Before Marauder's Era: Tom Riddle ✔️

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Tweaked Deathly Hallows a little bit xx

Tweaked Deathly Hallows a little bit xx

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Much to the dismay of many students, I had a similar way of speaking with people as Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Much to the dismay of many students, I had a similar way of speaking with people as Tom Marvolo Riddle. I guess you could say that's what drew him to me. Ever since our third year he seemed to somehow find a way to speak to me. A way to communicate. A way to make me notice him. And it worked, every damn year. So this year, our sixth year, I joined him in his usual compartment on the train.

"Looking as beautiful as always, Malfoy." I rolled my eyes.

"Please Tom, call me (Y/n). But if you don't mind my saying," I looked him up and down before taking the seat opposite him. ", you don't look too bad yourself." He leaned forwards from his usual position: straight back, perfect posture, slightly looking down his nose at everyone - to now lean his arms on his knees and look me in the eyes.

"How was your summer, my dear?"

"Rather boring, I must say. Nothing happened and I had no one to talk to. And yours?" Tom just shrugged before leaning back into his seat.

"Made one or two horcruxes." I rolled my eyes.

"You're still set on this whole Voldemort thing?" He nodded but shifted from his seat to come and sit beside me anyway.

"Of course I am. Join me, be my Queen when we rule the Wizarding world..." His right arm was draped across the seat cushions behind me while his other hand was lightly tracing patterns on the bare skin of my thigh.

"And how would I answer such a proposal?" I kept a straight face as he smirked and leant closer to me, our lips barely grazing the others. I could have sworn this boy didn't know how to love, so how on Earth was he showing that he could understand and give it?

"That's your choice, Malfoy." Lightly, I allowed my lips to meet his. I tilted my head to my right and let our lips meet, silently answering his question and feeling the smallest of smiles crossed his lips.

"Make me your last Horcrux..." Tom pulled away ever so slightly and stared at me. "And I'll make one." I kissed him yet again, with just the same gentle touch.

"You do know creating a Horcrux involves murder...?" I nodded with a hum.

"I'd do it right now if we weren't on a train." Tom's lips met mine once again, although a little more forceful this time.

"I knew there was a reason I caught feelings for you..."

I'm pretty sure the two of us spent most of the journey sharing kisses and talking.

"Which pair shall we rid of then?" I shrugged as we found ourselves off the train, our bags already finding themselves at the castle, most likely in our dorm rooms. We hopped into the Thestral drawn carriages and soon arrived at the Hogwarts building. Tom helped me down like the gentleman he is, although gaining surprised looks from other students who were able to recall that he wasn't one to make friends unless it somehow benefited him. My hands were planted on his shoulders as he gently pulled me down by my waist.

"I'm not sure, a couple in Hogsmeade perhaps?"

"Then I shall look forward to the first trip of the year."

And the first trip was quick to arrive. Tom and I were stood in the forbidden forest with two wizards tied to the tree in front of us. One already lay dead, the other paralysed with fear. I had felt it, I was already one of Tom's Horcruxes, part of his soul possessed me and now I was hesitating to kill this man before me, the one who's death would allow me to create my own first Horcrux. Tom could see my hesitation and came up behind me, his one arm wrapping around my waist as my back pressed against his chest while his index and middle finger trailed from my fore arm to my wrist and into my palm, finally settling around my wand where my wand was.

"Now, now, Princess, a steady hand is key to your aim." His lips were skimming the shell of my ear as he spoke. "Say the words and your soul shall meet mine." And so with a little encouragent, I had muttered through killing curse joined with another incantation before having felt my soul tearing itself apart. Tom kept an arm around my waist to keep me upright. "You, my dear, are my Horcrux, and I - yours." His thumb lightly brushed over my cheek and I smiled, gently kissing him as I stood up on my toes, my hands pressed against his chest. "I love you, (Y/n)...and as someone who is thought to never be able to feel or understand love, that's a massive compliment..."

"I love you too, Tom."
And as promised I was the final Horcrux Tom made during our time at Hogwarts.
Despite our age, now, we had managed to maintain the physical appearance of our eighteen year old selves through our newfound immortality. Over the years I had grown to be more drawn in by Tom's perspective on things and was his closest follower. After Hogwarts we had wed at the mere age of Twenty and I happened to have given birth to a set of twins in 1960, they had been sorted into Slytherin and were the eyes and ears for their father and I. Marcie and Roxanne Riddle, well actually they had taken Malfoy after a few Hogwarts teachers knew Tom Riddle - prefect, head boy, star student - was the one and only Lord Voldemort, but not that I was serving by his side as his Lady. The twins attended school with the Potter's and 'Marauders', as they so called themselves, born not very long after my Lucius, our eldest.

A crowd of Death Eaters surrounded the courtyard as my twins stood with their brother and his wife, Narcissa Black. I stood just off to the right of Roxanne and kept my eye of Draco as my son called him over. Draco's blue eyes shifted to me and I sent him a small smile and encouraging nod, holding one hand out to him.
It didn't take long for him to be found at our sides again after being embraced by his grandfather.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Unfortunately the boy squirmed in the grip of his holder and fell to the floor before scrambling over to his friends after trying to kill our beloved Nagini.

"You tried to kill my snake!" I shouted and pointed my wand at James Potter's son, Harry James Potter. "You tried to kill my bloody snake!" Tom turned his head to me and raised an eyebrow in question. Reluctantly my wand was lowered with a huff and set back at my side. "I'm going to curse him next time he goes after Nagini."

"(Y/n), calm down. It was just a simple spell." Yet again Toms voice was soothing enough to calm me down and relax my nerves. I nodded and loosened my shoulders to relax.

"Of course, I shouldn't over you did with the Potter's." Tom glared at me, ignoring the war that was about to continue.

"I'm fairly certain I did that to protect you. I wasn't going to let a mudblood hurt you."

"You're getting soft, Voldemort."

"I am not."

"Prove it, kill the Potter's boy."

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