Marauder's Era: All x reader

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Warning: Somewhat sexual, not even that, its sexual, there's your warning.

After a long night, I wandered back into the boy's dorm room, leaving Lily down in the common room with Marlene and Mary. I pushed open the door with a nervous smile.

"Anyway, so I was thinking why don't we target Snivellous-" Sirius stopped his word vomit and stared at me stood in the doorway. James, Remus and Peter all looked to me too.

"Really?!" Remus groaned with a chuckle, looking me up and down. I tilted my head, confused as to what he meant.

"The school girl skirt?" Peter suggested, laughing, as he looked over to the remaining three of our friends. James chuckled and shook his head, astounded by what I was doing.


"We literally just fucked! Okay?!" Sirius whined, flopping back onto his bed as he looked over to James. I shrugged.


"It was like twic-" Peter looked to his friends. "Like three times!" I shrugged again, growing more and more entertained by the situation. Remus sighed, running his hand through his hair. As he stood up and came over to me, he spoke.

"Four times." I smiled as he ducked down a little and lifted me, gently throwing me over his shoulder as I waved to Sirius, James and Peter with a giggle.

"Love you, Remmy~" I heard him chuckle as he wandered towards the girls dorms.

"Love you too, Sweetheart."

"Hey, Jamie~" I breathed out as Remus' lips continued to attack my neck, his eyes briefly flashing over to the door. "Hi, Siri~" Remus' arms were around me, although his hands were gripping my thighs as I was on top of him.

"Heya (N/n), just came to see why you two were taking so long-"

"Well maybe, Sirius..." Remus removed his lips from my skin and looked to his friends as I began to play with his hair. "She was my girlfriend first..." He gently took my jaw between his fingers and turned my head to look at him, my eyes meeting his. "Weren't you, Princess?" I nodded as he tenderly pressed his lips to mine, his teeth gently tugging at my lip. Something came to mind and I reluctantly leaned away from Remus. I saw the innocent confusion on his face, he was scared he'd done something wrong.

"In the past six months, of the four of you...You're the only one to call me affectionate nicknames..." I saw him swallow nervously as James and Sirius shared a look, Peter now appearing and quietly closing the door behind him. "Why is that?" Sirius was the one to speak.

"We're a big group, which obviously means there's going to be boundaries..." Sirius looked to James, for him to continue.

"Between the three of us-" He motioned to the boys by the door. "-we agreed that a boundary we wouldn't cross is the line between us, and you and Moony."

"We don't want to take over what you and moony have-" Remus hugged my waist with his head resting on my shoulder. Peter offered us a smile. "Cause we know we have relationships with you, not each other, if that makes sense..." I slowly nodded. "We just know Remus is always going to be your primary, and - basically - we don't want to take his girlfriend from him."

"Which is why we agreed the coupley affectionate nicknames would be left to him, along with any important dates like valentines day, Christmas, et cetera." James explained and I looked to Remus, who was smiling at his friends.

"You didn't know this?" He shook his head with a chuckle.

"First I'm hearing of it." He offered me a cute little kiss on my nose as I climbed off his lap, sorting my skirt back out and dropping to sit on the bed beside him. "I didn't even notice all of that..."

"Anyway, uh, speaking of relationships..." I looked over to James as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head with a nervous smile. "Lily agreed to go on a date with me this afternoon." A bright smile crossed my lips as I screamed in joy, flopping back onto the bed.

"Yes! Finally!" I quickly sat up and hurried over to James, pulling him into a tight hug. He hesitantly hugged me back.

"Y-you're not mad?"

"Mad? Mad?! Why would I be mad? The girl you've been obsessed with since our first year finally said yes to going on a date with you!!" I laughed, playfully shoving him.

"Oi Potter!" I heard Marlene's voice coming down the corridor.

"Go!" I smiled brightly. "Lily will be waiting for you." I playfully pushed him towards my door, which he hesitantly opened. "James." I stared at him with a soft smile. "I promise, it's fine! Go to Lily!" I laughed, and he offered me a smile before leaving the room, immediately finding Marlene.

"Why were you in our room?" I rolled my eyes as she walked with James to the common room. Remus was quick to pull me back onto my bed in a hug.

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