Prisoner of Azkaban: Oliver Wood ✔️

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1993. A year closer to graduating and another year of competitions away from Hogwarts.

"Ollie, you know I can't stay for the first match..." My arms loosely wrapped over his shoulders as we stood off to the side in the common room.

"I know, I'd just rather you be here than somewhere else in the country." A small smile crossed my face and I pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"...with another guy, I know. It'll be fine though, it's just running and jumping." Oliver's arms looped around my waist as his forehead rest against.

"I know, I know, it's just..." I stared at him with amused disbelief, playfully shoving his chest.

"Do you not trust me?" Ollie chuckled and pulled me back into him, kissing me quickly to keep me quiet.

"You know I trust you, I just want my best Beater playing in a couple days."

"The twins are going to have to play~" My boyfriend groaned and I laughed as he dropped onto the chair behind him, pulling me with him so I was stood between his legs. "They're good players! You know this, otherwise you wouldn't have let them on the team. Gryffindor will do great, as usual, since you've been the one coaching their practices." With his hands now on my hips, his lips met mine and I smiled.

"Mister Wood, Miss Granger, there is a curfew in place, if you could both get to your own dorms tonight. We all know what you two are like. As for the rest of you, off to bed!" McGonagall had appeared and I shook my head with a smile, kissing Oliver again, my fingers lightly tracing his jaw.

"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Seekers! Run!" Liam called out from behind me and so I turned to see what he was on about. He was right. The 3 seekers had spotted us and had started to near us. Up on the rooftops with us were four of our Cambridge buddies, all guys because we couldn't find any girls willing to take up Parkour. There was Caleb, Ryan, Marcus and Kaiden, obviously there was also Liam and I. Two of the group had cameras strapped to some part of us so we could film our possible escape.

"Shit! Go! Go!" Marcus was the first to start leaping over gaps and hailing himself up platforms using whatever was near him. He was soon followed by Caleb and then me, Kaiden and Liam.

"They're gaining on us!"

"How?! They have all that gear on!" I screamed as my foot slipped almost off the building's edge but Caleb was quick to grab my arm and pull me towards him to I wouldn't slip off. He glanced behind him and quickly turned me around and pushed me to keep running.

"Let's go, boys! Go left! Down! Up after seven!" And they followed the instructions as I quickly looked behind us, telling the boys to hurry up as I followed suit.

We managed to make it back to the ground, safely and free of any pursuers. I laughed as we all walked out of breath into the night air outside of the shopping centre we had just escaped. Panting, the guys and I fist-bumped. We had won the match, the final too. All other teams that had played in the finals had been caught or not managed to escape the building within the given time limit.

"Caleb Davis! Marcus Young! Kaiden Smith! Ryan Harris! Liam Holden! (Y/n) Granger! Congratulations on winning this season's Hide and Seek Parkour!"

"Nah, I'll see you guys in January. I gotta head back to school and then I'm spending Christmas with my boyfriend and his family."

Ryan cooed and poked my cheek while the others laughed when I swatted his hand away with fake disgust.

"So January games?" I nodded. In January it wouldn't be Hide and Seek, it's more of a capture the flag sort of game, it's a lot more fun because you've got people chasing each member of your team because they want to get the flag. One person on each team has the flag tied to a different place on their body. In January we usually had Kaiden as our front runner and he tended to tie it around his midsection under his shirt with only a little bit sticking out from underneath so the other team knew he was the one protecting it. He also usually went all Golem on them, hissing and saying 'my precious' while stroking it, it was quite funny actually. Three of us would be going for the other teams flag while one of us would stay with Kaid to ditch places if someone almost got to the flag. Kaiden would pass his protector the flag and they'd become the flag keeper.

"Great game this year, (Y/n)." Each member had their own way of saying goodbye to me after a tournament. This was Liam's.

"Game plan too." Caleb's.

"Always a pleasure to compete with you." Ryan's always changed but I think he always has good meaning behind it, he certainly found a way to sound posh and fancy while saying it, a way to make us all laugh.

"You sure you're not coming back for Christmas?" I nodded with a small giggle at our youngest's question.

"I'm sure, Marcus, I'll send cards though." He smiles his lil gummy smile just as Kaiden bid me goodbye too.
I found myself back in the Hogwarts castle, only to find out that Harry Potter had been sent to the Hospital wing.

"Hiya Harry, hope you're feeling better soon." My voice randomly appeared and the Gryffindor Quidditch team turned to face me with smiles.

"You're back! We lost, Harry got attacked by a Dementor and fell from his broom. Cedric caught the snitch." Alicia called putting and hugged me so tight it actually started to hurt.

"Where's Oliver?"

"Still in the showers." Fred was the twin to answer. "We think he's trying to drown himself." I laughed and shook my head, thanking the leading twin before heading off, after prying Alicia off of me.

"I'll go check on him."

(Suggest you start listening to song linked around now xx)
The door was pushed open carefully and, as I expected, the shower was running but Oliver was sat on one of the benches in his boxers, leaning his elbows on his knees as he ran his fingers through his hair. My expression fell into something a little more sympathetic as I took the seat next to him and moved one of his hands to link with mine, gaining his attention fully. He turned enough so it was easier for him to bury his face into the crook of my neck as I was now the one to thread my fingers through his hair.

"This is our last chance - my last chance - to win the Quidditch Cup..."

"I know...You will get it, Ollie, I know you will." The smallest of smiles crossed my lips as Oliver sat up and let his eyes meet mine, no matter how much he hated himself because Gryffindor had lost the match. "You're Gryffindor for a reason...You're determined, Oliver, daring, brave. You have nerve, courage and chivalry. Every trait a Gryffindor has..." My free hand settled on his jaw, my thumb lightly tracing over the bone. "I admire your determination. You'll get the cup, I know you well enough to say that." Oliver let his eyes leave mine to flicker down to my lips and back to meet my gaze.

"If you're playing, we definitely will."

"You just have to not worry about me if I play." My boyfriend smiled and leaned in closer so our lips were mere millimetres apart, brushing softly over mine.

"When am I not worrying about you?"

"When I'm with you."

"Exactly, let's just forget our worries..."

His lips met mine in a tender kiss. Oliver's free hand went to work on undoing the buttons on my top almost painfully slow.

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