Half-blood Prince: Draco Malfoy ✔️

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Here I was, happily minding my own business as I finished off an essay on advanced potions in my Slytherin common room, when my peace was disturbed by a bothersome little cockroach by the name of Pansy Parkinson. The girl had been stood at the side of the settee with her arms crossed glaring at me like I had taken the one she loved away from her. In all honesty, I can't say I didn't, Draco Malfoy happened to choose me over her but I couldn't control his feelings, it was his choice, and now she was pissed at me. By the time I actually finished my essay, I had grown frustrated with her staring at me and set it all down,  turning to face her like the bitch I am.

"Can I help you, Parkinson?" I watched as her expression morphed into a snarl.

"You know what you can help me with." An innocent expression crossed my face as I 'thought' hard about it.

"I really don't, I'm sorry." This time she growled when I stood up, crossing my own arms as we squared off.

"Back off Draco, he's mine and you know this."

I laughed, trying to hide it and failing, catching the attention of a few dozen other Slytherins.

"Oh please. Everytime you flap your lips about this pathetic infatuation you have, that's another brain cell of yours fizzing out." The slightly younger Slytherin glared at me, straightening up to appear a little more intimidating while I just looked down my nose at her, tilting my head up. "You try and get his attention, swaying your hips and pouting. Do you think you're being sly? Do you even actually love him? You sure as hell don't act like it." I paused as she went to speak, but no words were produced, a crowd of my housemates forming around the sofa's to watch us. "You whine all the time, clinging to him like a leech. You place the spotlight on yourself." I smirked, acting all innocent and biting down on my thumbnail, just enough to not actually break it though, pouting slightly to mock her. "'Dracy~'." Her face lit up bright red as blood rushes to her cheeks, serpent house members snickering and laughing. "Because acting like that will get you Draco Malfoy. I can give him so much more than you could ever wish to." The girl in front of me finally gained enough courage to speak against me, the school proclaimed Queen if Slytherin. The name had been gained due to the superior/powerful vibe I apparently gave off.

"If you think I'll let you have him, then you're crazy. It's not long before I stop being nice."

I scoffed at her last sentence.

"When were you ever nice to anyone?"

The crowd 'ooh'ed as she scowled at me.

"Do you think you scare me?"

"I know what keeps you up at night, darling. If you want things to get serious, maybe even bloody, I've been itching to fight someone." She glared at me again, daring me to do so. "I'll happily make you wish you were never born. I can break your mind with a curse or two..." I watched in pure amusement as she tensed up, although quickly replying.

"You don't scare me! Draco will never love you! You're weird and you're a creep!" And that's where this witch was wrong.

"Never love me? Then why'd he choose me over you?" She stayed silent, the entire room did. Unbeknownst to us, Draco was stood on the stairs leading to the boys dorms watching our exchange. "Either way, I doubt he'll complain when he gets me in the sheets." I bit my lip sensually, the quietest sigh escaping me in pure pleasure and ecstasy when my eyes landed on the bleach blonde sixth year, Pansy seemingly furious. "So I must say, you little bitch, back the fuck of my man before you end up like Myrtle. We wouldn't want that, now would we?" Pansy swallowed and shook her head, wanting to stand her ground but knowing better. "Then run along All of you, mind your own business." With That said the crowd dispersed and everyone went off on their own to do their own thing, Draco's being to come over to me. His hands slipped around my waist although sliding to rest on my hips as he pulled me into him. A pair of soft lips were pressed against my own and I quickly returned it before they could leave, soon letting Draco pull away to speak.

"Don't ever look at me with that face unless you want to be fucked senseless."
I smiled and pecked his lips, dropping onto the couch with him beside me while I cuddled up to him; my head resting on his shoulder while his arm was around mine, playing with strands of my hair as he combed his fingers through it.

"Love you too, Draco." A soft smile crossed his lips as he placed the sweetest and gentlest kiss to my head as we just talked and stared at the fire.

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