Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin {Part 1} ✔️

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I laughed as I walked hand in hand with my boyfriend, the one and only Remus Lupin. It had been a year and I was now seventeen years old and in my second to last year or high school while my lovely British boyfriend was nearing his last year of high school. Remus and I had met when he was sixteen (and I was fifteen) and he had gone on holiday in the summer with his parents for a few weeks for the same time frame I had been on holiday in Venice.
We talked via the lovely owl post system (That he had introduced me to) for awhile and then his parents dragged him back to Bali to visit some of his family - who had decided to spend Christmas abroad - in the same area as me, so we met up over that Christmas and got a little too comfortable around each other. I lived in the wonderful country, however I was native to Britain and had lived in a county called Suffolk but moved to this beautiful country when I was seven.
Remus wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I re-linked my hand with the one that was slung behind me.

"How are your friends? I'm assuming you're all still causing trouble?" He nodded and pressed a kiss to my temple.

"We always are, darling. To be honest if they don't know where I am right now, they're probably stalking me." As we walked, I pressed a kiss to his cheek, cuddling into him ever so slightly with a smile.

"I thought they were staying in the UK all summer?"

"They are, but I wouldn't put it passed them." I nodded in agreement as we had just come up to my apartment building and I happily dragged him inside. It was a sweet little apartment that my parents were happy to pay for when they moved back to the UK if I wanted to stay here. The view from my bedroom was absolutely breath taking. I linked my hands with Remus' and tugged him towards the bed with a suggestive smile.

"I love you, Remus." The man in front of me pressed his lips to mine and gently pushed me onto the bed, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I love you too."

The way I woke up? It was amazing. There was a rap at the window but I didn't want to move, the position I was in being too comfortable. The man I loved lay beside me, his left arm laying flat across the bed with me resting my head/neck on it, curled up against him, my head more or less on his shoulder/chest than his arm. His sandy hair was a mess as he turned his head to face me with tired eyes, bringing his arm from behind me and onto my waist. My arm rest across his chest as my right hand rest just ahead of my face, on his shoulder, shifting my eyes to meet his before gently placing a small kiss to his lips.

"What's happened?" His voice was quiet but deep, husky due to just waking up.

"Don't know, I'll check." I kissed him again and went to pull away, only for Remus to pull me back into him and keep kissing me. I smiled and pulled away pressing my hands against his chest, gently pushing him away. After spotting my boyfriend's shirt and my underwear I slipped it over my head, Remus' arms slightly wrapping around me, his hands trailing my thighs as I perched on the end of the bed, his lips pressing to the side of my throat. "Remmy!" I giggled as I stood up and pried his hands from me before heading over to the door. "Horny bastard."

"Only for you." I giggled again. When I opened the door the sweetest little black owl flew in and drop a bundle of letters onto the bed before heading back out just before I shut the door. A small smile settled across my lips before I rejoined my sandy haired boyfriend in the bed. He had made a start on undoing the ribbon from a rather large bundle of letters. My arms wrapped over his shoulders and I settled onto his lap.

"Baby~" I gently took the envelopes from his hands and set it on my bedside table as I tilted his head up to connect our lips. Soon enough Remus turned it heated and pulled me flush against him, grinding against me.

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