Marauders era: Regulus Black

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"(Y/n), hey, you okay?" I continued to stare at the food on the dinner table as I sat opposite Lily and beside Alice at dinner, my elbows resting on the table with my fingers linked resting on my lips and chin. I was mortified by the revelation I had been presented with earlier today.

"Are you alright? You seem a little out of it..." Remus commented, taking a seat next to me and setting a hand on my shoulder, trying to get a better look at my face.

"(Y/n)?" James took the seat in front of me as I tried to steady my slightly quickened breathing. He set a hand on my forearm. Both of my dormmates had given up trying to get me to tell them, so they had just started eating their dinner.

"You guys know what's wrong with her?" Lily and Alice shook their heads at Peter's question as he took the other seat beside Remus. It didn't take long for Sirius to appear, walking into the Great Hall beside his younger brother, discussing some family matter, judging by the look on his face. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the pair look over to me. Immediately, I looked away, rubbing the back off my head with my left hand and looking down at Remus' arm. I briefly looked up and noticed a stern look on Sirius' face.

"Oi, Pads!" James called out to one of our closer friends. Sirius nodded, walking away from Regulus and over to our table. He didn't take a seat. "Do you know what's up with (Y/n)?" I watched the pair, an innocent but nervous expression crossing my face.

"Not really." Sirius didn't really have an expression, just kind of looked me up and down.

"(Y/n), talk to us, what's going on?" Remus had finally had enough and stared at me until I looked to my right, at him. My eyes met his before widening and looking back down to my plate, remaining wide. "(N/n)?" I shook my head with a deep sigh, pushing myself up from the table.

"I'll be in my room..." I looked across the room, catching the eyes of the younger Black brother. He had his chin upturned enough to be looking down his nose, smirking with curiosity in his eyes, an eyebrow raised as he watched my expression fall. Sinister, just like his brother. There was a tap on my arm from the person to my right. Remus. I looked down to him.

"Are you sure you're okay? You keep spacing out-"

"I, um, I'm fine." I smiled softly before turning to leave the room, brushing my hair behind my ear as I tried to hurry out of the room without suspicion.

I screamed in surprise as I turned the corner, unable to turn around and leave since this person had caught my wrists.

"Now, now, Miss Sayre, wouldn't be trying to avoid me, would you?" I tried to yank my wrists from his hands. "After last night, really?" He chuckled. I sighed and relaxed my arms, letting him simply hold them up. I looked away from him, looking out of the window behind him into the courtyard. "C'mon, love. You've got to admit it at someone point." Regulus teased, leaning closer to my face. I shook my head.

"There's nothing to admit."

"You liked last night? You're hopelessly in love with me?" He chuckled and I sighed.

"Regulus, I'm not admitting anything-"

"So there's something to admit?" Reg smirked, releasing my hands and gently trapping me against the wall. One of his hands was planted against the wall beside my head and the other was fiddling with my fingers, lightly bring my knuckles up to his lips. "I promise, I'm not that bad."

"I don't like you." Regulus smiled, gently turning my chin so I was looking at him.

"That definitely isn't what you were saying last night-"

"Regulus." I warned with a hiss.

"Look, we woke up this morning, and I could tell you were happy, content-"

"Regulus, please." My eyes met his pleadingly. "Just leave it alone. You're my best friend's brother, it would be weird." His eyes searched mine for a brief moment his smirk falling from his lips very quickly before they met mine. His hand dropped mine to rest on the side of my neck, his thumb gently tracing my jaw.

"Just promise you'll let me know if you change your mind." I nodded, trying very hard to resist the temptation to just reach up to him and kiss him again. He moved his hands from my skin and offered me a small smile before heading off towards the dungeons, where his common and dorm room were. My eyes remained on him until I heard footsteps behind me. I whipped around, finding Sirius. I stared at them in shock. This soft smile crossed Sirius' lips.

"He likes you."

"Really? I couldn't tell." Sirius smiled and shook his head at my sarcasm.

"So what wouldn't you admit?" I shook my head with a dry laugh.

"We've been messing around for a few months, and he wants me to admit that I love him."

"And do you?" I stared at my best friend for a moment, my mildly annoyed expression falling. "(Y/n)?"

"I don't have anything to say-"

"So you like him?"

"No Sirius-"

"(Y/n)." He pressed, clearly knowing what my answer was going to be. A smirk crossed his lips.

"Yes! Okay! Fine, I'll admit it, I like him. He's great to be around, he's nice, he's the sweetest person I have ever met-"

"Me, but okay." I laughed at James' words as he rounded the corner. "Who we talking about?"

"Reg." Sirius replied, still watching me ramble my ass off as James 'Ohhhh'ed, slowly nodding.

"-and oh my god, he is so cute in the morning. And his voice! Do to get me started on his voice-"

"You know you could have stopped after admitting you liked me?"

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