Marauder's Era: Sirius Black x reader

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Crossing one leg over my other, I rolled my eyes, resting my cheek on my knuckles as I leaned on the arm of the sofa, staring into the fire. I heard footsteps coming down the boys dorm stairs, followed by a chorus of laughs, which soon became only three, not four.

"Oh shit..." I heard one mutter, soon followed by a greeting to me. "Hey (N/n), what are you doing up so late?" I glanced to him out of the corner of my eye, a bored expression on my face.

"What are you doing up this late, Sirius?" He looked over to his friends, who were quietly trying to sneak away and out the dormitories, only for him to glare at them. I never used his name, always nicknames.


"No, why are you always out? I get that you like hanging out with your friends-" I felt a gentle, warm kiss be set on my knuckles as he knelt in front of me, taking my free hand in his.

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" I stared at him in surprise before looking to his three friends, who just offered me encouraging smiles...I guess they knew how little I was seeing him. I allowed myself to be vulnerable, dropping my mood into something poutier instead of moody. I nodded slightly, looking away from the group. However, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sirius' lips twinge into a smile before he stood up, tugging me up by my hand. "Come on, sweetheart." I stared at him as he intertwined out fingers, gently pulling me over to the boys stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked, earning a chuckle from the boy in question.

"To bed, Darlin'."

"She really brings out the best in him..." I heard James chuckle, Peter and Remus humming in agreement.

"But worrying, almost makes me think he's decided to commit." I knew of Sirius' reputation around the school, and after Remus' amused statement, I was expecting him to tense or freeze up, but all that happened was a gentle squeeze on my hand, a familiar smile slipping onto his lips.

As soon as the door was closed, Sirius turned to me with a gentle smile, giving my hand another soft squeeze.

"You alright, love?" I slowly nodded as we stood in his dorm room. He noticed something was off. "What's wrong?"

"Would you commit to me?" He stared at me for a moment, his smile slipping until he chuckled, taking a step closer to, both my hands in his.

"Do I not seem committed?" My eyes remained met with his, no response was given. "Sweetheart, you're the only person I could ever imagine committing to..." he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, a smile still on his face. "Speaking of, I hear Prongs wants to propose to Lily once we've all joined the Order." My eyes widened. They all wanted to join the Order of the Phoenix? James wanted to propose to Lily?? "But I say we get there first." I tilted my head, Sirius taking a small step back before getting onto one knee, with no hesitance.

"Sirius..." I quietly warned.

"We're nearing the end of the year, the end of school...we're both eighteen, we can make our own decisions..." I stared at him, amazed at how he was doing this so calmly and willingly, especially after what had happened in his family. "Would you want to marry me, either this year, or next...?" Without any thoughts in my head, I slowly nodded. "Really?" He seemed genuinely surprised. "You're not joking?" I shook my head, watching as a bright smile crossed his lips. 

"II hope you're not joking, Black." He shook his head, standing up and pressing a gentle kiss to my lips before resting his forehead against mine, his hands gripping my hips. 

"I wouldn't dream of it, Love."

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