Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x Reader {Part 2}

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The original Part 1 is from 2019, I think, and the whole Part 2 ordeal has only just come up once again. So here is part 2!

Spicy warning!


"Remus, this is silly."

"Lils, what's silly is the lack of faith you have in us." James chuckled as I walked into the common room.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Sirius offered me a wave, which I returned as I moved towards the girls dorm stairs. I  briefly glanced over to Remus before sighing and heading upstairs. We were nearing a full moon, which meant everything was getting fucked around for me. Remus had been draped on one of the sofa's downstairs, looking like he was ready to kill himself. It's been hard over the passed few months. Every month we had transformations, Remus had deal with the fact that he had bitten me, tried to attack his best friend's girlfriend aka his girlfriends best friend, and we both had to live through the breakup which ruined the two of us mentally.

By the time we had gotten over it, or at least one of us had,  the next full moon was coming our way. Remus had his usual bunch to help him out, and I had Lily. 

But that's where it got weird. Every time Remus looked my way, at all, something felt different.

It wasn't until a week before the full moon, while everyone was at dinner, that I realised what was up with him. I hadn't felt like eating, so I stayed behind to do some homework. Apparently I wasn't the only one. As I was sat in the common room, writing, someone had come down the boys dorm stairs, freezing at the bottom when I had looked up. 

"Though you'd be at dinner." I shook my head with a tired smile.

"I wasn't hungry. Why aren't you at dinner?" He stared at me for a moment before shrugging and settling into a seat by me.

"Just didn't feel like going." Remus chuckled as I laughed.

"Two peas in a pod." I smiled sweetly.

"How have you been feeling with the moon getting closer?" I shrugged as he leaned forward, resting his arms on the table as he repetitively bounced his leg.

"Not too bad, not very hungry recently...headaches, cramps, usual monthly stuff for girls, you know?" Remus chuckled, shaking his head. "What about you?"

"Same as usual." I tensed for a moment, slowly looking up from my work and staring at him curiously. 

"Usual with me, or usual with your friends?" He was quiet for a moment before pursing his lips and slouching is his seat. A small smile crossed my lips as I giggled quietly. "Come on." I laughed, grabbing his hand as I stood up. He hesitantly stood up, curious as to where I was going with this.

My back was pressed up against the wall in the boy's dorm room, Remus' lips trailing down my neck as I panted, prying apart the buttons on his shirt after having quickly pulled off his tie. My legs were quick to wrap around his waist when he tapped my thighs, already familiar with the motion.

"Are you sure about this?" Remus spoke through pants and kisses as I simply nodded.

"Mhm," I swiftly removed my legs so my feet were on the ground once more, my hands sliding down from his shoulders. "Now, you can get on the bed, or we can do this right here." I smiled sweetly as I slowly began to undo his trousers while he decided, our eyes meeting as I stared up at him, my body pressed against his. He released a breathy chuckle, tilting my head up.

"Who knew you were the more dominant one..." My smile softened into a smirk as my hand slipped into his trousers. A soft moan slipped from his lips.

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