Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin ✔️

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Remus and I had been dating for around three years now and we were in our seventh year and considering he was busy with the Marauders, the once a month thing and school, while I was busy with school and such, so he hadn't had the chance to find out certain things about me. Rem had kept his little werewolf situation a secret from me up until second year when I was visiting Madam Rosmerta since she was my aunt. The shrieking shack had been shrieking yet again but as I walked passed it to head back to Hogwarts, I heard James shouting Remus' name, joined by Sirius and then Peter. Moments later a werewolf had been sprinting out of the abandoned house, his three friends in the house somewhere, looking for him. I had been spotted and then scratched and my shoulder was bitten. After that, at the mere age of 12, I had sprinted back to my aunts (Madam Rosmerta) and she helped patch me up. The next morning was a Hogsmeade trip so McGonagall had come to collect me and escort me back to the castle, providing me with a cloak to cover my torso and shoulders, a few minor cuts on my face, so I had to pull the hood up. Every month for five years I've somehow managed to keep my own transformations a secret. While the boys went to the shack a few minutes after dinner, I would skip dinner, grab a bag with spare clothes and such and sprint out of the castle down to the forbidden forest.

So here I was now, stood in the corridor with Remus on the evening of the full moon. My arms were looped over his shoulders and I had a loving smile on my lips as I giggled at the face he made when I had poked my tongue out at him after a comment he made. I pecked his lips and as I quickly pulled away, our eyes met. Remus drew me into a sweet kiss, his arms wrapped around my waist to pull me in closer as the kiss progressed.

"We should head to dinner..." I stated, pulling away from him and letting my arms slip down so my hands were resting on his lower arm, the thought of the full moon completely slipping my mind. Remus just hummed in agreement, quickly placing another kiss to my lips before gently pulling me to the great hall.
Halfway through dinner, I had looked up and spotted McGonagall staring at me, her eyes wide and telling me something. I furrowed my brows before my own eyes widened as she held up my bag.

"Remus, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." I pecked his cheek and waved goodbye to the boys before hurrying over to my favourite professor and gratefully taking my bag as she shuffled me into the staff corridor.
Before I knew it, I was ditching my bag beside a tree and stripping off my robe and jumper, followed by my tie and ditched that in my bag. It was already dark when I spun around to make sure no one was here. My luck ran out when the clouds shifted from hiding the moon. I inhaled, long and shaky. My bones started to shift and I wanted to scream, but I knew better by now, yet the pain was too great this time that it elicited the sounds. Shrill and piercing as I cried out. I fell to my knees, letting my head touch the compound of twigs, dirt and leaves as I tangled my hands into my hair, still screaming as everything in me shifted around.
Remus was so lucky to have the Marauders. I had my aunt and McGonagall, but one could only protect those in Hogsmeade and the other the ones in the castle. However McGonagall assisted me in and out of the castle.

I tended to transform back a lot earlier than Rem, more so on a time schedule than the moons appearance. Every night of a full moon at 10:56pm, Every. Single. Time. Then by morning, I was back to myself at 5:23am. The amount of adrenaline flowing through me with the animal instincts while I was transformed was...helpful. Especially this month. Somehow through this massive forest I had come across all four Marauders. Sirius had stopped to look at me, wide eyed, none of them in their animagus form. He never took his eyes off of me while James still had his eyes on Remus. Sirius repeatedly hit James' arm as well as Peter's, the two turned around, slightly pissed at how much they were to being hit.

"What?!" Sirius just pointed to me and I growled, something I had never done before. My eyes soon left their surprised and slightly scared faces to find Remus in his werewolf form rounding a tree in the distance, sniffing the air. His gaze locked into me and I whimpered, knowing how protective he is of his friends. Now the three boys were just surprised at my reaction to the fellow werewolf. I went on all fours and took a few steps back, until Remus came at me.

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