Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin {Part 2} ✔️

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Third Person POV
"So when'd you get tattoos?"

"After you left this summer." Remus smiled at your answer.

"I like it." You smiled as you lay on your stomach.

"No, you like where they are~" The boy pressed a gentle kiss to your lips and you felt a smirk form on them against yours.

"Maybe I do, but I do like them." You had six tattoos. One of a feather on the inside of your left forearm, another of the word 'serendipity' inked neatly on the inside of of your right wrist, three flowers on your hip, ribs and upper arm, a sentence reading 'She's a mess of gorgeous chaos and you can see it in her eyes' trailing down your spine.

"Hmm?" You hummed, rolling onto your side to face your boyfriend. "Which is your favourite?" His hand carefully ran over your side and hip, tracing over the tattoo on your hip.

"The one on your back..."

"Why's that?"

"It's more fun to kiss when there's something to trace."

Remus had to leave for class before he got in trouble for missing more than one class. He gathered his clothes and quickly dressed as you lay in his bed under the covers with your head resting on your arms, staring at his toned back, littered with the fresh marks that you had made. His neck and shoulders were covered in hickey's, and his back and neck had many scratches, all still curtesy of you. You were left with bruises, bite marks and hickeys.

"Like what you see, baby?" You giggled and nodded.

"More than anything."

Before leaving, Remus tipped your head up so your lips could meet his in a long, love-filled kiss.

"I'll see you later." You smiled and nodded before he had to literally run to his next class.

When Remus appeared in Potions out of breath and practically tripping into the room, obviously everyone in Gryffindor and Slytherin would become curious as to why, especially since he had been absent during the first period. The sandy blonde dropped into the seat beside James while Sirius and Peter sat opposite them.

"Mister Lupin, glad you could finally join the class today."

"Sorry Professor, I got a bit caught up doing something." Sirius rolled his eyes with a knowing smirk, Peter blushed (still finding the whole situation a little weird), and James nudged Moony with a smirk. These seventh years shared a class with the current sixth years as a form of revision, to refresh their memory of certain potions before taking their N.E.W.T's.

"At least you turned up to my class."
Class ended and so had dinner, so the Messr's were already out and wandering the halls to their common room, the other three still teasing and, in Sirius' case congratulating, Moony on all the marks you had made.

"Hey Lupin! How's your girlfriend?" Sirius Black's little brother's voice appeared behind them and the four of them turned around.

"What do you want, Reg?" Sirius sighed at his brother, staring at him as bored as ever.

"I've heard she's a bit of a slut." Remus' expression fell and he sucked on his teeth to stay quietly. James raised an eyebrow, silently asking about it. "Yeah, heard she screwed a few sixth years."

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