Deathly Hallows: Oliver Wood ✔️

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I had been simply laying under the covers of my bed and staring out of the window, watching the world pass by, one hand tucked under the pillow and the other playing with the small pendant on the necklace around my throat, when the news hit us. Hogwarts was going into a war, and we knew it was going to be soon, very soon. Dumbledore was dead, Snape was head master, Slytherins were ruling the school, quite literally, now. Behind me, Ollie sat on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands and his back to me, mine was to him. The world had the audacity to let the clouds disappear and allow a beautiful blue sky to be reveal, the sun seeping through the window, trees gently swaying in time with the wind. It was the end of spring and the leaves were as green as ever, some were blossom flowers instead, making the perfect scene of pink and green, occasionally a flurry of pink would drift down to the dirt beneath the large plants. Now in our early twenties, Oliver and I had moved into a house on the smaller side of things, which was in a small village out in the middle of nowhere but close enough to Puddlemere that it was beneficial to both of us. He had become the team's reserve keeper while I had just been tossed up to their current seeker. Both of us had as much enthusiasm about the sport as the other, however with this news of an oncoming war, we were less focused on Quidditch and more so on the students at Hogwarts.

"Ollie?" My voice was quiet, almost inaudible, but my boyfriend gave a hum to let me know he had heard me. I thought for a moment, asking myself if I really did want to talk about it. "...never mind." It came out muffled by the pillow I had semi-buried my face into. The sleeve of my shirt suddenly became something a little more interesting to play with than my necklace. The shirt I wore was Oliver's old Gryffindor quidditch sweater. A sigh escaped me as I thought back to our own time at Hogwarts, how fun it was, how happy and innocent we were, how great it was to watch my younger siblings pass through the school after my twin and I had. Out of my family, I was the odd one out, the only one without red hair but instead (h/c), the only Hufflepuff in a family of Gryffindor's. But I was a Weasley, and I was proud to be one. To be honest, Percy didn't even have that red of hair either, his hair was closer to brown but in the sun he went ginger. I didn't though, I was anomaly in the Weasley gene pool.
I could sense how down Oliver was about having to leave Quidditch for a little bit, knowing he'd have to fight in this war because this was his school, his teenage years. He wanted to fight, he'd drag the old Gryffindor team for aerial if he had to. I rolled over and sat up, soon kneeling behind him and wrapping my arms around his torso from behind, letting my head rest on his back. Not long after, I felt his one hand link with mine before it was brought to his lips as he gently pressed them to the back of my hand.

"I love you..." A small smile crossed my lips and I shuffled a little, pressing a soft innocent kiss to back of his neck.

"I love you too, Ollie."

The rest of that morning was quiet. Puddlemere had given us some time off thanks to the situation at hand and we had soon found ourselves back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry via one of the many secret tunnels from Hogsmeade into the castle. Luckily it had brought us to the Room of Requirement. As soon as the painting had swung open, everyone's eyes had turned to look at it as they stood up, alert. All I could do was smile when my youngest sister spotted us, immediately rushing over and pulling me down from the ladder and into a tight hug, one thing I had missed these passed few years since I hadn't been to visit The Burrow or The Order. I was quick to return it, almost crying when she adjusted and tightened her grip.

"Hey." I pulled away from her and smoothed down her hair, watching as tears flowed from her bright eyes while I sent her a sad but ultimately relieved smile. "You're doing okay?" Ginny nodded. Since I had found out about the whole soon-to-come war, I hadn't spoken much but when I did it was short sentences or questions.

A day or two after we had arrived, then had Harry, Hermione and Ron, Neville having guided them from Hogsmeade. As soon as the four had returned, Ginny had also from her rounds around the castle, throwing herself at Harry. I sat up from my seat on the floor across the room and immediately saw my younger brother, forcing myself up faster than when I realised in fifth year I was going to miss the train. Thanks to the skidding of my shoes on the debris scattering the floor, some peoples eyes had shifted to me, by the time Ron had even spared me a glance, my arms were around his neck and I was holding him tight. With a shaky chuckle, his arms wrapped around my waist and his face buried into my neck. This time I was crying, having been worried sick about where my youngest brother was.

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