Marauder's Era: Peter Pettigrew x reader

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This sweet smile crossed my lips as I stood at the top of the main stairs of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My hair was down and messy, my uniform more of a mess than usual. My shirt was untucked, my tie loose around my neck with the top two buttons of my shirt undone, I had one sock halfway down my shin, and the other pulled up to above my knee. My cardigan was missing with my skirt creased, and my wand was snapped in half in my hand.

I was covered in blood.

My arms were shaking as I gripped my broken wand in my fingers, my breathing shaking as I smiled sickly. I sighed, clenching my jaw with a smile as I stalked down the stairs, keeping my head high as I walked towards the doors of the Great Hall.

"Hey! You!" I shouted as I pushed open the doors, the Hall falling silent. "Don't you think it's kind of cute?" I forced a laugh, amazed at how this teacher had left me to die. "That I almost died!?" I began to stalk down one of the three aisles between the houses tables. "So you could escape alive?!" McGonagall was staring at me in great surprise as I clenched my jaw, balling my hands into fists. I stopped halfway through the room, stood between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables. "You sacrificed a sixteen year old student, so you, a one hundred and twenty year old wizard could survive!" I yelled, absolutely disgusted at this mans behaviour. He shouldn't be headmaster of a school. Professor McGonagall stood from her seat, staring down at Dumbledore in surprise as he remained calm and collected.

"Miss Sayre-"

"No! He tried to have me killed! I won't stand for this! I demand he be fired!" McGonagall just sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "You had Newt Scamander expelled for endangering student lives. Dumbledore tried to have me killed! That's more than endangerment, why should he be an exception to the rule?!"

"Miss Sayre-"

"Nah, Minnie." I felt a hand on my shoulder. "She's right." Stood beside me was Sirius Black, his wand pulled from his hair and held defensively in his hand. "He's manipulative, he needs to go." I looked at him, surprised. He was...agreeing with me. Sirius offered me a supportive smirk before slyly slipping his free hand into mine. "He forced me to stay with an abusive family for as long as possible, until I moved in with James-"

"Which, should have happened sooner." We whipped around to look towards the back of the room. Regulus Black. "Our parents really were horrid to him, and he stayed because he wanted to keep me safe, and because Dumbledore wouldn't let him leave." The boy had his wand in his hand at his side, ready if need be. I smiled softly as he sent me a curt nod. I nodded too.

"As much as I really don't want to admit this-" Remus pushed himself to stand up with a sigh. "Dumbledore was really reluctant to let me into Hogwarts because of this....disability....I have." I heard James huff and stand up, simply drawing his wand and standing with Remus.

"I trusted you, until I found out my best friend went missing because of you." I watched James' knuckles turn white, gripping his wand tightly. "I thought she was dead, because she never came back after you asked her to do something."

"What the fucks going on in here?" Peter Pettigrew had just walked in to see everyone pointing their wands at the head teacher. "Oh..."
Sirius let his hand slip from mine after one last squeeze, Peter coming up to us. His arms slipped around my waist as he whispered in my ear, gently taking my broken wand and muttering a quiet spell, before handing it back to me.
"Imagine his body and all your troubles in a burning pile..." Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the slight smirk on his lips.

"All lit up..." I whispered, a relaxed smile crossing my lips as Peter walked behind me, his arm still around my waist.

"Throw your troubles at the world..." I slowly raised my wand, aiming at the headmaster.

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