Fred Weasley x reader

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"I would like to introduce our new student. Please join me in welcoming (Y/n) Riddle!" I heard the headmaster speak and took that as my chance to walk into the Great Hall. All eyes were on me and there were whispers about me and my father as I passed some students. I kept my head high, not letting my nerves show to the world. No matter what, I'd be sorted into Slytherin, I was fully aware of that, but I was yet to decide if I should follow in my father's footsteps...All I knew for now was that I'd act as I liked, friendly or stone cold. Or even both. I stood at the front where one of the female Professors placed a hat on my head.
"Slytherin!" It called, unsurprised whispers erupting around the room.

It had been just under two months since my transfer to Hogwarts and I must say I had settled with the Weasley Twins and their wondrous antics throughout the school. I had especially become closer to one Fred Weasley. I had heard through the grapevine that Mr Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the teenager who thought of himself so high and mighty, didn't happen to trust me. Over Christmas, I had stayed with the Weasleys, courtesy of the Twins. I was sat in the upstairs of the Weasley house, the burrow, and I could hear Harry speaking to Sirius about me. How he didn't trust me, how he felt like something bad was going to happen.
Free and George noticed my change in behaviour and gently nudged me. I looked up and looked at Fred, who sent me a worried smile.

"You alright, love?" I nodded with a smile and spoke.

"Do you trust me? Both of you?" The two shared a glance before nodding.

"Of course. Who cares if you're a Riddle, at heart you're one of us Weasley's now, right?" I nodded in agreement with George's words. He ruffled my hair as he stood up and quickly said good night to me and his brother before heading up to his own room.

"(Y/n)?" I hummed, listening to the remaining twin. "Have you ever thought about...guys? Like dating?" I shrugged, not knowing how to answer.

"I guess. I never acted on it though...this coming war...I'll have to choose sides...I don't want to pick my family over my friends or the other way round...but yeah, I've thought about it."

"Would you ever date me?" I stared at my best friend, his expression showed vulnerability and that he was nervous.

"Ye-yeah, I guess so. Yeah, I would."

"If I asked you out now, would you say yes?" I slowly nodded, hesitantly even.
"(Y/n), will you go out with me?" I nodded.

"Yes Mister Weasley, I will. Now you need to go to bed." He chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

That (^^) was over six months ago, now I was back at the burrow again, people arriving every now and then in pairs because we had all been protecting Harry. I had been with Mad-eye an unforeseen event he was tragically murdered by a death eater and I was sent tumbling through the barrier surrounding the property, landing in the fields surrounding it, dropping straight into water. Fred and I had been dating for around six and a half months, so you could say we had grown rather attached to one another...
Before I knew it, a spell had been flung at me and without thinking I had thrown one back.

Third person POV
When a ring of fire surrounded The Burrow, everyone was quick to flee outside to see the commotion. The first thing to be seen was the spells flying within the field. Fred spun around and did a quick head count.

"Where's (Y/n)?" He counted again. "Mum! Is (Y/n) back yet?" Molly shook her head.

"I haven't seen her."


Your POV
I heard my name be shouted from some direction which I couldn't pinpoint.

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