Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader [Part 1]

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Fancast marauders:
Remus - Andrew Garfield
James - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Sirius - Ben Barnes
Peter - Dane Dehaan


It was the middle of the night of a full moon, and I had the bright idea of going outside in search of my best friend simply because I needed something very urgently from her. I had spent my time sneaking through the castle until I eventually reached the outer side of the castle, completely unable to find her.

Perhaps Mary was with the Hufflepuff's?

I shook my head and turned to go back into the castle until something in the forbidden forest caught my eye, the shifting of branches and snapping of twigs, followed by the sight of a stag with a rat on it's antlers, and a black dog walking beside it, although all appeared to be cautious in one way or another. I stared at them for a moment before flinching at the sight of something pale in the distance. I crouched, squinting so I could see better passed the dark tree line.

"Is that..." I whispered to myself, trying to figure it out. "...a werewolf...?" I remained somewhat crouched so I opted to sliding down the hill to reach the treeline and further investigate.

As I further ventured into the woods, I heard a few things that were only natural; Animal sounds, leaves crunching, sticks snapping.
I whipped around in surprise at the sound of a growl, only to be greeted by something very sharp piercing my skin. I gasped in shock at the amount of pain, flinching half of my body while the other was telling me to just stay still, that the werewolf would just let go and it'd hurt less if I just waited. My wand was back in my room, so I couldn't really do anything. I could feel pained tears trickle down my face, blood beginning to seep from the bite-wound as I let out a small cry, my chest now heaving as I began to hyperventilate. I had enough, the pain was too much. I pressed my hand to the inside of its jaw, trying my best to just pry both lines of teeth from inside my arm.
I succeeded in pulling the bottom jaw from my arm, causing it to release me fully as I cried out again, realising quite a bit of blood was now falling from my shoulder and arm, as I fell to the floor. I left my arm limply at my side, using my free hand to hold it in place so it wouldn't move too much. I scrambled back as it stared at me, going to take a step closer, my eyes wide in horror, mortified as the three creatures from earlier stood between it and me. The deer was pushing it away from me with its antlers while the dog was furiously barking, stepping nearer to the werewolf. The rat hopped down from the Stag and shifted as it approached me. I immediately recognised Peter Pettigrew. I clenched my jaw and glared at him, shuffling away from him when he tried to get closer.

"Don't touch me." I hissed, my back now pressed against the trunk of a tree while I continued to heave for air and keep hold of my arm, my grip getting tighter.

"(Y/n), you're losing a lot of blood-" The blonde tried to argue but I flinched away. The sun was beginning to rise. I clenched my jaw tighter, sucking in deep breaths as I swallowed, glaring at him. Behind him I noticed the Stag and Dog were gone, now replaced by James Potter and Sirius Black. I pushed myself to stand up, using the tree as support. Peter tried to reach out and help me, a pleading look on his face. I stared at him, mortified and a little frustrated.

"Don't fucking touch me." I muttered, removing myself from the tree, and noticing James and Sirius holding someone up, his arms over their shoulders. Remus Lupin. I looked back to Peter. "Stay away from me." I looked to the other three, a weak Remus Lupin's eyes landing on me with horror, fear, and guilt. "All of you. Just stay away from me."

I walked into my dorm room, finding all three of my roommates. Lily Evans, Mary MacDonald, and Alice Fortescue. Only one of the three were awake, Alice. As I pushed open the door, she looked over to me, her eyes widening at the amount of red covering my clothes.

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