Deathly Hallows: Fred Weasley ✔️

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"Freddie?" Said boy rolled his head to look down to me on his right, curled up into his side as we were both sat up against the headboard. "I have some good news." Fred's arm was looped over my shoulder and my hand was linked with his. His lips found their way to the side of my neck and I leant into his touch as he hummed. "I may or may not be pregnant..." He froze for a second before leaving a litter of hickeys, ending the streak with a smile as he pressed a soft kiss to my skin.

"I love you..."

"I love you too, Freddie. Happy Birthday..." I turned to face him I fully and pressed my lips to his in a slow and gentle kiss, soon shifting to sit in his lap. The door opened after a short knock and I groaned, tipping my head back to see who it was, Fred peppering kisses down my throat, but still looking at the door with a smirk. Stood at the door, mildly, no - majorly - mortified on what he had just walked in on to witness was the lovely George Fabian Weasley, his face almost bright red.

"Why do I always walk in on you two doing this kind of thing?" I shrugged, Fred nipping at my skin for ruining his perfect line of purple bruises.

"At least we both have some form of clothes on this time." George nodded in agreement with his brother.

"Mum just wanted me to let you know dinner's ready, but I'll tell her you'll eat later." I smiled in appreciation.

"Thanks." I flinched when Fred bit at my shoulder a little too hard, seemingly getting pissed at his brothers presence. As George left, I called out to him. "Oh, And happy birthday Georgie!" In the corridor I could hear him chuckle and Fred finally moved back to my lips.
Fred...I stared in horror as a nearby wall exploded, Percy nearby with Ron, Harry and Hermione. I shook my head as I sat up, trying to relieve myself from my blurring vision and the ringing in my ears. Slowly my senses returned to me, hooking onto my motionless boyfriend. My breath caught in my throat and in seconds I was beside him.

"Freddie...? Freddie, please...Fred." I was crying when I felt someones hand on my shoulder, seeing Percy behind me, tears in his eyes. I set my hand on his, my head dropping onto Fred's chest. "Please be a joke, I'm begging you..." His eyes stared without seeing, they looked so dull compared to the normal joy and life that used to fill them. Behind us I could hear Harry yelling with Hermione as Percy pulled Ron to the floor, another explosion. As I turned my head I saw two death eaters and a Slytherin student. Two of the three readied their wands, point at any of the five of us. I drew my own and aimed it back at them, shouting a curse before they had the chance to. "Avarda Kedavra!" The curse hit one death eater right in the chest. The trio and Percy stared at me, so did the second death eater and the Slytherin. Twice. Two more times I did it, mildly out of blind sadness, some out of knowing what I was doing.

What was I doing? What was I thinking? Walking into this room was a huge mistake, even taking a single step into it was. Dotted around the room were the students, staff and Order of the Phoenix injured from the battle that had just occurred. Neville and Oliver walked into the Great Hall carrying a lifeless Collin Creevey. Across the room from where I stood, I could see yet more lifeless bodies...friends, family, Order members, classmates, but the main situation I was locked onto was a certain family. From the main door all I could see was the mother knelt beside her son, stroking his hair back as she cried. Fleur was being held by her husband, George by his father, although they soon pulled apart and the Weasley twin embraced his youngest brother, Ginny stood just off to the side, staring down at her mother and motionless brother. Hermione wasn't much further away from them, George soon standing with Percy who set a hand on his brother's shoulder in comfort, both seeking and giving. I just stood there in the doorway, my mind in complete free fall. He couldn't be dead...Fred Weasley couldn't be dead...the one person who was always stronger than me through everything, survived getting hit by some many bludger and getting knocked from his broom during practice...the one person I loved with all my heart...he couldn't be gone...I really wanted to just refuse any of this actually happened. Ginny's eyes met mine and she went to say something to her family, but I sent her a sad smile and pulled up my hood, walking out of the room and then the building, finding a group of death eaters as well as the one and only dark lord himself. I stood beside my brother as others emerged from the Hogwarts castle, taking his hand in mine and rubbing my thumb over the back of it. My mother's eyes met mine, just like Ginny's had, she could see the sadness in them, the tears I was holding back. Her motherly instincts kicked in and I could tell from here all she wanted to do was come over to me and hug me, to tell me everything was going to be okay. When my father started to harshly whisper Draco's name, his grip on my hand tightened as did mine on his.
"Draco don't..." He went to make a move down the rubble but I refused to let go of his hand. "Please..." His breathing hitched when he saw my scared and tearful expression, he'd never seen me so vulnerable and I knew it.

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