Marauder's Era/ Golden Trio Era: Remus Lupin x reader [Part 2]

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"What do you mean it's permanent?" I snapped at the nurse serving us at St Mungo's.

"It's not a Jinx, curse, hex, or potion, there's no way to reverse it, meaning it is most likely a permanent change." James looked nervously to Lily as I shared a glance with Remus.

"So we're biologically the same age as our kids?" Remus asked, causing the nurse to nod, although pausing halfway.

"Well, technically you're biologically older than're eighteen again, yes, but you're maturer than you were back then, physically and mentally, you just look eighteen..." Lily and I shared a look before glancing over to Marlene.
Eighteen...what happened at eighteen- My eyes widened.

"So...we're physically like we were at eighteen?" She nodded and I groaned, whining as I slammed my head on my husband's shoulder.

"What's wrong (N/n)?" With a huff, I looked up to my boyfriend.

"My cramps are gonna be really bad." Lily and Marlene winced, remembering what I was like in high school when I wa son my period.

"(Y/n), they couldn't have been that bad-"

"It's how you feel on a full moon." My husband winced, cringing with a hiss.

"You poor thing." He stroked down my hair.

"Giving birth is less painful!" I cried out, Lily patting my shoulder.

"You're being dramatic, (Y/n), im sure you won't get those periods again-" we all looked from Sirius to the nurse, who just shrugged.

"We've never seen a case like're the first bunch." I sighed, hoping for the best before we all headed home.

In the sitting room of the Potter's home was literally everyone. The Weasley's had dropped by to hang out with Harry, Hope and Silas, Molly returning baby Teddy. We stared at them for a moment, and they stared at us.

"She's hot." Fred Weasley and his twin, George spoke simultaneously, looking at me and Lily.

"That's my mum!" Our three children cringed and I shook my head with a smile.

"Watch it, Weasley, that's my wife you're talking about." Just like when we were in our final year, Remus lazily dropped onto the sofa, James and Sirius plonking down either side of him.

"Remus, be nice." I ruffled his hair as I walked passed him behind the sofa.

"Remus? (Y/n)?" The pair of us looked to the source of the voice, Molly Weasley.

"Ah! Molly! How's Teddy been? No trouble I hope?" She shook her head as I stole my baby son from her arms.

"What happened?"

"We don't know. But then we went on a night out, turns out this is fairly permanent." I smiled sweetly, wandering over to Remus and settling in his lap, cradling our son as his arms wrapped around my waist, although he was still chatting with Sirius and James.

"That's the thing, James, just cause we're eighteen again, doesn't mean you can play quidditch like you used to."

"Is that a challenge, Moony?" James glared at him, causing Remus to chuckle darkly.

"Take it as you will. But I vote Potter versus Potter. I mean, your son is the youngest seeker in Hogwarts history."  Remus smirked. "Perhaps you should see how he fairs against his former quidditch captain, chaser father."

"Maybe (Y/n) should go against Silas then. Best Beater Gryffindor's ever seen-"

"Hey, I was Slytherin, that's not fair! I cheat!" Everyone looked to me in surprise. "Oh please, we always cheated, you just never noticed." I poked my tongue out at James, Remus pulling me and Teddy away from the Potter as our children watched us. "I knocked you off your broom one time, I remember very vividly you slamming into the pitch." I glared at James, who became a little confused.

"When was that?"

"Final few weeks of quidditch season, you don't remember?" He shrugged.

"I remember you slamming a bludger I to the end of my broom-" I smiled brightly.

"I'm still proud of that hit."

"You could have killed me!" Sirius and Remus shared a look before glancing between us.

"That was the point!" I emphasised, earning a glare from the Potter. "I'm not playing, I have children now, I have to set an example-"

"(Y/n), sweetheart," I smiled at Remus. "You just admitted to trying to kill James to win Quidditch in front of our three children. You're not the best example, love."

"Well aren't you a ball of sunshine today." I spoke blandly, Sirius snorting but immediately shutting up when Harry and Silas glared at him.

"I swear to god, (Y/n)-"

"Or what, Remus? Gonna punish me? No, didn't think so." I poked my tongue out at him before spinning to look to anyone else.

"Did she just..."

"...cause a lot of sexual tension? Yes George, probably." Free forced a smile. "We should probably get going. Got to open the shop early tomorrow, right George?"

"Right, Fred."

And with that the two had walked out of the house.

"Marlene." She popped her head around the corner when Remus called her name. "Could you take Teddy? I've got to talk to (Y/n)." She looked between us.

"All right everyone! Roll out!" She took Teddy from my arms and marched everyone out of the house before offering me a smile and closing the door behind her.


"You challenged it, come on." He picked me up before heading upstairs.

"Remus!" I laughed.

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