Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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It was the weekend before we finally left Hogwarts, and I had been gradually changing myself to be who I wanted to be, however my uniform covered the majority of that, and I wasn't necessarily able to venture through Hogwarts dressed as I wanted.

I grabbed my wand from the table beside my bed and twisted it into my hair, leaving strands at the front to frame my face. I quickly pulled on some shoes and quickly left my dorm, catching up to my dorm-mate in the common-room.

"Lily!" I called out, getting her attention from the laughing quadruple of friends, excluding herself. She offered me a quick smile, soon looking back to her adoring boyfriend as the boys looked over to me to say 'hi', although they all quickly froze. "What..?" I smiled awkwardly as Sirius looked over to Peter, who quickly looked me up and down before squinting his eyes at me. Remus was just staring at me and James was trying to talk to Lily, but kept glancing over to me.

"When'd you...turn into Sirius...?" Peter chuckled and I innocently tilted my head, glancing to the boy in question. Sirius looked me up and down with a chuckle, nodding over to Remus, who seemed fairly mesmerised by my appearance.

"You got tattoos?" I tilted my head with a small, confused smirk.

"That's the thing you notice?" He nodded, quickly grabbing my hand and tugging me over to him after he had briefly noticed the colour on my wrist. He pushed up my jacket sleeve.

"Seriously? Are they all real?" His fingers traced a few of the shapes, gently brushing over one I had just unwrapped, causing me to wince a little.

"That one's still fresh..." Remus glanced up to me like an apologetic puppy, looking back down at the one he'd briefly brushed over that hurt a little. It was a moon, florally decorated. I saw a soft smile cross his lips when he recognised the antlers following the shape of the full moon. He even gently pulled the skin a little to look at the little paw prints that made up the shaded craters of the moon. Rat and dog.

"That's incredible...Are those Lilies?" I nodded as Remus tugged me again, allowing me to swiftly fall into his lap as he hugged me, littering my face in kisses.

"Rem!" I laughed as Lily stared at us with the softest smile on her lips, James was looking pretty pleased with the outcome too.

"I told you." I heard Lily whisper as Remus just held me and cuddled me a little more.

"You told me jack shit, I'm the one who told him to do it." James whispered back with a snicker, tipping his head back to look at his girlfriend, who was behind the sofa.

"So that's why you were so bold...James told you to." I laughed a little, although a little disappointed Remus hadn't done it of his own accord. I was now sat in his lap with my head resting on his shoulder and my legs draped over the arm of the armchair, his arms looped around my waist, lazily resting around me with his fingers linked.

"Cause of James?" I nodded, hearing him chuckle to himself. "He gave me some ideas cause I'm not exactly forward..." I sat p a little straighter as the others began to talk amongst themselves again.

"Remus Lupin, the famed responsible Marauder, isn't forward?" Remus stared at me in amusement.

"You think I'm the responsible one?" I slowly nodded.

"Literally everyone does-"

"James is." My eyes widened as I stared at him in surprise. "Who's idea do you think the map was? Using the cloak all the time, that James likes to hide away? Tormenting Snivell- Calling him Snivellous?" A dark smirk crossed Remus' lips as he hid his face in my shoulder, trying to hide his laugh.

"You're tossing about, that wasn't you!" I playfully pushed his shoulder as he held me tighter, still laughing.

"I promise to everything, it was me."

"No way!" He nodded, sitting back with a bright smile, his tongue briefly slipping across his teeth and poking the inside of his cheek. "The map I believe, but the rest? I don't buy it." I laughed as Remus rolled his eyes, and that was when he'd noticed it. He sat up straighter.

"That's nice." His fingers gently played with the hem of my skirt. I tilted my head curiously. "When'd you get it?" I shrugged, glancing down at it. It was originally a flowing, light honey brown dress, which I had slimmed down to be more fitted, a beige flannel draped around my shoulders.

"I found it in a charity shop in this town close to where I live."

"You live in Wales?" I nodded innocently.
"How'd you know that?" Remus forced a smile before gently tapping my side, signalling for me to stand up. As soon as I had, so had he, taking my hand and gently pulling me to one side of the room.

"No reason, anyway, um..." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head as I quietly stared at him. "Are you staying in Wales after we all leave?" I remained quiet for a moment, thinking about what I would actually do.

"Yeah...I think I might..." I smiled softly, thinking about what might happen if I did. "Hang out with my boyfriend for a while-" I saw Remus' expression fall, as the others quietened down a little.

"Right, boyfriend, forgot about that..." I forced a smile to cover my slightly sad one, hesitantly rubbing my left forearm.

"I might even live without magic for a while...just get on with life, you know?" Remus nodded, running a hand over the back of his neck and hair. "Are you alright, Remus?" He nodded again, forcing a chuckle.

"Yeah...Yeah, I'm fine...don't you have to go find Marlene?"

"Oh my god! I do! Fuck, um, I have to get going." I laughed, quickly turning away as Remus forced another smile, sighing.

"Her boyfriend." I heard his groan as he walked back over to our friends. "I forgot she had a fucking boyfriend." I bit my lip as I quietly left the common room.
As soon as the train pulled into the station and we were allowed to leave, I searched the area for a familiar face, which I then approached with a solemn expression, apologetic as I stopped in front of them.

"Something wrong?" I nodded ever so slightly. His voice seemed amused but a little worried as my eyes met his.

"I'm sorry, but I can't see you anymore..." This soft smile broke on his face as he gently took my hands in his.

"It's not a me thing, is it?" I shook my head. "Then by all means, go after him." I sighed and looked down to our hands before looking back up to him.

"I can't, I'm going to be staying in Wales, and he said he's wanting to move to London for a bit..."

"(Y/n), I'm going to be here for you if you need me, okay?" I nodded again. "And you know he's always been there for you, right?" I slowly nodded. "(N/n), he's been more of a boyfriend to you than I have, I think he deserves you more than I do." I smiled softly.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." His voice was soft and forgiving. "What you feel is what you feel, and I'm fine with you being with him, as long as we can still be friends." I nodded with a smile, hugging him. "I'm gonna head home, go talk to him, okay?" I slowly nodded, pulling away and letting him head home. I glanced behind me in an attempt to see if the boys had left the train yet, and there they were, leaning against one of the brick pillars, staring right at me. Lily and James were smiling brightly as Peter chuckled and Sirius nudged Remus forwards.

"Come on mate, they just broke up for you." Remus glared at Sirius before hesitantly coming over to me.

"You're stuck with me, Lupin." He chuckled nervously.

"Really?" I nodded with a smile, causing him to smile too.

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