Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader ✔️

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Gonna invent some characters seeing as we dont know who was in the Marauder's year! Xx
It was during one of our breaks when I realised it, my odd choice in friends. They all admired those boys in the older years or the 'cuter' boys who seemed more masculine and confident...
The small group of us sat on the grass beneath a tree after classes out in the school grounds nearer the lake when we spotted a certain four boys playfully shoving each other and laughing as they made their way down to the Black Lake, passing by us in the process. My little group consisted of two Slytherins, a Ravenclaw and myself, a Gryffindor. With the four boys was Gryffindor's resident redhead since Molly Prewett, Lily Evans. She as quite wonderful actually, they all were in their own little way. Since I hadn't mixed in with them, I had made friends with students in other houses and  didn't get dragged into the 'Marauders' messes, although when the common room was empty enough with only them in there, I'd go down at night and just talk to them, mainly Lily and Remus, the other three were always too energetic...
Sirius reminded me of myself, a pureblood sorted into Gryffindor and shut out by their family...although some Slytherins accepted me for being a pureblood while others turned a blind eye, like my parents. And like Sirius, my younger brother had been sorted into Slytherin, in fact he was in the same year as Regulus and the two had become close friends...
Peter....I've always felt off about him, I don't know why but something just seemed off about his whole being...
James was spontaneous and fun, he was so upbeat but when he wanted to be he could be calm, caring and mature, the opposite went for Lily. She was always calm and caring, but when she wanted to be she could obviously be traced back to being in cahoots with the Marauders.
And then there was Remus, he was sweet, caring, smart and funny. He could easily be linked to the Marauders but also could make his personality so you couldn't even trace him back to his friends because he was so different....
Next thing I knew, my thoughts were broken by Catherine Avery nudging my arm and nodding to the group.

"Odd bunch, aren't they?" I shrugged.

"You could say that..."

"They've got a rejected pureblood, a mudblood, a couple halfbloods and that Pettigrew boy, I don't know much about him...." I noticed James' attention shift to us the tiniest bit, looking at us out of the corner of his eye. Upon noticing me, I saw his expression crinkled as if in anger the smallest bit, Lily spotting us and slipping her hand into his before pulling him towards the lake with Sirius at his other side.

"Mudblood's a strong word, Catherine...she's muggleborn, not a mudblood."

"There's no difference, (N/n)." Melanie Marbles, Slytherin halfblood, but still accepted, and like Catherine she shared the pureblood views like her Pureblood mother.

"Besides, she's with Potter, he's nothing but trouble." Cathrine continued and I just glanced at the group once more, noticing Sirius sat up in a tree with Remus at at the trunk with a book in his lap, the two of them staring at us.

"He's not that bad, is he?" Selina Marbles, our Ravenclaw buddy, Melanie's twin sister. Sadly we were within earshot of the boys and Lily, so Melanie and Catherine's next conversation piqued their interest as I picked at the grass in front of me, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Don't even get me started on Potter, I can't be bothered." Catherine's tone definitely showed that she could in fact not be bothered.

"But Black, as pretty as he is, he does mess around the school a bit too much. The school whore if you will." I had grown to know these boys in a way my friends wouldn't understand and so my throat began to tighten.

"And Evan's, that mudblood who broke Severus' heart, the poor boy." The sympathy in Catherine's voice was painful to listen to as she and Melanie took turns to speak.

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