Marauders Era: Sirius Black x reader {Part 2}

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A second part was requested...soo ask and you shall receive! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write this! And I know it's awhile before any Sirius content, but I felt like there needed to be a build up to it. 

~ Refresher - ending of last part ~

The train ride back to London was painfully long considering I was sat in a compartment on my own because I didn't want to be found by any of the Marauders and co, so I tried to stay away from the awkward situation. When we had actually arrive in London, I had spotted my bags on a trolley and took my bag from my side and slung it over my shoulder, exiting the train and over to my trolley. It wasn't until long when I heard someone call my name. I looked around and my eyes fell onto Sirius, just as my parents appeared behind me. A hand settled on my shoulder and I whipped around, finally seeing the people who conceived me. I sent Sirius an apologetic look as James joined him and my dad took my trolley, my mother urging me to follow.

"You've got to talk to her at some point, Pads."

"I would if she wasn't avoiding me, Prongsy."


I hurried after my mother as the two muggles rushed to leave the area, aware of some of the opinions that floated around the wizarding world about 'their kind'. I took my mother's hand, settling her nerves a little as we ran through the wall, finding ourselves in Kings Cross Station. We calmed our pace, easily slipping into the rush hour crowd. 

"Well I'm glad that's the last time we go on that platform..." She sighed in relief, having been referring to the looks we had received from other parents. I looped my arm with hers as my father walked beside us with my trolley. While I was 17, my parents were very far ahead in age either, my mother being only 35, and my father 36, having had me when they were in their late teens. 

"Who was that boy who called out to you?" Dad asked and I flushed a little, feeling my face grow just that little bit warmer. My mother nudged me playfully. 

"Sirius...he's a friend of mine..."

"You've mentioned him before." I shrugged with a smile, hugging into my mother's side as other muggles tried to get out or to their trains on time. 

"I didn't want to mix my parent's lives with my mystical witchy one." I laughed light-heartedly, playfully pushing the woman into her husband. She laughed and pushed me back, causing me to laugh when she grabbed my hand and pulled me back to her before I could stumble into someone, calling out a quick apology to the old couple. She held in a laugh, sharing a look with me before bursting out laughing, my dad chuckling behind her. 

"And that means not telling us about your friends?" I rolled my eyes, kind of entertained by this conversation my father had slipped in to. "Tell us about them." I followed the pair out of the station with a smile, shaking my head as we headed over to the car. 

"Well, they're mostly boys..." My mother smiled, sending me a suggestive look as we began to load my bags into the back and boot of the car, like a game of Tetris. 

"Oh?" I laughed and swatted my mother as she giggled evilly. 

"There's James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Lily Evans." I smiled, loving my little friendship group. "The boys call themselves 'The Marauders'."

"That's interesting..." My father chuckled and I nodded in agreement, struggling to fit the final case into the boot. I slipped, laughing just as hard as my mother when I landed flat on my ass. The grown woman continued to almost piss herself, my father sighing and pulling out the case.

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