Marauder's Era: Sirius Black x reader [Part 1]

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Dinner with my parents, that's always a blessing. They were harassing me about finding this nice boy, who would take care of me, and fit into their ideals, et cetera, and it always got on my nerves, so I was hoping someone would walk by and I could convince them to pretend to date see just to piss off my parents. I glanced out of the window as my mother rambled on. 

"There he is." I smiled, throwing my parents off as a group of four boys and a red headed girl were walking by the window. 

"Well go get him then!" My mother seemed rather excited, probably hoping it was the sandy blond in the jumper and button up. He was cute, but he'd please my parents, not piss them off. I smiled again and stood up, hurrying over to the door as they reached the wall, out of sight of my parents. 

"Excuse me?" I spoke as they were about to pass me. The entire group stopped, although the dark, long haired guy in the leather jacket was the one to have noticed me first. I was in an elegant but fitted dress which was perfect for a formal dinner with my parents. 

"Well, hello there." He smirked, his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets as he looked me up and down. 

"I know this is going to be really weird to ask, but I really want to piss off my parents-" The four boys shared the same mischievous glance as the red head girl just sighed with a smile, shaking her head. 

"What did you have in mind?" The messy black haired boy with glasses grinned. 

"They want me to have a perfect boyfriend, and they keep pushing guys onto me-" The longer haired of the pair smirked, looping his arm over my shoulder.

"Say no more." He led me back into the restaurant as I smiled gratefully. His friends waited a few moments before entering and asking for a table for four so they could watch their friend. "I'm Sirius, by the way, Sirius Black." Black? I froze briefly and looked up to his face. 

"Please tell me your middle name isn't Orion..." He stared down at me sceptically and slowly nodded. 


"This isn't going to go well..." As I went to keep walking, Sirius grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. 

"Why? Do you know me?" I shook my head. 

"I don't know you..." I looked over to my parents, who had apparently been joined by my brother. "But my brother does..."

"Who's your brother...?" I pointed over to the table and I saw Sirius lose all will to live. "Snivell- your brother?" I slowly nodded. "This really isn't going to go well..." I nodded as we approached the table, now nervous. 

" is Sirius.." Severus' head whipped around from talking to my dad. 

"Really? Are you having a laugh? That's your boyfriend?!" Severus snapped, earning a slap n the arm from my mother. 

"Be polite." She hissed, quickly turning back to us with a forced smile. "Please, sit down." So we did, hesitantly. "And how did you two meet?" She smiled again, taking a sip of her wine as my father continued to eat, being one of the most carefree in the family, I clearly took after him. "Sirius." She address him, not me, to check I genuinely hadn't just picked him off the street. 

"I've been to Cokeworth a few times with my family and I'd seen (Y/n) a few times, and it wasn't until a year and a bit ago that I had the lovely pleasure of seeing her in London." Sirius offered me a loving smile, taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I simply took the chance and asked her out."

"(Y/n), I didn't know you went to London last year." Severus smirked, knowing very well that I didn't know Sirius, although I was actually in London last year...

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