' neck as I stood beside him, his one arm sat snugly around my waist as he and Remus gave a short wave. "Me being one of the remaining three. Plus Remus has Nymph and I have Sirius." I giggled and pecked Sirius' lips. Molly and Arthur greeted Harry with a quick hug before leaving him with us Marauders. A thought hit me and I took my nephew's hand. "I'll tell you about the Marauders if you'd like?" He nodded and followed me into the sitting room.

Sirius and Remus came not long after, when I was deep into explaining who the Marauders were and what we always did. The two of them stood at the door watching me smile as I reminisced. A fond smile on their own lips.

"We were this odd little group of Gryffindors, much like the Weasley twins, always pranking and getting into trouble. The shrieking shack isn't actually haunted." The two men in the doorway stared at me, waiting for me to continue. "All that screaming was actually Remus. You see, those boys were massive softies on the inside. With the help of Madam Pomfrey, every full moon we took Moony down to the shack through one of the castle's secret tunnels. There he could safely transform." I paused and beamed, nudging Harry. "Your dad was always the one to get the most worried." Harry laughed lightly, already loving hearing these stories. "It took probably two maybe three years to complete that bloody map, pain in the arse it was to create. Yet we never put on the room of requirement..." Sirius stared at me.

"Room or requirement?" Remus and I nodded.

"Also known as the come and go room. It appears at random places on the fourth floor of the castle." He nodded at his godson's answer. "It appears when a person is in need of it." Sirius' mind wandered and his eyes landed on me.

"The times I could have used that room while at Hogwarts..." I threw a pillow at him and Remus hit him upside the head as he laughed. "Okay, sorry."

"Anyway, James had been after Lily for years-"

"It was painful to witness."

"Yeah, but you had no problem with girls, you were the school's bad boy man whore." Harry laughed at my deadpanned expression as I spoke, Sirius setting a hand over his heart and feigning offense.

"That hurts!"

"Glad to see you haven't changed." I looked over to Remus and he smacked him upside the head again, I nodded in thanks and he nodded in return.

"What were they like when I was a baby?" The three of us shared a look, remembering how much James had changed.

"James...he changed. That teenage boy was still there...but he became so much more responsible and protective."

"I remember how protective he was over (Y/n)." Harry looked up to the former DADA professor in curiosity. "Kicked Sirius right in the balls when he heard he'd kissed her. He was furious." I giggled at the memory, Sirius shivering at it.

"Not a fun day for me."

"But when you were born, James refused to leave you alone. You were his little pride and joy. Of course he was still protective of me and Lily, but he was basically attached to you." Someone ran through a door upstairs and slammed it shut before sprinting down the stairs and before I knew it, two people had tackled me off the sofa and I was laughing and had let out a small scream as they clung to me.

"You're back!" Harry recognised them from Hufflepuff and Slytherin in the year above his.

"John? Cameron?" The two dark haired twins sat up with a smile as I shoved them off. Seventeen years old, bloody hell.

"Mama's boys." The two playfully shoved me back to the floor and I laughed, sitting myself back up to see both Marauders with wide eyes. "Oh right, Remus, these are my children. Johnathan and Cameron."

"Who's are they?"

"They are Potter-Blacks. Sirius, these two are the two tiny weird potato things from before Azkaban." I smiled brightly and all five boys stared at me. "Oh and Harry, they're your cousins. The nice ones, unlike that bloody Dudley. Absolute spoiled brat that kid." I muttered the last sentence but Sirius was just staring down the two boys. Cameron looked quite a bit like Sirius back in high school. Long straight black hair, although he had my eyes but was significantly taller than me, while Johnathan had hair that was longer on top than at the sides, curly, also black hair and my eyes. He wasn't much taller than me, or much shorter than his brother, just a great height for my baby.

"So our dad was arrested." I nodded, so did the two spawns of Satan I call my children.

"What for?"

"Apparently the murder of my best friends." Sirius stated casually, already used to having to say it. The two 'ooh'ed as they nodded.

"Ooh, he's that Sirius Black."

"I would have murdered you if you hadn't killed that bloody rat." Sirius shrugged but dropped onto the other sofa, Cam and John sitting with him. I smiled as a conversation immediately started.

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