Marauder's Era: Peter Pettigrew x reader [Part 1]

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Dane Dehaan, obviously 👀👀
Got this idea from tiktok, although I can't remember the name of the user, however credit for the idea goes to them!

I froze as someone walked passed the girls bathroom, hearing my pained groan. Their head poked around the corner. My eyes met theirs and I just stared at them.

"Hello." I greeted innocently, not a single emotion on my face, just a little wide eyed, as though I wasn't dragging a body.

"Hey...what are you, uh, what are you doing there?" He looked familiar...he was in a Gryffindor uniform and looked about my age, which literally narrowed him down to the 'Marauders', he was the smaller blond, so he must be Peter.

"Um...nothing...just..." I looked down to the person whose arms I had my hands hook under as I had tried dragging them out of sight.

"You want some help?" I stared at him in surprise, but all I could see was this satisfied and proud smirk on his lips as I slowly nodded.

"Yes, please..." He quietly came over to me before taking one of the corpses arms and helping me in dragging it elsewhere out of sight.

"I didn't think I'd be meeting you like this..." Peter chuckled to himself and I smiled softly as we lay the body down.

"How did you think we'd meet?" I stretched my arms above my head, hearing the satisfying sound of my back popping.

"Preferably not cleaning up a body." A small smile crossed my lips as I laughed. "For someone who just killed another student, you don't seem to bothered." I nodded with a shrug, giggling.

"The thoughts always been there, death simply doesn't bother me. It somewhat appeals to me." Peter raised an eyebrow as he started cleaning the blood up from the tiles.

"Oh does it?" I nodded, leaning against the porcelain sink as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Hm...maybe we should hang out more..." I smiled, agreeing to the idea. I stood up straighter when I heard shoes scuffing down the corridor.

"Someone's coming." Peter slowly stood up as someone rounded the corner.

"(Y/n)?" James Potter, head boy, looked to me, before glancing to his best friend. "Wormtail?" Peter hesitantly smiled.

"Hello Prongs..." the two of us shared a glance.

"Why are you both covered in blood?" I stared at James, my expression darkening slightly.

"It's not what it looks like, James..."

"So the two of you haven't killed someone?" I glanced to Peter out of the corner of my eye.

"Maybe it is what it looks like..." I mumbled with a sigh.

"It's not our fault, Prongs." Peter pressed, not even knowing if it was my fault or not, which is was, but it also wasn't.

"Then whose fault is it?" Peter and I looked to each other, struggling to find the right words. James sighed and turned on his heel down the corridor.

"Are we going to let the head boy walk away with the knowledge that there's a dead body in the girls bathroom and we're cleaning it up??" Peter just shrugged.

"He's my best mate, you'd be surprised what our little group has done before." I stared at him.

"You've done this before?" He shrugged, a smirk crossing his lips as he tilted my head with two of his fingers so I'd meet his eyes, a pout forming on my lips as I tried to look down at the floor.

"Never met a girl through it." A small smile crossed my lips with a laugh as a few voices rounded the corner.

"Looks like Wormtail's got a girlfriend~" the tallest of the group, Remus, laughed, walking into the girls bathroom and peeking around us to see the damage. "This might be harder to clean up."

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