Marauder's Era: Sirius Black ✔️

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As I entered the common room, I found a familiar group of four boys hounding over a piece of paper, when in fact it was James trying to sort it out, Peter holding it, Sirius looking bored out of his mind as he sat in the chair that James was leaning against and Remus flicking through a book on the floor with his legs crossed. They were an interesting group of friends form what I had seen. All had different personalities but blended together perfectly to create the ultimate troublemakers. On the sheet of paper Peter held, I saw small footprints wondering around the castle and above it read the name 'Lily Evans'.
Stalking again, I see.
As soon as Lily entered the room, not far behind me, I quickly dragged her to the sofa's in front of the fire and we immediately started gossiping about every rumour in the mill, every boy we could think of and what our plans for the up and coming weekend were. I had discovered Lily was heading to Hogsmeade with Severus which I though was incredibly sweet. The three of us were our own little trio, well more of a duo. Most of the time it was Lily and me or Lily and Severus, I wasn't really one to hang around him, despite how sweet he could actually be. Usually I was more focused on school work. 
To my understanding the four boys were working on a map, something I believe they called 'The Marauders Map', it'd definitely be useful in the future. We were in our sixth year, but nearing the halfway point of it, now in the end of January 1977.

"Lily?" The strawberry blonde girl sent me a smile as I snuggled into my part of the sofa, mildly concerned on why she was smiling like that.

"Let's play truth or dare." She was incredibly devious, I'll tell you that. At any chance she could, she'd try and set me up with one of The Marauders, but I knew if I didn't agree to play, she'd force me with blackmail. She beamed when I didn't disagree but sat up, ready to accept anything she asked or told me to do.

"I'm starting!" I quickly told her so she couldn't make me do anything so soon. Her pout was adorable and I laughed, dropping back into my seat and kicking my feet up onto her lap. "Truth or dare, Evans?" A moment of silence as she decided, the only sound being the other sixth years present, messing with that map of theirs, disagreeing with each other about random things. But then again, there were a few sevenths, fifth and third years here and there, fourth's coming and going while second's and first's explored the school.

"I'll go with truth. We both know how your last dare ended out...." I smiled at the memory, I had dared her to run around the castle after curfew, telling her to not care if she got caught. She didn't, get caught that is, incredible as that is, but some prefects had seen her and sent her straight back to the common room.

"How do you really feel about Potter?" Whispering, I leaned towards her, sparing the poor boy a glance as she leaned to me and whispered to me, causing me to giggle to myself.

"Actually pretty cute. Fair quidditch player too." The answer was to my satisfaction and I nodded, allowing her to ask me. "Truth or Dare, (L/n)?" My answer was instantaneous.

"Dare." As a Gryffindor I had learnt to never back down from a challenge, and truth or dare was perfect to test your inner Gryffindor. Lily leaned into me again, cupping her hands around her mouth and whispering the dare to me. I nodded every time she finished a sentence. One she was completely finished she pulled away with a smile and waited for me to get up. So I did, heading straight over to the boys in our sixth year classes. "Sirius?" The ravenette looked from his shoes kicked up on the table and stopped pestering James to look up at me with a raised brow. Sending him both an apologetic and flirtatious smile, I grabbed his tie and pulled it towards me, sitting him up as my one knee settled onto the cushion beside his thigh. The other soon settled on his other side as I pressed my lips to his own, situating myself in his lap. After the minor shock had worn off, his one hand hooked under my thigh and the other went straight to the back of my head, forcing me even closer to him. I continued to hold his tie, fiddling with it and drawing him as close as possible while our lips moved in sync, his friends having been silenced in shock, the same as Lily. Yes she had dared me to kiss any Marauder, but she was not expecting me to do this. Sirius tugged my bottom lip between his teeth and I smiled, pulling him back into me to continue. My hands trailed up, finally releasing the fabric of his tie, and instead tangled in his hair as I gently pulled away from the 17 year old boy, resting my forehead against his with a giddy smile. Sirius was quick to press another quick, longing, chaste and lingering kiss to my lips before letting me get up and head back over to my best friend. Both sets of best friends as well as other years had ended up staring in shock and surprised.
I dropped back into my seat and pulled the thin blanket over my legs as I kicked them back onto Lily's lap.

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